Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 53 053: Is there anything that cannot be discussed in person?

A group of young soul masters gathered in a small stall, and the stall owner had already run away who knows how many meters away.

The scene returned to the scene. Dai Mubai was kneeling there. His knees might have been swollen, but no one was paying attention to him.

He didn't dare to get up.

Not getting up would hurt my self-esteem somewhat.

Just when Dai Mubai was fighting, Kong finally seemed to think of him.

"Brother Tianheng, aren't you here for training? This man's soul power level is level 37, and he is an offensive combat soul master. He should meet the training requirements, right?"

Kong pointed at Dai Mubai, who was kneeling on the ground without daring to raise his head, and said.

"He has level 37 soul power?"

Before Yu Tianheng could speak, Yu Feng said with a confused expression.

A dignified soul master with no injuries at all. What are you doing kneeling here?

He's not just an ordinary soul master, he's a powerful soul master whose soul power level has reached level 37!

Dai Mubai: If our roles were reversed, you would know why!

Not only Yu Feng didn’t believe it, but other members of the Imperial Fighting Team also didn’t believe it!

The soul power of some of them is not as high as Dai Mubai's.

Seeing this, Kong was not angry. He walked up to Dai Mubai and kicked him, saying, "Why don't you release your martial spirit to prove it?"

After hearing these words and Kong's actions, Dai Mubai's anger level instantly exploded. This was completely humiliating!

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

After thinking about it, Dai Mubai gritted his teeth and finally gave up.

He stood up tremblingly. He had been kneeling for a long time and his legs were not working properly.

"What are you doing standing up? Do you need to stand up to release your martial spirit?"

Sora asked confused.

These words sounded like the whispers of a devil to everyone's ears.

Even the expressions of the Imperial Fighter Team suddenly changed. They looked at Yu Tianheng and then at Kong, as if they were saying that your young sect leader is a devil?

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Dai Mubai knelt down again. There was no expression on his face. A weak person had no room to resist.

He wants to live, and only by living can he have hope, and only by living can he possibly take revenge on this devil!

"Possessed by the White Tiger!"

After Dai Mubai's martial soul possessed him, his whole body suddenly swelled up, his golden hair turned white, and three horizontal lines and one vertical line appeared on his forehead...

The three soul rings of yellow, yellow, and purple also appeared on his body, and the aura of the soul master level burst out, telling everyone that he was indeed a powerful soul master level.

Yufeng and others were silent, and Yu Tianheng was also silent.

Why did such a young talent become like this?

They can't imagine it!

"Dai Mubai, if you attack me now, even if you fail, I will respect you as a man."

Kong shook his head and said disdainfully.

Dai Mubai clenched his fists tightly, his back molars were almost broken, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said: "I can't beat you, I just want to live!"

"Then have you ever thought about it, she just wants to live!"

"What does it have to do with me!"

Dai Mubai lowered his head and did not look at Zhu Zhuqing, who was pointed at Kong.

"You don't understand my despair at all. You are a peerless genius and a monster. For people like you, cultivation may be easier than eating and drinking."

"I'm different. Although I have some talent, that person's talent is almost the same as mine. The most important thing is that he is six years older than me!"

"The six-year gap is simply not something that can be achieved with hard work."

Kong was silent. He was not Dai Mubai's life mentor and had no obligation to teach Dai Mubai what to do.

He was ready to beat this guy up.

"You'll die anyway, why not give it a try?"

Dai Mubai: "..."

He didn't want to die, so why would he give it a try?

"Go away. You don't have the heart to be strong. If I hit you, my hands will be dirty."

Sora said indifferently.

Originally, he wanted Yu Tianheng and others to teach him a lesson, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Dai Mubai was almost useless.

It's just that he hurts him, so how can it be as effective as killing him?

After hearing this, Dai Mubai looked happy and quickly rolled up on the ground. He had experience in this matter!

Seeing this, everyone fell silent again.

After Dai Mubai rolled away, Ma Hongjun looked at Kong helplessly and said, "Brother, I, I..."

He was afraid that Kong would forget him!

There was no way, he had to find a way to solve the evil fire issue. He could still solve it in that way now, but what about in the future? When his soul power levels up, his end will definitely not be good!

Hearing Ma Hongjun's voice, everyone realized that there was actually a little fat man kneeling here. Judging from his surprised look, he didn't look like he was in the same situation as Dai Mubai!


Kong nodded. He had previously said that after finishing dealing with Dai Mubai, he would tell Ma Hongjun how to deal with the evil fire depending on the situation.

"The solution to the evil fire is very simple..."

Having said this, Kong looked at Dugu Yan and others present, then walked to Ma Hongjun and whispered: "..."

It only took a dozen seconds for Ma Hongjun to go from surprise to confusion, and finally to shock. His face was extremely pale, but he could not refute Kong's words.

"Big, big brother..."

Ma Hongjun almost cried, he is the only one of the three generations of the Ma family! If this method is really used, the Ma family will be in ruins!

"If you don't use this method, you can also destroy the martial soul, and your evil fire problem can also be solved."

Destroy the spirit of martial arts? It's better to just kill him!

Martial spirit is the soul master's life!

"Life is important, or what else is important. You think about it yourself. Of course, you'd better tell your teacher Flanders, so as not to curse me when you regret it in the future."

Kong spread his hands and said with an indifferent expression.

Both methods can solve Ma Hongjun's problem.

The first method is to abolish the martial spirit, which is equivalent to directly abolishing Ma Hongjun. Almost all the strength of a soul master lies in the martial spirit. To abolish the martial spirit is to abolish the person.

The second method is to confiscate the tools for committing crimes. Without the tools for committing crimes, Yang Qi cannot be preserved. Ma Hongjun will naturally not be affected by the evil fire, and his cultivation speed may be improved.

"Brother, is there any other way?"

Ma Hongjun said in despair with a sad face.

"Yes, of course! But I won't tell you!"

Kong thought to himself, shook his head, and said: "No, you can think about it yourself. If you don't solve this problem, after you reach level 40, you will either be burned to death by fire, or..."

He didn't continue talking. If he did, Ma Hongjun wouldn't understand it now.

If he really doesn't solve the problem of evil fire, he will definitely become a fallen person, that is, an evil soul master ten thousand years from now.

Now is not the situation where evil soul masters will be everywhere in ten thousand years. Once Ma Hongjun becomes an evil soul master, he will be hunted down and suppressed by Wuhun Palace every minute. The best ending is to be sent to the killing city.

Under normal circumstances, they should be killed on the spot.

Of course Ma Hongjun knew that Kong's words were not alarmist. He knew his own situation well, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious to find a solution.

Flanders once predicted that Ma Hongjun's evil fire would not be possible until at least the 70th level Soul Saint, but he was not professional enough!

In Flender's guess, there should be no problem for Ma Hongjun to become Soul Saint through that method. As for other problems, he couldn't think of them.

"What are you talking about? Is there anything you can't say in front of everyone?"

Empty, Ma Hongjun: "..."

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