Just after Tang San followed Black Qi's request and prepared to devour the entire Haotian Sect, Kong also arrived at the Killing City.

After he left the God Realm Committee, he first found divine positions for the girls, including first-level gods and second-level gods.

Just as Kong thought, there are many gods who want to pass on their divine status and then leave the divine world to live happily in other worlds.

But now, the opportunity has come. Not only can he pass on his divine status, but he can also let the King of Thunder owe him a favor. How could they refuse such a good deal?

Looking at the killing city in front of him, Kong's face was extremely calm. He could clearly feel that there was no one alive in the entire killing city.

Fortunately, this place was not destroyed. Otherwise, there would be no place to detain those who committed heinous crimes and were desperate.

The City of Killing has not only existed as a place in the Douluo Continent for thousands of years, but is also one of the forbidden areas for soul masters. However, such a forbidden area has been able to stand in the soul master world for thousands of years.

In the middle, although there is the existence of its own heritage, more importantly, this is a very important cage. This is why the Wuhun Palace, which has always been a ruthless soul master, has not taken action to solve this place.

With the strength of Wuhun Palace, if you want to solve the Slaughter City, it can be said that it should not be too simple, because the strongest person here is only one Slaughter King, and the opponent's strength is only level 95. , even if his body is that of Tang Chen who was once at the ninety-ninth level.

After a brief moment of daze, Kong's figure flashed and came to Hell Road, the place where one can obtain the Killing God Domain and become the first condition for a person who inherits the Asura God's inheritance.


Looking at the dried blood pool below, Sora's expression finally became serious. It might be true as those god kings said, if this thing is allowed to devour and recover with all its strength, let alone the current God Realm, even if it is added The fallen Dragon God and the Nine Dragon Kings are no longer a match for that thing.

the other side.

In a small village in the Tiandou Empire, Tang San was dressed in a black robe, hiding his whole body very tightly.

"Who are you, Your Excellency? What are you doing here?"

Just when Tang San walked into this place, a voice sounded, and immediately after, two figures walked out of it.

"I am a disciple of Haotian Sect."

Hearing this, Tang San stretched out his right hand and released his Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you?"

Looking at the martial arts in the hands of the people in front, several people also felt relieved.

"My name is Tang San, and my father is Tang Hao!" Tang San said calmly.

"You are Tang San!"

Listening to the person in front of them revealing his identity, several people opened their eyes wide and felt very unbelievable. They thought this kid was dead.

"What, is there any problem?" Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, and deep in his eyes, a deep black light flashed.

"No, no, if that's the case, then you can follow us back to Haotian Sect."

After a brief shock, several people came to their senses and took the lead in leading the way.

Tang San, as Tang Hao's son, and Tang Hao, as Tang Xiao's younger brother, naturally had a status that was not comparable to that of the disciples guarding the family below.

More importantly, with their status, they do not have the qualifications to prevent Tang San from returning home. What they can do is to bring Tang San to Haotian Sect. As for how to deal with it, it is up to the sect leader and the elders to decide. .

Tang San followed a few people, looking around nonchalantly.

Now that his cultivation level has reached the realm of Titled Douluo, with the help of black energy, let alone a mere peak Douluo, even a god-king like Kong is no match for him.

The reason why he didn't take action directly was because he was afraid of attracting the attention of Kong and the gods.

"Tang San, where is your father Tang Hao? Didn't he come back with you?"

Walking on the road to Haotian Sect, the people in front seemed to have thought of something. They looked at the young man behind them and asked with some doubts.

More than ten years ago, Tang Hao was already a powerful Titled Douluo. At that time, he was able to defeat the three Titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace by himself. This level of combat power shocked the entire soul master world.

But now, more than ten years have passed since that time, and Tang Hao's cultivation level, no matter how good it is, should have reached level ninety-five.

And Tang Hao, who is at level 95, can definitely fight against a strong person at level 97.

If these powerful men come back, their Haotian Sect as a whole will be promoted to another level.


Tang San blinked his eyes, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked, "Don't you know that he is already dead?"


After hearing the news, several people's expressions changed drastically.

What did this man say? Haotian Douluo, who once severely damaged the former Pope of Wuhun Palace and made people in the mainland frightened, has fallen?

Isn’t it so outrageous?

"Tell us what's going on?"

After hearing this explosive news, the curiosity on the faces of several people was far greater than the shock, because they also wanted to know who was the ruthless person who could beat Haotian Douluo Tang Hao to death.

"Do you think it's okay to say that kind of thing?" Tang San glanced at a few people, his eyes full of indifference.

Since cooperating with Heiqi, Tang San has become more and more cold and ruthless. If it were before, if others asked this question, he would have turned against him long ago.

"Okay, it's really not that good." Several people looked at each other and put away their curiosity.

It's really not polite to ask the reason for his father's death in front of his son.

As time passed, several people also arrived at the real location of Haotian Sect.

If it had been before, they would have arrived a long time ago, but because of what Tang Hao did, the oppression of Wuhun Palace forced them to move to the last peak and seal the entire sect in order to seek self-protection.

"Tang San, it's right there, go there by yourself."

Several people pointed to the peak ahead, indicating that they had arrived, then turned around and left downwards.

However, at this moment, Tang San moved, and an extremely rich black energy appeared in his eyes, directly swallowing the few people who were about to leave into his body.

"As expected of a disciple of the Haotian Sect, it will be different when you devour it!"

Feeling the changes within his body, Tang San's eyes flashed with excitement and anticipation.

Although one can be respected throughout the Douluo Continent with the help of the power of black energy, it is still the power of others after all. Only by improving one's own strength can the purest effect be exerted.

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