Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 51 051: The strong never needs a reason to destroy the weak!

Fatty wanted to take him to death with him!

Thinking about it carefully, Ma Hongjun seemed to be the only one in Shrek Academy who didn't know Kong or Dugu Yan. Dai Mubai was instantly relieved...what a ghost!

He regretted why he came out with Ma Hongjun!

Good brother, this is not the time to support me!

"Fat man, please stop saying a few words!"

Dai Mubai roared in his heart.

With his identity as Dai Mubai, he would not be beaten to death, but if the other party just beat him up, it would be impossible for the Star Luo Empire to avenge him!

Before everyone could react, Kong Zhou not far away had some changes. If you observe carefully, you will find that the space around him seems to be broken.

The next moment, Kong's figure appeared next to Ma Hongjun, and put a hand on Ma Hongjun's shoulder.

"What did you just say? My ears are not good and I didn't hear clearly."

Kong said indifferently, with no sadness or joy in his voice, as if he was not angry at all.

After all, Ma Hongjun is still young. He is only twelve years old, cannot speak, and is a naughty child.

Faced with such a person, Sora certainly wouldn't be too angry!

Ma Hongjun swallowed, feeling a little dazed.

What just happened?

How did this person appear next to him?

He didn't understand it, but he was shocked by it.

"Haha~ I, I was joking. Be active, liven up the atmosphere..."

Ma Hongjun said with a smile, he didn't dare to make any other move at all.

"Brother, look, Dai Mubai is over there. You have found the wrong person."

Ma Hongjun regretted it so much. Why did he talk so much when he had nothing to do? Wouldn’t it be nice to watch a show?

"No, I didn't find the wrong person."

Sora shook his head and sneered.

After hearing this, Ma Hongjun trembled all over and felt bad. He wanted to cry but had no tears!

As if he thought of something, Kong's eyes lit up and he said to Ma Hongjun: "You should be called Ma Hongjun, right? I know you."

"You know me?"

Under Ma Hongjun's surprised gaze, Kong nodded and continued: "Yes, your martial soul is the Evil Fire Phoenix. Because of the evil fire, you cannot practice well. You can only retain your life and practice by releasing the evil fire." ,Is it right?"

Ma Hongjun looked at Kong in disbelief. Does this person know him so well? Who is he?

Judging from Dai Mubai's previous performance, they should know each other, right?

"I have a way to help you solve the evil fire problem."

When Kong said this, he smiled and said nothing, and even took off the hand on Ma Hongjun's shoulder.

The cockscomb phoenix sunflower is in his empty hand, but it is impossible for him to use it for Ma Hongjun!

Even if Yingbao uses it as food for fun, there is no way he can support Ma Hongjun!

Because Kong is a very vengeful person, and Ma Hongjun just scolded him!

Seeing that Kong had no intention of continuing, Ma Hongjun became anxious!

He didn't understand what Sora meant. Why did he stop mid-sentence? You tell me how to do it!

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes stared at Kong, the man who stopped Dai Mubai before Dai Mubai was about to hit her.

For a moment, she fell silent, thoughtful.

She is very powerful. She has achieved the Soul Emperor level at a young age. She is handsome and only three points behind the readers. The most important thing is that he helped her!

This was the first time Zhu Zhuqing had received help from others, and an emotion called touching secretly grew. Ning Rongrong's words had no effect, not counting for the time being.

"If Dai Mubai is half as good as him, he won't be..."

"Forget it, from now on, Dai Mubai and I have nothing to do with each other."

Zhu Zhuqing thought to himself.

Dai Mubai looked at the way Zhu Zhuqing looked at Kong, and his whole body felt bad!

What the hell, why is Zhu Zhuqing's look in the air so gentle!

The look in Dai Mubai's eyes was just cold!

This was even more uncomfortable than killing Dai Mubai!

Although nothing happened between them, and they didn't even say a word, Dai Mubai always felt that his golden hair was developing towards green!

"Brother, please tell me how to deal with my evil fire, Fatty!"

"If the evil fire problem can be solved, Fatty will be grateful!"

Ma Hongjun looked panicked and said anxiously to Kong, his eyes full of prayer.

There was no hope before, and Ma Hongjun had no idea, just muddling through the day.

Now that he can see hope, how can he give up!

"Little fat man, is this your attitude towards asking for help?"

Sora sneered. Bidan, he is no weaker than others!


Without any hesitation, Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth, knelt directly in front of Kong, and said, "Please, tell me!"


He really didn't expect that Ma Hongjun would be so decisive. This reminded Kong of the scene when Dai Mubai knelt down and begged for mercy for the first time, without any hesitation.

Good guys, the students of Shrek Academy have practiced this before!

That's right, not daring to cause trouble is mediocre. If they don't have a way to kneel down and beg for mercy after provoking someone they shouldn't mess with, their survival rate won't be very high.

"Kneel down first. I'll let you know when I'm in a good mood after Dai Mubai and I finish talking."

After Kong said this, he walked directly towards Dai Mubai regardless of Ma Hongjun's expression.

After hearing this, Ma Hongjun felt a little at a loss. He wanted to stand up, but he was afraid that Kong wouldn't tell him. If he didn't stand up, what if the other party broke his promise?

After thinking for a while, Ma Hongjun finally decided to kneel properly.

"Little fat man, you'd better kneel down! My Kong didn't do anything, that's because he's kind!"

"Sister is different. If you disagree, you will really take someone's life!"

Dugu Yan sneered and said to Ma Hongjun with disdain.

After listening to Dugu Yan's words, Ma Hongjun felt a cool breath, going straight from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Although the other party has not revealed her soul power level, judging from the vague aura on her body, she is definitely a strong person above the soul sect!

At this moment, Ma Hongjun has grown a lot. Before he has enough strength, he must be careful what he says.

When Dai Mubai saw Kong walking over, his mind went blank.

He was used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong in Soto City, but he was not used to facing people stronger than him...

"Yu Tiantian, I have never offended you!"

Dai Mubai said loudly, emboldening himself. He spoke the loudest words, but in the most sincere tone.

"The strong never needs a reason to destroy the weak."

Sora shook his head and said softly.

Dai Mubai was stunned. What did the other party mean?

"What kind of person you are, Dai Mubai, has nothing to do with me. I just feel unhappy with you. Please don't get me wrong."

Everyone was stunned, but Dugu Yan said with stars in his eyes: "Song, you are so polite!"

Everyone was confused. Good guy, you are crazy about love!

Ma Hongjun's face was the most exciting. Did this woman threaten him just now?

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