Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 366 366: The inheritance of the God of Angels

The scene turned to the former worship hall.

Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu looked at each other, and the latter looked at the former with loving eyes.

She had been back for some time. After properly arranging Xue Ke, she came to the Angel Temple and prepared to accept the inheritance from her ancestors.

"Xiaoxue, time flies by and it has been more than thirty years."

Qian Daoliu said with a smile on his face. His eyes were deep and he couldn't help but look at his granddaughter a few more times. Soon, he would never see her again.

Back then, when Qian Renxue was born, it was not Bibi Dong or Qian Xunji who was most happy.

Bibi Dong wanted to strangle Qian Renxue to death, how could she be happy?

After Qian Xunji saw that it was her daughter, she still felt a little unwilling.

But he was very, very good to Qian Renxue.

The happiest person is Qian Daoliu.

There is a successor, finally there is a successor?

Qian Xunji has no chance of becoming a god. This little girl is born with agility, maybe there is a chance?

It wasn't until Qian Renxue awakened her martial spirit and was still at the 20th level of Xiantian, Qian Daoliu knew that the person he was waiting for finally appeared!

At that moment, Qian Daoliu was only happy, not sad.

He was very happy, his descendants would definitely be stronger than Tang Chen's!

"Grandpa, Xue'er is unfilial and can't always be by your side..."

Yes, she has been going to Tiandou City since she was nine years old. In the past twenty years, how many times has she returned to Wuhun City?

Although Qian Daoliu's appearance has not changed much, it is still similar to before.

But there are still several twenty years in life.

After hearing this, Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed with pain. He knew what his granddaughter had suffered, but he could not stop it.

She is too persistent.

He walked up to Qian Renxue, rubbed Qian Renxue's head as he had before, and said, "Xiaoxue, because you are my granddaughter, I am proud. You have done nothing wrong."

"Most of today's grand events are due to you, and a small half is due to your husband."

"You and your wife have created an unprecedented prosperous age for Douluo Continent. This is the unparalleled glory of my angel clan!"

"Not even our ancestors have done this!"

"You are grandpa's pride, no matter what, you are always!"

There was a look of pride on Qian Daoliu's face. Such a prosperous age was created by his granddaughter and grandson-in-law!

Tang Chen, Tang Chen, why are you comparing yourself to me?

"Go and accept the inheritance. The glory of angels needs you to carry it forward!"

After a long while, Qian Daoliu said calmly.

He was already prepared for death.

If his death can help his granddaughter, he will not hesitate.

This is also his mission.

Of course, he can still live for a while, until Qian Renxue completes the Eight Angel Exams...

Qian Renxue nodded heavily. She didn't know that in the ninth test, the high priest would be asked to sacrifice!

At this time, she was still dreaming about a bright future.

She and Sora took their children, and from time to time they took the little angel to see Sendaoliu...

Qian Renxue has thought about such a beautiful future more than once.

As for that woman...

Qian Renxue sighed and stopped thinking about it.

Coming to the angel statue, Qian Renxue clasped her hands together and looked at the angel statue devoutly.

In just a moment, once the golden light fell from the sky and landed on Qian Renxue, her body slowly rose and her martial spirit was released involuntarily.

Cards condensed with light attributes surrounded Qian Renxue, and finally they all landed between her eyebrows.

"Nine exams for angels, really nine exams for angels!"

Although he already knew the result, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but murmur.

This is, the ceremony is over, Qian Renxue slowly falls to the ground, her only change at this time is a golden mark between her eyebrows.

"Angel's first test..."

Looking at the assessment content, Qian Renxue had a strange look on her face.

Isn’t this assessment content a bit unfair?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an assessment task that her ancestors would issue!

Seeing Qian Renxue's strange look, Qian Daoliu, as the "examiner", was a little confused.

Qian Daoliu knew that the Divine Examination task was very difficult. After all, he was also the one who had completed the Eight Angel Examinations.

What kind of test content could make my granddaughter show such an expression?

As the "examiner", Qian Daoliu can investigate the content of Qian Renxue's assessment.

You don't know this. After reading the assessment content, Qian Daoliu also showed a strange look.

He raised his head and looked at the angel statue, then looked at Qian Renxue, feeling a little confused.

The task is not difficult for Qian Renxue.

In other words, as long as you have a significant other, this task is not difficult.

But for it to appear in the Divine Examination, isn’t it too childish and too “excessive”!

At the beginning, he had a narrow escape from death in Qian Daoliu, and only after he almost died many times did he complete the Eight Angel Exams.

The first test was also not easy. It was very difficult for him at that time!

However, Qian Renxue...

"Grandpa, you should have seen it, right?"

Qian Renxue's face turned red and she said, it would be okay if Qian Daoliu couldn't see it, but as the examiner, Qian Daoliu must be able to see it!

After hearing this, Qian Daoliu hesitated for a moment and then nodded.


Qian Renxue hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say, but her face became increasingly red.

What on earth is this ancestor doing?

"Go ahead..."

Qian Daoliu waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Only the content of the assessment is awkward, but it is not difficult to complete.

Qian Renxue nodded and said goodbye to Qian Daoliu before leaving the Angel Temple.

"How could it be such a divine test..."

Qian Renxue murmured, and after a moment, her expression recovered.

After calming down a little, Qian Renxue was instantly possessed by her martial spirit and flew towards Kong's residence.

At this time, Kong temporarily settled in Wuhun City, not far from the Angel Temple.

"Husband, it's time to eat!"

Ever since they got the automatic rice cooker, Kage and Raiden General finally got rid of the reputation of "not being able to cook".

Just throw the ingredients into the pot and it will take care of itself!

This thing, to General Yinghe, is nothing less than an artifact.

"I'm coming!"

After hearing the sound, Sora quickly replied.

Recently, he is working on an epoch-making technology!


Yes, it’s a satellite!

To launch a satellite, you don't even need to make a rocket launcher. You can just fly directly outside the Douluo Star and put it on the operating "orbit".

With satellites, many things can be produced and necessary.

The three of them sat together and were about to eat when a figure appeared at the door.


Strange, didn’t Xueer accept the inheritance?

Is there still time to eat now?

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