Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 414 414 Haotian Sect was destroyed

Haotian Sect, as the former number one sect in the world, has absolute strength and status in the entire soul master world.

Qian Daoliu was very afraid of the ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo who existed in his ancestors, and even the great enshrinement of Wuhun Palace. This is why, after what happened to Tang Hao and Qian Xunji, Haotian Everyone in Zong still survived.

But for such a huge sect, someone came to provoke them again today, and the person who took action was actually Tang Hao's son.

"Tang San, what are you doing?!"

After seeing their seventh elder die here so easily, the entire Haotian Sect was shocked.

You know, it's no different now than before.

In the past, the only two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao were titled Douluo in the entire Haotian Sect, but now, there were five more.

Although they are very old, their combat power is not small, because the martial arts of these five people are all Clear Sky Hammers, and they are also blessed by secret books passed down by Tang Chen.

"What do I do?"

Heiqi's eyes narrowed and he said calmly: "Can't you see this? I want your lives!"


After hearing the other party's bold words, everyone could no longer hold back and released their soul rings and martial spirits one after another.

"The seventh soul skill, Haotian's incarnation!"

The second elder took the lead and did not hold anything back. As soon as he took action, it was the seventh soul skill.


Facing the attack from the person in front of him, Heiqi didn't even look at it. He just raised his right hand and blocked it easily.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked again.

If they read it correctly, Tang San was only in his early twenties now, and having such combat power at this age was really unbelievable to them. After all, he was not a monster like Kong.

Tang Xiao looked at the unfamiliar Tang San in front of him, his heart filled with doubts and uneasiness. He didn't understand why this young man had such great strength and was full of hostility towards Haotian Sect.

"Tang San, what do you mean?" Tang Xiao asked in a deep voice, his eyes shining with vigilance.

This level of fighting ability is really too strong. You know, even he himself can't do it so easily when facing the second elder's martial soul's true form.

Heiqi sneered and did not answer Tang Xiao's question. His eyes swept over everyone present, as if looking at a swarm of ants.

"Tang San, I will lend you my power. You will be the one to resolve this battle."

After saying that, Black Qi returned the initiative of the body to Tang San.

"Can't you see it?"

After regaining control of his body and feeling a steady stream of power gathering within his body, Tang San said contemptuously: "I came here today just to devour you and gain powerful strength. Moreover, what happened to my father back then , you ants will have to pay the price with your lives!"

Although he didn't know what his father had done to cause him to be abandoned by the entire Haotian Sect, in his heart, no matter what, it was these people's fault. After all, if it weren't for them, he would be a member of the Haotian Sect now. The young sect master, and with his twin martial souls and the resources of the Haotian Sect, he is not weaker than Kong.

After hearing Tang San's words, everyone present was angered. They had never been looked down upon so much, especially on their own turf.

Especially the expressions of the remaining four elders were extremely gloomy.

"Arrogant!" The second elder shouted angrily and took the lead in launching the attack. His soul power surged out and turned into a huge beam of light, rushing straight towards Tang San.

Tang San smiled slightly and waved his hand, easily dispelling the beam of light. His figure disappeared on the spot like a phantom, and then appeared behind the second elder.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the second elder's body was knocked away by Tang San's palm and fell heavily to the ground.

He is worthy of being the first living being in the place where the universe was born. Such power is so powerful and so desirable.

" is this possible!" Everyone present was stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes. The strength of this young man is simply beyond imagination.

Tang Xiao also felt palpitations. He looked at the black air flow released from Tang San's body, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. He knew that there was a world of difference between his own strength and this young man.

"Tang San, what do you want?" Tang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a very solemn tone.

Tang San sneered and did not answer Tang Xiao's question. His eyes swept over everyone present, as if looking at a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Tang San said with a very calm expression, "Today, I will make your Haotian Sect completely disappear from this world and become a stepping stone for my revenge!"

After saying that, he moved and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in the main hall of Haotian Sect. He clasped his hands together, and a powerful energy gathered in his hands.

That's the Desolation Devouring Art!

"This is..." Tang Xiao's eyes widened, looking at the energy in Tang San's hand, his heart filled with horror. He knew that this energy was enough to destroy the entire Haotian Sect.

"No!" Tang Xiao shouted, trying to rush over to stop Tang San. However, his speed was far inferior to Tang San. Tang San just waved his hand lightly and knocked him away.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Tang Xiao's body hit the mountain in the distance, and he fell into a coma.

Tang San ignored the unconscious Tang Xiao and continued to gather the energy in his hands. His eyes were filled with intense black energy, as if he wanted to swallow up the entire world.

"Desolation Devouring Art, fire!" Tang San roared, and the endless black air rose into the sky, turning into a huge magic circle, covering the entire Haotian Sect.

In the face of this ancient and powerful formation, no one can escape the fate of being devoured.

If Hei Qi himself was allowed to exert it with all his strength, not to mention these soul masters, not even the God King would be able to escape the fate of being devoured.

The people present looked at the black magic circle that appeared in the sky, with a look of fear in their eyes.

They wanted to run, but the pressure released by the law was too powerful.

"Tang San, you must die a happy death!"

Seeing that they could no longer escape, the remaining elders roared angrily and vented their inner dissatisfaction.

"I don't know whether I will die or not, but you will definitely not survive!"

After saying that, the entire magic circle pressed downwards with extreme power.

Just hearing a bang, everyone in the Haotian Sect turned into the purest power and entered Tang San's body.

It was at this time that Tang San's soul power reached level ninety-five.

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