Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 75 075: Tang Hao vs. Titan Giant Ape, Azure Bull Python

Such a shocking scene made Tang Hao unable to sit still for a moment. Tang San was the hope for the Haotian Sect to rise again, so nothing could happen to him!

When he saw that Xiao Wu didn't cause trouble for Tang San, Tang Hao just breathed a sigh of relief and thought that there was still a chance to deceive the two beast kings and Xiao Wu and let them become Tang San's soul rings.

But this Titan ape has no martial ethics! It was prepared to trample Tang San to death. Of course, this was something it didn't even notice!

"Beast King, stop!"

At this time, Tang Hao couldn't care less about being exposed. If he didn't take action, Tang San would probably become a puddle...

Titan Giant Ape, Azure Bull Python: "..."

Nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, four black, and one red, appeared on Tang Hao. A huge Clear Sky Hammer was held by him. With Tang Hao's height, he looked like little Karami in front of the Titan Giant Ape.


After Tang San was rescued from the Titan Ape's feet by Tang Hao, he subconsciously shouted.

"Human, you are seeking death!"

After seeing the 100,000-year-old soul ring on Tang Hao, the Titan Giant Ape roared angrily, and without even bothering to kill Flanders and the others, he punched Tang Hao directly.

At first the Azure Bull Python thought it was just an ordinary Titled Douluo, but unexpectedly, this Titled Douluo actually hunted a hundred thousand year old soul beast!

Xiao Wu was confused at this time, what did Tang San call this titled Douluo?


This Titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year spirit ring is Tang San's father. As soon as Tang San was in danger, he ran out. If Tang San was not in danger, would he have waited until Tang San reached level 90 to hunt him down? she? As a gift for Tang San to break through to the Titled Douluo?

There was no room for Xiao Wu not to think so. She just recalled it briefly and discovered a lot of things that were wrong!

Tang San said that his father was a blacksmith in the village, and that she had also been to Holy Soul Village. Then Tang Hao left a letter and left. She didn't see Tang Hao at all.

But what's going on now? Tang Hao has been secretly "protecting" Tang San and her? Don't be kidding, how did he get the hundred thousand year soul ring!

"Tang San, Tang Hao, very good!"

Xiao Wu's eyes were red, and at this moment she figured it out, just as Tang San said, those who are not of my race must have different minds!

After Tang Hao led Tang San to avoid the Titan Ape's punch, he said: "I don't want to be an enemy of the two beast kings, but I just saved my son's life out of desperation!"

Tang Hao protected Tang San behind him, holding the Clear Sky Hammer in one hand and standing behind his back with the other. It was as if the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python were not taken seriously at all.

At this time, he didn't notice the seriousness of the matter at all!

"Don't listen to this man's nonsense. If I hadn't returned to the Star Dou Forest, he might have killed me one day!"

"What? Human, you deserve to die!"×2

The Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python couldn't bear it any longer and launched a direct attack on Tang Hao, hunting the hundred thousand year old soul beast. They were already mortal enemies!

Such human beings cannot be left behind!

What if he helps other quasi-titled Douluo hunt for soul rings in the future?

The Azure Bull Python could no longer sit still and began to attack Tang Hao.

Flanders: "???"

No one cares about him anymore?

Flanders scratched his head, Haotian Douluo directly pulled the hatred away with this wave!

very good!

Flanders quietly retreated with Oscar and Dai Mubai. If he didn't leave now, when would he wait?

As for Tang San, Xiao Wu, Tang Hao, and those talking soul beasts, what happened between them was not something that he, the Soul Saint, could get involved in!

"Xiao Wu, I reminded you to run away before, but the first person you wanted to kill was me..."

Flanders smiled bitterly, and after retreating a distance, he used his martial spirit and escaped with Oscar and Dai Mubai.

He had been seriously injured just now, and that gravity was mainly aimed at him, otherwise Oscar and Dai Mubai would not be alive at this time.

The Titan Giant Ape, Azure Bull Python and Xiao Wu all focused on Tang Hao and did not pay attention to Flanders, a weak soul saint. This gave Flanders and others a chance to escape.


Dugu Yan was shocked. He said that there was a good show to watch. Is this a show about a titled Douluo fighting a hundred thousand year old soul beast?

She and Kong stood on a big tree a thousand meters away, and could clearly see what was happening with the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python. After all, their size made it impossible to hide them even if they wanted to!

As for Tang Hao, the 100,000-year-old soul ring on his body is so dazzling that it is difficult not to be noticed!

"Gravity field!"

"Realm of Slowness!"

"Killing God Realm!"

At first, the two beasts were relatively restrained, because Xiao Wu and Tang San were still in the center of the battlefield. If they were not careful, the fate of the two would disappear.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu ran away, the battle between the three had just begun!

"I have no intention of becoming an enemy of the two beast kings. I have never harmed Xiao Wu in these years. On the contrary, I have protected her thoroughly..."

Before Tang Hao could finish his words, the Titan Ape's fist struck again. Thunder flashed on the azure bull python's body, and streaks of thunder struck at Tang Hao.

Xiao Wu said that this person was planning to kill her, so this person had a way to kill her!

Tang San:"……"

Do they listen to an outsider, or do they listen to their own goddess?

You don’t even have to think about this kind of thing!

Tang Hao's soul power level has reached the level of ninety-five. If he is not injured, he can deal with both of them with ease. Even if he cannot win, he will not lose! If you push him into a hurry, explode the ring and arrange it with the Great Sumeru Hammer!

However, after his battle with Qian Xunji, the former Pope of Wuhun Palace, he was hunted down by Qian Daoliu. The reason why he can survive until now is because his powerful soul power protects his heart, so he did not die.

Being alive is already a miracle.

"No, if my hidden injury breaks out later, I might end up here today."

Tang Hao thought to himself, these two beast kings didn't listen to him at all, what could he do? He is also very helpless!

It was impossible for him to be afraid in his heyday, but now he is a little helpless!

Tang San was far away from the center of the battlefield at this time, and he was a little stunned. His iron-forging father was actually a strong man at the level of Titled Douluo!

Xiao Wu, why does she want to know the soul beast? From the looks of them, they seemed very familiar.

Why did Xiaowu let those two talking soul beasts deal with Flanders and his father Tang Hao?

Tang San's mind was racing. At this time, he didn't know the news about the hundred thousand year spirit beast, but he only knew that the hundred thousand year spirit ring was red.

His father Tang Hao has one!

At this moment, a human-faced demon spider quietly approached Tang San. The cold feeling coming from behind made Tang San shudder and he instantly came back from his thoughts.

"The first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil!"

Without any hesitation, Tang San didn't even turn around, directly used the Blue Silver Grass Spirit, and released his first spirit skill behind him...

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