Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 43 043: Lies won’t hurt anyone

All this food is actually made out of nothing?

This made Ning Rongrong's expression change instantly!

How could he still make so many delicious dishes with such high soul power?

Can he use the same amount of time divided into several parts?

Confused and confused, Ning Rongrong returned to Shrek Academy.

Night falls.

Everyone gathered again.

"Oscar, have you finished running?"

Flanders said expressionlessly. He was actually asking questions knowingly.

After hearing this, Oscar was stunned and looked at Ning Rongrong, who was still a little confused. He gritted his teeth and said, "Go back to the dean and finish your run!"

"I'm asking you, not you!"

"Everyone has finished running!"

There was no turning back, so Oscar had no choice but to accept these words.

"Very good, you are very team spirit, then you can continue to run twenty laps!"

After saying this, Flanders patted Oscar and continued: "I have sealed your soul power, go ahead!"

Punishing Oscar was just because Oscar lied. How could Oscar finish twenty laps without using his soul power?

Flanders was preparing for the subsequent "education" of Ning Rongrong.

Oscar swallowed, looked at Flanders, and then at Ning Rongrong. He didn't continue to quibble, and ran out bravely.

"Ning Rongrong, have you finished twenty laps?"

Flanders said still expressionlessly.

Tang San and Xiao Wu, whose injuries were almost healed, were also in the team at this time. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little numb.

Running twenty laps around the academy without using soul power, let alone the Oscar of the food department, whether they can complete it or not is a question!

Seeing that Flanders was talking about Ning Rongrong again, the two of them remained silent, for fear that Flanders would be accommodating to them.

Ning Rongrong came back to her senses when she heard Flanders calling her.

"Huh? Twenty laps? Not finished yet..."

Ning Rongrong thought for a while and said directly.


Flender was stunned for a moment. Did Ning Rongrong admit it so directly?

So what should he say?

After thinking for a while, Flanders said: "So after you ran around, you left Oscar behind and went to Soto City alone. Then you met Yu Tiantian and Dugu Yan, and you even ate one together. meal!"

"Yu Tiantian also asked you if you skipped class..."

"After you come back in the afternoon, you will go directly to the dormitory to rest. Am I right?"

After Ning Rongrong came back, she was still a little confused. She was shocked!

He didn't even take what Flanders said about twenty circles to heart, so he didn't go to Oscar and threaten Oscar to lie.

After listening to Flanders' story, Ning Rongrong finally realized what he said and said displeasedly: "Are you following me?"

"Protect the safety of students, this is what you need to do as a dean!"

Flanders didn't say it clearly, but his words were tantamount to admitting that he had indeed followed Ning Rongrong.

After all, Ning Rongrong is the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect. If something happens to her in Shrek Academy, the two of them will probably bring shame on the entire Shrek Academy.

"You are right, I did all of this."

After a while, Ning Rongrong seemed to be a little distracted and said.

Just follow it, it doesn’t matter.

Flanders: "???"

What's going on, Miss, shouldn't you make a scene? What does this mean?

Everyone in Flanders was numb. Ning Rongrong didn't play according to the routine, which made him unable to react.

Didn't Ning Fengzhi say she was a little witch? I can't control it...

"Since you know you were wrong, then..."

Before Flanders finished speaking, Ning Rongrong waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't make things difficult for the academy. I'll drop out now. I'll go back and pack my things now."

After saying this, Ning Rongrong walked towards the dormitory. It didn't matter that he didn't want to stay in Shrek Academy. He had never been to school. In a matter of minutes, the powerful Soul Emperor could also cook.

What can she learn in Shrek Academy?

Even the teacher is no match for Sora, it's surprising that she can learn anything useful.

Thinking about it carefully, this Shrek Academy doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Only students under the age of thirteen and with a soul power level of twenty-five or above are recruited to have a chance to pass the examination. Those above level twenty cannot pass the Shrek Academy entrance examination at all.

They all recruit talented students like this, and the requirement for soul power for graduation is only to reach level 40 before the age of twenty.

As a result, there are very few people who graduate from Shrek Academy!

It explains the quality of their teaching, and that’s it.

On the first day, she, an auxiliary soul master, was asked to run. Is running really useful for an auxiliary soul master like her?

Ning Rongrong, who was not led by Flanders, still had an above-average IQ. She was also the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and she knew how to behave when facing Dugu Yan. How could she be really stupid?

When Flanders saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He is really numb!

This Miss Ning actually left without saying a word!

She even dropped out of school without making any noise!

You have to pack your things yourself and leave immediately.

What the hell is going on!

"Ning Rongrong, actually, this is not a big deal."

Flanders said with a trembling tone. He originally wanted to give Ning Rongrong a slap in the face, but before she even started, she left immediately! What's the use of mawei now!

"You don't have to drop out of school!"

"No, Dean Flanders, your teaching method here is not very suitable for me. I'd better drop out."

After Ning Rongrong said this, she walked directly towards the girls' dormitory without waiting for Flanders to continue.

"Ning Rongrong, there are so many geniuses and monsters in Shrek Academy. Are you leaving here because you are afraid that you can't compare with them?"

Seeing that it was useless to retain him, Flanders directly resorted to provocation. He didn't believe that his decades of practice could not deal with a twelve-year-old girl!

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong stopped and looked at Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and others who were holding their heads high...

She couldn't help but twitch her eyes. Are these people geniuses?


Okay, stop joking!

"Flanders, they can only be regarded as normal people, not even geniuses."

Ning Rongrong shook her head and said, "Dugu Yan is eighteen years old this year. She was only seventeen when she broke through to become the Soul King."

"Song, he is twelve years old today. He is only two months older than me. He is now a level 62 soul emperor."

"They are the real geniuses, monsters."

Having said this, Ning Rongrong paused, then pointed at Tang San and others, and then continued: "How can they be worthy of being a genius, monster!"

"As for what you said, I'm afraid I can't compare to them?"

"They dare to fight against Sora..."

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