Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 80 080: Human, I have seen through your thoughts!

"No, that human-faced demon spider has no other soul power fluctuations except the soul ring..."

Thinking of this, Tang San shook his head. He must have been paranoid. Yu Tiantian's kindness in saving his life must have been just to make his father Tang Hao owe a favor. Apart from that, there must be no other purpose.

"Absorb the soul ring first. As for this soul bone, it's not the right time yet."

Tang San wasn't stupid enough to absorb soul bones in front of everyone, he still understood the principle of a man carrying a jade without guilt.

We are not afraid of thieves stealing, but we are afraid that thieves will miss us!

"I have to say I admire Tang San's courage."

Sora murmured and looked away.

A titled Douluo fights two hundred thousand year old soul beasts. Can he absorb soul rings from a thousand meters away?

This kind of mentality makes me feel ashamed!

"A torso-like soul bone?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Kong's lips, Tang San's luck must be too good!

"Will you absorb it?"

The torso soul bone is the most important, it is the medium that connects the other five soul bones.

Among the six conventional soul bones, the torso soul bone is the most important. A thousand-year-old torso soul bone is worth more than an ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul bone!

It is also one of the most difficult soul bones to break out.

Even Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, does not have a trunk-like soul bone.

If Tang San hadn't resisted the temptation and absorbed this torso soul bone, his talent and future achievements would have dropped by several notches!

The torso, not the limbs, can be easily broken.

In the original work, Tang San could also reattach a broken arm using the soul bone of a Titan ape, which could also be regarded as a way to replace the soul bone.

However, there is no way to change the torso soul bone using this method!

Unless the gods personally intervene.

Tang San was absorbing the spirit ring, while Tang Hao was breaking out in a cold sweat.

He underestimated the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python!

Although the explosive ring and the big Sumeru hammer suppressed the Titan ape and caused it some minor injuries, they were unable to seriously injure it. Unless, all the soul rings are exploded at once...

However, in this case, Tang Hao didn't know whether the Titan Ape would die or not, and he himself would definitely not survive!


A mouthful of black blood spurted out from Tang Hao's mouth, his old injury was triggered!

"What should we do? Are we going to fall here today?"

"No, I can't die yet."

Tang Hao gritted his teeth. The seventh and eighth soul rings exploded instantly. The soul power brought by the two ten thousand year soul rings made his momentum surge again. At the same time, his injuries became more serious!

Without any time to think, Tang Hao swung the red-gold Clear Sky Hammer and smashed it towards the Titan Ape.

With this blow, he had no other ideas. He didn't want to seriously injure the Titan ape, but just wanted to get a chance to escape!


Not to be outdone, the Titan Giant Ape roared angrily, and smashed his giant khaki fist towards the Clear Sky Hammer.

In the previous collision, it had already suffered some internal injuries, but that didn't matter. As long as it could kill this human who was a threat to Xiao Wu, it didn't matter even if it was seriously injured!


The ground shook again, and the land within a kilometer radius sank about a foot.

"No! He's going to run!"

After seeing the collision between Tang Hao and the Titan Giant Ape, the figure flew backwards a thousand meters away, the Azure Bull Python's expression changed and he shouted loudly.

This human being had a desperate attitude just now, but now he was trying to escape. How could this not surprise the Azure Bull Python?

The Titan Giant Ape, whose right arm had been dislocated due to the collision, was about to step forward to stop Tang Hao without even thinking. At this moment, the Azure Bull Python's voice fell again: "Er Ming, stop chasing him. This person is not weak. If he just wants to escape, there's nothing we can do against him."

The Azure Bull Python has more brains than the Titan ape, otherwise it wouldn't be the eldest brother.

After hearing this, the Titan Giant Ape stopped and roared unwillingly.

This human being was obviously seriously injured, and they were just a hair away from killing him here!

"Young Master, I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Yulongwu looked like he was dead. After saying this, he stopped him with a hand.

"Fifth Elder Long, no need. Tang Hao still has a hundred thousand year soul ring that he has not used. If you go up there, you will die."

Kong shook his head and rejected Yulong Wu's proposal.

It's not that Kong looks down on Yulong Wu, but that he really can't beat him!

"It's not worth it to sacrifice an elder for a few soul bones."

After hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of Yu Longwu and Yu Yuanyuan. No one wanted to die. They were willing to sacrifice themselves for the glory of the family, but wouldn't it be better if they didn't have to die?

"Yes! Young Sect Master!"

"Well, Tang Hao, let's take our time and plan. There's no rush."

As soon as the empty words fell, a voice sounded.

"Hmph, I thought you had escaped, but it seems you are really brave!"

A pair of huge eyes looked towards the Kong people. The owner of the voice was the Azure Bull Python, which had been on guard against the Kong people before.

When it first arrived, it sensed the auras of Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Long Wu. Although it didn't pay attention to the two Contras, if they were seriously injured, it would be troublesome to deal with such ants.

The war between them and the titled Douluo is over, but these people haven't escaped yet. Are they plotting against them secretly, or are they planning to snatch Xiao Wu away?


How come I forgot about this?

No, Tang San, this energetic young man, is still absorbing soul rings not far away. Are you blind? He is your enemy!

Why does hatred come to them?

Is this done without acting?

Good guy, Sora is already a little helpless to complain.

Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Longwu and Dugu Yan were trembling a little at this time. These are two beast kings with a hundred thousand year level!

They were actually targeted!

"Azure Bull Python, are you blind? Look here..."

Kong really couldn't hold it back and pointed at Tang San who was absorbing the spirit ring three hundred meters away.

The Azure Bull Python was stunned. This human actually called it blind? ? ?

Looking at the place Kong pointed at with some confusion, a human was actually absorbing the soul ring. When he saw who that person was, the Azure Bull Python was slightly startled.

Good guy, isn't this the son of the titled Douluo just now?

The Azure Bull Python looked at Kong and the others, then at Tang San, thought for a moment, and said: "Human, you are quite clever. You want me to kill the child of the titled Douluo, and then let that child Titled Douluo fought hard against us, but in the end we were both defeated and seriously injured."

"Human, I have seen through your mind!"

The azure bull python looks slightly proud, no one can fool it!

Kong's mouth twitched and his eyelids twitched wildly.

If he hadn't been the party involved, he would have almost believed Tian Qing Niu Python's analysis!

"Why, you were speechless after I told you what you were thinking?"

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