"How can it be!"

Tang San's eyes narrowed, his eyes emitting purple light filled with confusion.

Zhuge Divine Crossbow was actually unable to break through the defense of this Man-Faced Demon Spider!

"The Human-Faced Demon Spider is a hunter among soul beasts, and is rejected by almost all soul beasts. The age of this Human-Faced Demon Spider should be one thousand and nineteen..."

"No, its beaded legs are over three meters long. It definitely can't be more than a thousand years old!"

"The Man-Faced Demon Spider of more than two thousand years!"

Tang San's pupils shrank, and he had the intention of retreating. He was currently only a level 30 quasi-soul master, and there was absolutely no way he could be the opponent of the Man-Faced Demon Spider who was more than two thousand years old.

At this time, the blue silver grass entangled with the Man-Faced Demon Spider has been corroded by the Man-Faced Demon Spider's poison.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider let out a scream, and the human-like face beneath it appeared in Tang San's perspective. It was this face that it was called the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

At the same time, this face is also the weakness of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Under normal circumstances, the Man-Faced Demon Spider will not be exposed.


I wanted to say something to complain about, but I couldn't.

Just stab Tang San with your spider spear! You screamed like a ghost! Also exposed weaknesses!

Also, if the Man-Faced Demon Spider doesn't expose its weaknesses, how can Tang San kill it? And then absorb its soul ring?

"We can't continue like this. Tang San will explode later and kill this Man-Faced Demon Spider."

Kong shook his head, and then said to Yu Yuanyuan, Dugu Yan and others: "I will go back as soon as I go. The three sects are connected with each other. I can't ignore death!"


As soon as these words came out, Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Long Wu, and Dugu Yan were stunned. Just now they were thinking about how to surround Tang Hao, or sneak attack Tang Hao and kill him. Now what does the young sect master (Kong) say about the top three? Are the same sects linked to branches? ? ?

The three of them hesitated to speak, watching helplessly as Sora ran towards Tang San.


"It turns out to be a human-faced demon spider. Why did the young sect leader save Tang Hao's son?"

Yu Yuanyuan murmured with some confusion.

"The young sect leader must have his reasons for doing this. You and I just need to be on guard against these two hundred thousand year beast kings and Tang Hao."

"Our goal has never been about hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones or soul rings. It is the safety of the young sect master!"

Yu Longwu said that if things couldn't be done, of course they would give priority to Kong's safety. If Tang Hao gave him a "chance", they would still give priority to Kong's safety and try their luck if they were weak.

At the worst possible death, what if it succeeds?

After the young sect leader and the sect receive these benefits, they will definitely be able to take a big step forward!

"Of course I understand these."

Yu Yuanyuan was a little unhappy after being taught a lesson by Yu Long Wu, even if it was a verbal lesson. They were peers, to be precise, he was Yu Long Wu's cousin!

The most important thing is that his strength is much stronger than Yulong Wu.

Yu Longwu curled his lips and ignored Yu Yuanyuan, but focused his eyes on Kong.

As for the two beast kings and Tang Hao, Yu Yuanyuan can just observe them alone. The battle they were fighting at this time was simply not something that Contra-level experts could participate in!

A hint of joy flashed in Tang San's eyes, maybe he didn't have to run away!

After fighting with the Man-Faced Demon Spider for a while, he discovered that the Man-Faced Demon Spider always had two spider spears protecting the ghost-faced human face beneath it.

This must be its weakness!

Thinking of this, Tang San had an idea in his mind!

"Second Soul Skill: Parasitism!"

Without any hesitation, Tang San launched his second soul skill, Parasitism! In an instant, the remaining Bluesilver Grass seeds on the Human-Faced Demon Spider surged and tied it into a rice dumpling again!


The Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was withdrawn, the black gold light in his left hand flashed away, and a small "forging" hammer appeared in Tang San's hand.

It was Tang San's second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer!

Tang San held the Clear Sky Hammer with his right foot as the axis, and spun it around in place before smashing it towards the Man-Faced Demon Spider's shell. His purpose of doing so was simple, just to stun the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

As long as the Man-Faced Demon Spider is stunned for a short time, he will win!

"Twin martial souls?"

Yulong Wu said subconsciously.

He observed Kong's side and naturally saw Tang San using his second martial spirit!

"Twin martial souls?"

Yu Yuanyuan and Dugu Yan looked at Yu Long Wu subconsciously, and then followed Yu Long Wu's gaze. Sure enough, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand caught their attention.

"This kid has such a talent. If he can't be used by our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect..."

"Ahem, Lao Wu, he is Tang Hao's son!"


The two looked at each other, thinking about everything.

Twin martial souls? So does their young sect master!

Tang San was also a twin martial spirit, and compared to their young master, he was nothing!

Of course, Tang San's second martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer after all, so he has to guard against it. If possible, strangling Tang San in the cradle is the best way!

"Wait, the time!"

The two nodded, the murderous intent in their eyes flashing away. Tang Hao is still alive, so it is obviously unwise to attack Tang San now!

They can cultivate to the Contra level, so they are not fools.

"The first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil! Give it to me!"

After stunning the Human-Faced Demon Spider with one strike, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand disappeared, and the Blue Silver Grass Spirit reappeared. As the first spirit ring flashed, the Human-Faced Demon Spider was tied tightly by the Blue Silver Grass again. Reality.

Tang San controlled the Blue Silver Grass in his hand and prepared to lift the Man-Faced Demon Spider up front, but he succeeded!

Although the Haotian Hammer did not hurt the Man-Faced Demon Spider, it was still able to stun it with the powerful shock.

The weakness of the Man-Faced Demon Spider was exposed in front of Tang San at this moment. Without any hesitation, he reappeared the Zhuge Divine Crossbow in his left hand and pulled the trigger.

At this moment, a purple thunder blade flashed through, and the human-faced devil spider's body was cut in half like ordinary tofu...

The human-faced demon spider, which had been severely damaged in its weak point and was struggling crazily, twitched twice in an instant, and then became motionless and lifeless.

Tang San:"???"

"Are you okay?"

The corners of Kong's mouth raised slightly, trying not to let himself laugh out loud, and said calmly to Tang San.

Tang San was stunned. He always felt that something was wrong, that he seemed to have lost something. He couldn't describe this feeling.

He looked at Kong, his eyes full of confusion and confusion. Why should Kong help him?

Tang San, who believed in Yu Xiaogang's theory, had no idea about this two-thousand-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider. He simply wanted to kill this eyeless Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Yu Xiaogang said that the third soul ring cannot be absorbed for more than 1,750 years, otherwise his life will be in danger.

He had no idea of ​​giving it a try for the time being against this two-thousand-year-old human-faced demon spider.

"Thank you."

Although Tang San was confused, he still thanked Kong.

If this Man-Faced Demon Spider were to attack on the verge of death, he might not be able to stop it...

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