Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 380 380: There is no useless martial spirit, only useless Yu Xiaogang!

"That woman has become a god, I have to speed up the progress."

In the Angel Temple, Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes flickered and she said with some displeasure.

She didn't expect that Bibi Dong would actually be one step ahead of her and become a god first. This was hidden deep enough.

At this time, Qian Renxue has completed the seventh angel exam. As long as she completes the eighth angel exam, she will not be far away from becoming a god.

Now, she is already a titled Douluo, with terrifying strength.

"Kong said that when I become a god, he will give me a surprise. I don't know what it will be."

Thinking of this, the corners of Qian Renxue's mouth raised slightly, and her eyes were full of expectation.

The screen turned to the entrance of Wuhun City.

"There is no useless martial spirit, only useless Yu Xiaogang!"

"Yes, yes, only Yu Xiaogang is a waste, and his martial spirit is not a waste!"

Listening to this child's discussion, Yu Xiaogang felt numb.

"Child, why do you say there are only useless...Yu Xiaogang, but there are no useless soul masters?"

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and asked with some confusion.

After he left the secret room, he walked around Wuhun City for a long time and found that Wuhun City had changed.

Especially in humanities, as for architecture and so on, not much has changed yet.

He was about to leave Wuhun City and go see other places, but when he walked to the gate of the city, he heard children talking about him.

The original text of this sentence: There is no useless martial spirit, only useless soul masters.

The child said: There is no useless martial spirit, only useless Yu Xiaogang.


The child was stunned, glanced at Yu Xiaogang, and then said: "Uncle, you are so pitiful, so dirty."


"As for why, I don't know. Anyway, that's what adults said before."

"I, I know!"

"I heard that Yu Xiaogang deceived the former Pope and stole many of the research results on Wuhun in the Wuhun Palace, as well as the research results of his own sect."

"But, he didn't even copy and understand..."

"Moreover, he also misled others."

"I heard that he has a disciple named Tang San."

"Tang San was clearly a twin martial spirit, but he taught him to destroy him."

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's eyes twitched, was Tang San really crippled by his teachings?

There were some reasons for this, but the main reason was Tang San's unyielding character, which led to Tang San's demise.

If he listened to Yu Xiaogang, no matter how useless Tang San was, he wouldn't be useless.

Yu Xiaogang almost vomited blood because of the sincere child.

Although many of the things he copied were wrong, he also added some of his views and speculations on martial arts.

However, everyone can blame him, except civilian soul masters, who cannot blame him!

He did this not only for his own honor, but also for the sake of civilian soul masters.

Without this theoretical knowledge, how much soul master knowledge can ordinary soul masters know?

Oh, the big families and big forces are not willing to share this knowledge, but he, Yu Xiaogang, is willing!

A civilian soul master, why should you scold him?

It doesn't matter if he deceives the world and steals his reputation, he has at least made some contributions to the civilian soul masters across the continent.

"A tiger falls in peace and is bullied by a dog..."

"I didn't expect that I, Yu Xiaogang, would be here today."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, did not argue with the children, and walked out of the city a little lonely.

He no longer has any nostalgia for this world. Now, he just wants to find a small place, change his name, and die alone.

"I can't continue to discredit the sect..."

"Zongmen, father..."

Over the past year or so, Yu Xiaogang has also learned some things.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect collectively moved away from Douluo Continent, and his father, after Kong, became the second god in Douluo Continent.

One door and two gods.

"Father, I'm sorry...I was really wrong..."

Yu Xiaogang had tears in his eyes, but he had no intention of looking for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

With such a mess, he had no shame to meet his clansmen, nor did he have the shame to meet Yu Yuanzhen.

Perhaps Yu Yuanzhen thought he was dead a long time ago.

At the gate of Wuhun City, Yu Xiaogang's background is getting further and further away.

Almost half an hour later, two beautiful figures appeared at the gate of Wuhun City.

They look very similar. They both have aqua-blue hair and look as gentle as water.

Wearing a light blue dress, she looks beautiful.

"Yue'er, why don't we... let's go back."

The beauty with slightly shorter hair said, her voice was a little cold, but she was extremely nervous at the same time.

His face was a little rosy.

It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful woman is actually a strong person at the Soul Saint level, and her soul power level has gone a long way on the road of Soul Saint, reaching level 76. .

"Bing'er, you've come here, if you don't go and see and try, are you willing?"

"Besides, now that the college has merged with Lanba College, you don't need to worry about it in the future. If you don't think about the future now, you really plan to regret it for the rest of your life!"

Shui Yue'er rolled her eyes at Shui Bing'er, saying that her sister was a bit "timid", especially when it came to love.

She was like a frightened fish.

What's there to be afraid of?

She, Shui Yue'er, has never been afraid. She always goes straight for her. Whether it succeeds or not depends on God's will.

"But, but..."

"In case Sora refuses, you and I..."

Shui Bing'er is a very traditional woman. She doesn't care how many women Kong has, but she is afraid of being rejected.

Almost ten years ago, she fell in love with this man who often bought clothes, delicious food, and light novels for his wife.

He is handsome and has good character. When it comes to his women, he can even go to women's clothing stores shamelessly.

Not only that, he is highly talented and powerful.

When they were in Tiandou City, everyone would get together from time to time. Kong would cook the food himself and give guidance on how to practice.

That girl wouldn’t like such a peerless good man!

Even though Shui Bing'er has a cold nature and is not as lively and straightforward as Shui Yue'er, she still can't resist Kong's charm.

In the past, because of Tianshui College, she had no time to fall in love. Even if she liked it, she would only express it by helping him pick up food...

"Shui Bing'er, do you know how beautiful you are?!"

"Besides, even if you are rejected, the worst thing you can do is stop loving me for the sake of love!"

"When the time comes, I will follow the example of the dean who has been emotionally injured before and open a group of academies that will only recruit beautiful students with water and ice attributes..."


"If the old dean knew that you were teasing her like this, he would get up and beat you."

Shui Binger chuckled, rolled her eyes, and said.

"I don't have the courage like you, Yue'er. With a character like yours, you're really good."

"When you are gentle, you are as tender as water; when you are chasing dreams..."

"Okay, okay, I know everything."

"Should we go or not?"

"If you don't go, we'll go back!"


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