As the figure became clearer, the strange phenomenon in the sky dissipated and the sky returned to clear skies.

Yuluo Mian and the others looked at each other, they were all numb. In the past six years, have their voices become a little louder?

Sora also opened his eyes at this time, a little confused, what happened just now?

He vaguely heard a voice saying something like entrusting it to you.

Suddenly, with a thought, Kong Xin floated beside him, and a purple naginata that was more than twice his current height appeared in his hand.


Isn't this the shogun's special martial arts, the rice light of Naginusa? Is this his martial spirit?

As soon as Nagisa no Inamitsu was held by Sora, it instantly shrank in size, and its overall length seemed to be twenty centimeters taller than Sora's height.

How could the naginata become his martial spirit?

Also, what is his other martial spirit?

Sora was a little confused. Could it be that he had drawn the Rice Light of Naginus before traveling through time?

Kong was confused when he suddenly heard Yu Yuanzhen's voice.

"Anyone who leaks what happened today will be treated as a treason!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Everyone answered in unison without any hesitation.

The humanoid martial spirit, that physical figure, she is definitely a "god"!

The "long sword" held in Sora's hand should be the god's artifact.

That kind of power made even the ninety-sixth level Yu Yuan Zhen tremble, let alone trash like them who didn't have titles.

Fortunately, Yu Dagang saw that something was wrong and sent the children who had awakened their martial spirits today out of the Awakening Hall early, otherwise some people would have to be sacrificed today.

When the martial soul awakens, the gods personally send down "gifts". Kong's martial soul is a divine-given martial soul!

Kong glanced at Yu Luo Mian and others in confusion. What was going on with their fanatical eyes?

"I am here to announce a big event. From today on, Yu Tiantian will become the young sect leader of my Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. I will succeed him as sect leader a hundred years from now or when he breaks through to the title of Douluo."

Yu Yuanzhen said with a serious face: "Who agrees and who opposes?"

"I have seen this child Tian Tian since he was a child. He has a strong mind and is not swayed by external things."

Yu Luomian stroked his beard and continued: "Even if I deliberately make things difficult, he is still calm and steady! With such a character, he will surely lead the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to a higher peak!"

"I have no objection, I approve with both hands!"

As soon as these words came out, several elders looked at Yuluo Mian dumbfounded, good guy, it has to be you!

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes twitched, this brother is not hopelessly stupid, he can change his face so fast that he can't match it!

The elders gritted their teeth. Most of what they wanted to say was said by Yu Luo Mian, the "face-changing man". They had not read many books and could not think of better words.

"Ahem, Tian Tian is the young sect leader. I have no objection. If it is possible, sect leader, how about you abdicate now?"

After hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen's face darkened. Damn it, I'm not dead yet! If Tian Tian succeeds to the throne now, doesn't it mean that he commits suicide?

Everyone secretly gave the elder a thumbs up, you have more ideas!


Who am I, where am I, what do I do?

Kong was very confused. Why did these old guys change so much?

And, it seems, he is sincere!

His soul power level hasn't been tested yet, so let him be the young sect leader?

Wuhun is not the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, what about their arrogance and their glory?

"Well, how about testing my soul power first?"

Sora said softly. Then with a thought, the rice light of Naginus turned into a purple thunder and returned to his body.

Kong could clearly sense that he had two martial spirits, but he could only mobilize one, which made Kong a little confused.

The rice light of Naginusa has become his martial spirit. If nothing else happens, the other martial spirit should be General Raiden's wife.

This is empty speculation, and the truth is indeed the case.

Kong's voice was not loud, but who among these old guys was not a strong person above Soul Saint?

"Okay, let's test the soul power first."

Yu Yuanzhen quickly handed the test crystal on the side to Sora and said.

Yu Luo Mian and the others did not dare to take a breath at this time, for fear of disturbing Kong to test his soul power.

The martial souls have all awakened, and their innate soul power has been determined for a long time. They are so cautious and have no impact at all. At most, they are just seeking comfort.

Kong stretched out his right hand and placed it directly on the crystal ball without hesitation.

Just for a moment, purple brilliance lit up the entire crystal ball.



This crystal ball, which had been placed in the Hall of Awakening without any problems for decades, cracked!

Sora's "soul power" is simply not what a soul power crystal ball of this level can carry!


Everyone took a breath. This was the first time they had seen this scene in so many years of life!

Innate super soul power, definitely innate super soul power!

On Douluo Continent, the highest level of innate soul power is level ten, and when the innate soul power reaches level ten, it is also called full innate soul power.

However, there is another situation, that is, the innate super soul power exceeds the limit of the tenth level of innate soul.

Originally, with the background of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, they didn't know about innate super soul power, but that loser, ahem, Yu Xiaogang, he brought back some information about innate super soul power from the Spirit Hall.

At first, no one took this information seriously at all. After seeing it with their own eyes today, they had to sigh at the depth of Wuhun Palace!

As for Yu Xiaogang, waste is waste!

"This test crystal ball is so naughty. It broke at this time. Fortunately, I was prepared!"

Yu Yuanzhen put the cracked crystal ball in his hand into the storage soul guide, and then took out a test crystal ball that was almost twice the size of the previous one.

As for the cracked crystal ball, he had to keep it well.

"Naughty? That's a good word to use. He deserves to be the eldest brother of the clan!"

Everyone secretly thought.

"Sky, let's try again."

Seeing this, Sora almost understood what was going on.

His innate soul power is more than ten levels!

Otherwise, the test crystal would have cracked for no reason.

After thinking for a moment, Sora placed his right hand on the large crystal ball again.

In the crystal ball, the purple brilliance instantly filled half of it, and then rose rapidly.

"Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen..."

"Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen..."

"His~ Innate level 20!"

In the end, the purple brilliance did not cause the test crystal ball to crack again, but just filled the entire crystal ball with no more and no less.

"What happened today..."

"Don't worry, Sect Master, whoever says anything is a traitor to the Sect and will remain alive until death!"

"Yes, we are willing to swear by my martial spirit!"

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