Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 68 068: What are you holding on to the wall?

"Don't listen to the general. You have tooth decay in desserts or something like that. Just change it."

Looking at Ying with a high ponytail and cool clothes, Kong nodded quickly and said, "Ying Bao's wife is right!"

This dress is only worn "at home". It is too cool and the fabric is simple. If you go out, you may be thought of as a child from a poor family.

Sora had no resistance to Shadow Treasure's high ponytail and cool clothes, and his lightning resistance dropped sharply, almost disappearing.

General Thunder: "..."

As if feeling General Raiden's gaze, Sora quickly nodded to General Raiden and said, "The general's wife is right!"

Fortunately, General Yinghe doesn't understand what fraternity is and what a "punisher" is. He's a scumbag, and he's been made clear to him.

Suddenly, Sora seemed to have thought of something.

He looked at General Thunder, who was silent, and then at Ying, who was eating sweets.

After thinking for a while, Kong said to General Raiden: "General's wife, you must be tired of staying in the Pure Land, right?"

"not at all……"

Before General Thunder and Lightning could finish speaking, Kong shook his head, interrupted General Thunder and Lightning's speech, and continued: "I really want to see your martial spirit form, General's wife..."

General Leiden looked at Kong carefully and said, "You are lying, you are thinking about some strange things."


Was it seen out?

Is it that obvious?

General Raiden tilted his head, looked at Kong and Ying, and then turned into a purple thunder and returned to Kong's body. She was General Raiden, and at the same time, she was also Kong's martial spirit.

General Raiden didn't even need to take the initiative to watch what Sora was thinking, he could share some scenes with her, which is why General Raiden could tell Sora was lying at a glance.

Ying, who was eating dessert: "???"

What happened? General, why is she missing?

Why is Sora's expression so weird?

Ying blinked, somewhat confused.


The Kong monster laughed, and then walked towards Ying. With Ying's confused expression, Kong picked her up and walked towards the small wooden house on the side...

"My sweet dessert..."

"Dear wife, it's already this time, and you're still thinking about your sweet dessert! Hehehehe..."

Ying blinked his purple eyes, confused, puzzled, doubtful, confused...

Time passed and it was early morning the next day in a blink of an eye.

"Sora, what's wrong with you?"

Dugu Yan looked at Kong's appearance at this time and asked doubtfully.

"No, it's okay..."

Sora waved his hands quickly. It was a bit embarrassing to say this. He was defeated!

It doesn’t matter that his martial arts skills are no match for General Raiden’s wife, but if he changes his fighting style, he is no match for Shadow Treasure. Oh my God! Is he worthy of being a demon?

"Sora, you, are you really okay?"

"It's really okay..."

"It's okay, what are you holding on to the wall?"

Seeing Kong holding the wall, his face a little pale, Dugu Yan asked doubtfully.

Kong: I am a strong man at the level of the 62nd Soul Emperor, no, I have to work hard to practice. If I don’t work hard to practice, I will not dare to enter the Pure Land. A man who has a home and dare not go back is really sad!

I feel like crying but I don’t have any tears. Sister, sister, sister Yan! Please keep your voice down!

Want face!

After breakfast, Kong and Dugu Yan slowly left the town and walked towards the Star Forest.

Dugu Yan always felt that Kong was hiding something from her, and now that he was like this, he didn't want to rest for two more days before going to the Star Dou Forest. He had to rush, was it?

Flanders and others also set off from the town at this time. After a night of rest, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu's injuries were stabilized and there was no serious problem.

The main reason was that Ye Zhiqiu held back. Before seeing the teachers of these little monsters, he did not dare to be truly ruthless!

In his teens, two were at level 29 and one was at level 37. Although he had never heard of Shrek Academy, these little monsters were like this. No matter how bad the teachers at Shrek Academy could be, how bad could they be?

Maybe the other party and he are both soul king level experts?

Fortunately, Ye Zhiqiu didn't do anything cruel. Last night, there was a "black man" who said he would give him some guidance on how to practice...

"After entering the Star Forest, even the outer perimeter is full of dangers. You must not stay five meters away from me."

Arriving in front of a signboard marked "Soul beasts are infested ahead, be careful!", Flanders said to Tang San and others.

Among these four students, only Oscar made him feel a little more at ease. The other three were all thorns in the side!

As many of them come out as many of them go back!

After hearing this, everyone nodded quickly. Xiao Wu looked at the scenery in front of him, and then at Tang San who seemed to be thinking about something next to him. A trace of disappointment flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes.

Perhaps, it would take more than ten or twenty years for them to meet again, and I don't know if Tang San would still remember her as his sister by then.

Xiao Wu was filled with emotions. She really didn't want to leave, but she had to leave!

The human world is really too dangerous!

As for the fact that only by staying with humans can the level of soul power be improved, there is inconsistency in the original work. Xiao Wu can continue to practice after returning to the Star Forest, and the speed of practice is not slow!

Maybe it’s only in the beginning that you need to come into contact with humans!

When Ah Yin left the Blue Silver Forest for the first time, her soul power level had already exceeded level 70 and she truly became a human.

Even a titled Douluo couldn't tell that she was a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

Then they met the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao. If Ah Yin hadn't taken the initiative to confess that she was the soul beast transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul, Tang Hao would not have known about it.

After Tang Hao found out, Qian Xunji also found out about the story...

"Third brother, I'm sorry, you need to walk the road for the next ten or twenty years by yourself."

Xiao Wu secretly thought to herself, the human world is so wonderful, if she hadn't met Kong and Dugu Yan, she really wouldn't want to return to the Star Dou Forest!

By the way, there is Ning Rongrong, the eldest lady of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, who also has a titled Douluo behind her.

"I have never felt how many Titled Douluo there are before? Just behind the people I know, there are at least four Titled Douluo. My luck..."

How did Xiao Wu know that she had already been discovered by a titled Douluo just a few months after she left the Star Forest?

After several people walked into the Star Forest, Xiao Wu silently released her aura. She was going to attract Er Ming or Da Ming, and then take her back to the core area.

Tang Hao frowned in the dark. He noticed Xiao Wu's little move. After thinking for a moment, he didn't stop him. It was just in time to see what kind of soul beast this hundred thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit could "summon".

Tang San's second martial spirit requires a lot of spirit rings...

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