Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 71 071: Look, the evil soul beast!

"Everyone, please stop talking. Xiao Wu is just too kind and pities those soul beasts."

Tang San came out and said "just words" at this time.

Suddenly, Tang San seemed to have thought of something, and continued to say to Xiao Wu: "Don't worry, Xiao Wu, when I get soul rings from now on, I will only hunt those evil soul beasts!"

"Evil spirit beast?"

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes lit up.

In her mind, the Human-Faced Demon Spider, the Dark Demon Tiger, and the like are evil spirit beasts.

If it were to hunt these soul beasts, she would certainly have no objection.

At this moment, Flanders' face straightened up and he shouted: "Attention, a soul beast is coming!"

Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, and Xiao Wu came to their senses instantly and started to be on guard.

Before they saw what kind of soul beast it was, everyone was very alert.

Xiao Wu's expression was a little strange. She always felt that the spirit beast that came was a little friendly. Xiao Wu frowned and her pink eyes were full of doubts.

Suddenly, a pink rabbit came very quickly and appeared in front of everyone.

When he saw what it looked like, Flanders was overjoyed!

He quickly said: "This is a soft-bone rabbit. Judging from its appearance, it should be over a thousand years old."

"It's strange. Logically speaking, this kind of soul beast shouldn't appear in the periphery. Most of them live in mixed zones."

Flender was a little confused, but at this time he had no time to think too much and said to Oscar: "Oscar, the Soft Bone Rabbit is a relatively comprehensive spirit beast. Xiao Wu should know this, her martial spirit is Soft Bone rabbit."

"If you want to gain attributes such as speed and strength, the Silky Bone Rabbit is more suitable for you!"

After hearing this, Xiao Wu's face turned pale. Doesn't she still know what the soft-bone rabbit is good at?

This soft-bone rabbit must have been attracted by the aura she exuded, right?

Because, it is with...

Before Oscar could speak, Tang San said: "What an evil spirit beast, Oscar, don't underestimate the soft-bone rabbit. The strength of the soft-bone rabbit is not simple. It also has speed. Its speed may even be comparable to that of the lightning rabbit. He is considered the king of the rabbit race!"

"This Silky Bone Rabbit looks very evil at first glance. Look at its eyes. Are their blood-red eyes not enough to prove that it is evil?"

Tang San knew the soft-bone rabbit quite well. Xiao Wu's martial spirit was the soft-bone rabbit. The master once told him about the characteristics of the soft-bone rabbit. The reason why he defined the soft-bone rabbit as evil was because Tang San did it on purpose. of.

His original intention was to tell Xiao Wu that no matter what spirit beast he was, he was evil, and there were no good spirit beasts at all!

It's not surprising that Tang San would say this. He considered himself a gentleman. Before he planned to kill anyone, he would always give reasons why the other party wanted to kill him!

After hearing this, everyone looked at Tang San with strange expressions, wondering how Tang San could say such words without blushing or heartbeat!

Ah, yes, yes!

Silky Rabbits are evil!

Xiao Wu's whole body was numb. She was very moved when Tang San said before that he only hunted evil spirit beasts, and she almost cried.

Third brother is really great!

As a result, Tang San defined the soft-bone rabbits as evil, so are there any soul beasts that are not evil?

Before he could speak, the Thousand-Year-Old Skeleton Rabbit came to a few people, was slightly startled, and paused.

It looked at everyone carefully and was a little confused.

The thousand-year soul beast already has some wisdom, not much, but there.

It was very confused, where was the soft-bone rabbit? Its aura is still here, why don't you see it?

Wait, here?

The Millennium Bone Rabbit looked at Xiao Wu with a confused look in its eyes. After thinking for a moment, it pounced towards Xiao Wu!

"Bold! It is indeed an evil spirit beast, and it dares to hurt Xiao Wu!"

Tang San shouted angrily, and his first spirit ring flashed.

"The first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil!"

I originally thought that I had "misunderstood" the soft-bone rabbit, and I still felt a little guilty in my heart. I never expected that this soft-bone rabbit would dare to attack Xiao Wu!

It already has a way to kill it!

Xiao Wu: "..."

The bluesilver grass in Tang San's hand instantly swelled and swept towards the Millennium Silky Bone Rabbit.

In a moment, the soft-bone rabbit was tied up, but before Tang San could be happy, he was shocked to find that the soft-bone rabbit was actually eating bluesilver grass!

In less than two seconds, the Millennium Silky Bone Rabbit got rid of the blue and silver entanglement and appeared in front of everyone again.

"Oh, my blue silver grass has absorbed the soul rings of the mandala snake and the ghost vine. Although the poison is not very strong, the paralysis effect is still there."

The corners of Tang San's mouth raised slightly, this soft-bone rabbit was so stubborn that it actually wanted to hurt Xiao Wu. It really wouldn't be a pity to die!

Unfortunately, the harm Tang San wanted was not the same as that kind of conflict...

Flanders turned to look at Oscar and said, "Oscar, what do you think?"

He didn't care whether the soft-bone rabbit was evil or not. As long as the students needed it, he would just kill it.

It is a matter of course for a soul master to kill a soul beast. Who cares what this soul beast has done?

"Dean, this is the soft-bone rabbit!"

Oscar nodded quickly. Although the Silky Bone Rabbit was not the best choice, it was not impossible. Meeting is fate!


Flanders was instantly possessed by a martial spirit. His martial spirit was a four-eyed cat eagle, and with the strength of a level 78 soul saint, he could easily defeat a thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit!

This thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit is about one and a half meters long and about eighty centimeters high.

Flanders did not release his soul skill, and almost instantly arrived in front of the Silky Bone Rabbit, just as he was about to severely injure it with a claw.


Xiao Wu shouted.

It wouldn't matter if it were another soul beast, or a rabbit of other races, but this soft-bone rabbit is one of her tribesmen!

It was asking her just now what was going on!

How could Xiao Wu watch his own people die violently?

Non-my family, its heart must be different?

Don't worry, Xiao Wu, from now on I will only hunt evil spirit beasts?

Xiao Wu's eyes changed when she looked at Tang San. She felt that this third brother was very strange.

It turns out that humans and spirit beasts really can't live in harmony?

Flanders was startled. Xiao Wu must be kindhearted at this time, right? This soft-bone rabbit was preparing to attack her just now.

Thinking of this, Flanders did not stop. He wanted to tell Xiao Wu a cruel rule of survival. The Silky Bone Rabbit, even though it is very cute, it is still a spirit beast and can hurt people!

Flanders' eagle claws hit the head of this thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit. It instantly rolled its eyes, turned its head, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu's pink eyes instantly turned red, and she ran towards the Thousand-Year-Old Silky Bone Rabbit, tears constantly falling from her eyes.

It's all her fault, otherwise this soft-bone rabbit wouldn't have been injured...

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