Time passes and the sun rises in the east.

On the streets of Soto City, three figures formed a landscape.

Dugu Yan followed Kong Heying and saw that the position that originally belonged to her was taken by the shadow. She was anxious but helpless.

This woman's temperament is so good!

Although her clothes are a little out of place, she can control her clothes perfectly.

The most important thing is that she looks good...

For a threesome, the return rate is almost 100%.

"Ying, this is candied haws, you try it."

Sora bought a bunch of candied haws on the roadside, handed it to Ying, and said.

Ying likes to eat sweets the most, such as three-color meatballs, pearl milk tea and some sweet desserts.

This candied haws, made from hawthorn and cane sugar, tastes...

Ying didn't think too much, nor did he take the candied haws in his empty hand, but leaned over and took a bite.

Sora and Shadow stood face to face, their eyes looking in unknown directions!

Wherever the scenery is, only he can appreciate it.

No matter how hard it is for the child, there is no need to worry about the child's food rations in the future.

Dugu Yan: "..."

It’s too much, it’s too much!

As if feeling Dugu Yan's "scorching" gaze, Kong said doubtfully: "Sister Yan, do you want a bunch of candied haws?"


She was full just from eating dog grains, so how could she possibly eat the candied haws!

However, since Yingdu has eaten it, she wants it too!

Dugu Yan opened her mouth slightly and stared at Kong. It was obvious that she also wanted Ying to be treated like this.

Seeing this, Sora "suddenly realized"!

He took a candied haws and put it in Dugu Yan's hand and said, "Sister Yan, it's okay to like sweets. Just say so openly."

Dugu Yan: "..."

After taking the candied haws, Dugu Yan had no appetite at all!

Did she mean it?

She just wants the same treatment as Ying!

After Ying finished eating a candied haws, he said softly: "The taste of this candied haws is really strange, sour and sweet, sweet and sour. When the two flavors are mixed, it is just right. Husband, would you like to try one too?"

After saying this, Ying took the stick from Kong's hand and put the candied haws to Kong's mouth.

Dugu Yan: "..."

She suddenly regretted following her. These two people didn't care about the outsiders at all... Wait, who is the outsider?

She is Sora's childhood sweetheart!

When did you become an outsider?

So angry!

Looking at the candied haws in his hand, Dugu Yan suddenly understood Ying's words, candied haws, sour yet sweet, sweet yet sour, isn't this just like love?

No matter how happy or sad, the "happy" time is always short.

Dugu Yan felt a little heavy. She didn't even know how she got here today.

The whole time, she was eating dog food!

She originally thought Sora and Shadow were lying to her.

But in the end, she didn't know why, but she always felt that the feelings between Kong and Ying were not inconsistent at all!

This kind of thing cannot be performed by acting!

He returned to the Rose Hotel in a daze. The next morning, when Dugu Yan and Kong met again, the shadow next to Kong disappeared.

Dugu Yan: "???"

Feeling Dugu Yan's doubtful gaze, Kong said: "Sister Yan, Ying has gone back. She probably won't come back in a short time."

As a social nerd and a homebody, she can go shopping occasionally, but she prefers to stay home.

"gone back?"

When did you leave?

This woman really comes and goes without a trace!

Dugu Yan thought to himself.

"Yes, Ying doesn't like to go out. Yesterday I just wanted to stroll around Soto City."

Kong said honestly.

"That's great...ahem..."

Dugu Yan almost said what was in her heart. If Ying was gone, wouldn't there be no one to compete with her?

"It's such a pity. Nothing's wrong. Sister Yan will be with you when Ying is away!"

Dugu Yan patted Kong's shoulder and said.


He just said that Ying went back and didn't like to go out. When did he say that Ying was gone?

The shadow is in the pure land of one heart, and her perspective can be connected with the sky. Otherwise, how would she know that Dugu Yan's surname is Dugu?

The first time we met, I called out Miss Dugu...

Dugu Yan didn't pay much attention to this matter, thinking that it was Kong who introduced him in private!

Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Longwu looked at each other in the dark. They breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little disappointed at the same time. They were gods. They had returned to the "God Realm" before they paid their respects.

Seeing that Dugu Yan had misunderstood, Kong thought for a moment and simply didn't bother to explain.

If you misunderstand, then you misunderstand. Some things will become more confusing the more you explain them.

Dugu Yan misunderstood, but he could cover it up. Isn't that good?

The screen turned to Shrek Academy.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar, and Dai Mubai were already waiting on the playground.

Flanders originally said that he had his first class yesterday, but something went wrong and the class was postponed again.

This made Tang San and Xiao Wu very confused, not knowing what exactly happened.

When Dai Mubai gathered yesterday, he didn't say a word. His face was dark the whole time and he didn't say a word. As a food soul master, Oscar would naturally not get into trouble at this time.

Flanders had mentioned the matter of Zhu Zhuqing leaving Shrek Academy yesterday. Tang San and others speculated that the reason why Dai Mubai became like this was because Zhu Zhuqing left Shrek Academy.

"Hey, I should be happy that I have reached level 30, but in this atmosphere, I really can't be happy!"

Oscar looked at Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others, and thought to himself.

He actually broke through to level 30 yesterday, but he hadn't told Flanders yet. After gathering, Flanders left in a hurry after saying a few words.

"Um, have any of you seen Fatty?"

Needless to say, they didn't see Ma Hongjun when they gathered yesterday, Flanders didn't ask, and no one paid attention.

Now that Oscar suddenly asked Dai Mubai and Tang San about this matter, Xiao Wu finally remembered that they hadn't seen Ma Hongjun for two days, right?

Dai Mubai frowned. What happened the night before yesterday was still vivid in his mind. Ma Hongjun had knelt down one step before him, so he wouldn't be beaten by those people, right?

This matter was already very embarrassing. How could he, who was so face-conscious, talk about it!

But, if this wasn't the case, how could Ma Hongjun disappear for two days?

During normal gatherings, although he is not the first to arrive, he is not the last to arrive either!

Just when everyone was confused, Ma Hongjun's figure appeared in front of them. What puzzled Dai Mubai was that the fat man's walking posture seemed a little different from usual!

Somewhat like, like in Xingluo Palace...

No, it shouldn't be possible!

"Maybe Ma Hongjun knelt for a long time the night before yesterday!"

Dai Mubai thought to himself.

Little did he know that he was only one step away from the truth just now...

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