Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 88 088: Shadow’s transformed soul bone

Yu Luomian can get such an opportunity, isn't it a chance?

Even if this opportunity is a bit tricky.

After a while, Yu Yuanzhen left, preparing to find Yu Luo Mian and have a good talk.

If Yu Luo Mian can succeed... No, even if Yu Luo Mian fails, with his lessons learned, Yu Yuan Zhen can also gain some experience in condensing soul cores.

Seeing this, Kong smiled and said nothing.

Yu Luomian's original words were still fresh in his mind.

Experience? Deliberately making things difficult?

Not only did Kong not "retaliate" against him, but now he also gave Yu Luo Mian an "opportunity"!

According to this old man's... ahem, old man's situation, he should be able to successfully condense the soul core. As for how many times it will take, that's unknown.

After a while, Kong shook his head and threw away some strange thoughts in his mind, then disappeared and appeared in the Isshin Pure Land.

The safest place is in the pure land, in front of my wife.

The most secure man in Teyvat (Zhong Li) once said that Ying's martial arts may have surpassed him. Wu Xiang's sword was the pinnacle of martial arts.

Of course, this may be due to Zhongli's modesty, but Ying's strength deserves recognition.

As soon as Sora "landed", he heard a gentle voice in his ears.

"Husband, I'm just looking for you."

Shadow said when he saw Sora coming.

These words made Sora stunned. What happened? Could it be that he hasn't been to Yixin Pure Land in the past few days, Yingbao's wife...

"My dear wife, Yingbao, what's going on?"

Kong said weakly, recalling it unbearably, he came in to absorb soul bones, he didn't dare to have any other thoughts!

Ying glanced at Kong and said with a smile: "The energy form of the soul bone of the Human-Faced Demon Spider was reshaped after I added the power of thunder element. You can try it and see if you are satisfied with it."

It had been so long, but she could still tell what Sora was thinking.

Otherwise, let him go next time?

After hearing this, Sora suddenly realized!

After the human-faced demon spider's external soul bone energy was collected by the Shadow Treasure Wife, he never paid attention to it.

Because the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape were killed, and most importantly, he did not dare to enter the Pure Land for several days.

"Changed the energy form of the soul bone, reshaped it?"

My wife's words are really concise, but easy to understand.

Changing the energy form of the soul bone, what does this soul bone look like after being reshaped by the shadow?

Kong was a little confused and took a purple energy ball from Kage's hand. This energy ball was about the size of a thumb.

With the soul bone attached to the outside, it actually turned into a ball?

Is it the reshaped energy form that Yingbao's wife said?

Sora was a little numb, and his mind was filled with questions.

"Daughter-in-law, how do you use this thing?"

What can a ball do? Can it hit people?

It's not that he feels sorry for the Eight Spider Spears of the Human-Faced Demon Spider, but Kong is simply a little confused. Compared with his wife, the Eight Spider Spears? Count it...

"Eat it and absorb it."

Ying looked at Sora expectantly, his eyes burning brightly.

Seeing this, Sora was shocked, my wife is good at everything, she can do anything.

Only, he really didn’t dare to eat the food!

"What the hell, I'll die if I die!"

Feeling the expectant gaze of his wife, Sora swallowed the energy ball in his hand!

"Husband, the soul ring energy generated by the two hundred thousand year soul beasts was also fused into this soul bone by me. I didn't expect that they could be perfectly fused together."


"Oh, it should be said that the human-faced demon spider's soul bone energy swallowed up the energy of those two red soul rings."


Take it out now and regret it now, is it too late?

Although he didn't know how Kage did it, Kong always felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Sure enough, in an instant, Kong, who was sitting cross-legged, showed pain on his face and broke out in cold sweat.

After he swallowed the energy ball, it instantly turned into pure energy and came to his back.

Kong gritted his teeth and endured the discomfort. He felt as if something was about to come out of his back.


The pain may not be as great as Yuan imagined. After this soul bone was transformed by Shadow, its energy attributes were almost the same as those of Kong.

When his body and energy merged, if he could see the data, he could see two words flashing and writing on Sora's head.


Almost half an hour later, Kong stretched his body slightly, and on his back, four pairs of purple wings "broke out".

The single wing is spread out and is about one foot long. On the wings, purple thunder rolled...

"This, this is..."

Kong was a little stunned. The Eight Spider Spears were transformed into wings by the shadow?

He only needs a thought to fly!

Flying is something that soul masters dream of.

Among the soul masters of this period, except for those who possess flying soul skills and those who can fly with wings, other soul masters who want to fly must reach the realm of Titled Douluo.

Moreover, after reaching the realm of Titled Douluo, one cannot fly for a long time and can only be described as floating or gliding.

For example, in the original work, because Dugu Bo cannot fly, he is at a disadvantage when facing the Golden Holy Dragon with martial soul fusion skills.

As for Fei Yi's soul bone skill, Kong didn't check it yet, but controlled Fei Yi and took it back into his body.

Kong originally had a Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear right metacarpal bone. This soul bone was also an external soul bone. So Kong tried to store the external soul bone behind his back and succeeded.

"According to this world, this attached soul bone is probably equivalent to a soul bone that is more than 100,000 years old."

"After I removed some of the impurity energy, and then added the power of thunder element to blend it, it should be much stronger than the normal 100,000-year-old soul bone."

Seeing this, Ying said to himself.

This world was much smaller than she imagined. A hundred thousand year soul beast was about the same size and weak as a Lei Qiu Qiu King.

If it weren't for the fact that this soul bone couldn't withstand too much thunder elemental power at once, it would be stronger!

It's a pity that we can only wait for it to grow up slowly.

Sora didn't understand, but he was shocked!

"My dear wife, I love you so much!"

Without even thinking about it, he rushed over to protect Ying and kissed her...

the next day.

At the back of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Kong just appeared and couldn't help but slap himself twice. Two slap marks appeared on his already pale face.

"Tell me if you are a tiger!"

"I know I can't beat him..."

Hey, there is a knife in the head of the word "sex", but he has a strong bone!

After thinking about it, Sora came to his small room and silently took out the left arm bone of the azure bull python. This soul bone also had the thunder attribute, so it was suitable.

Two hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones will definitely allow him to break through the seventy-level limit.

Sora also gave the modified Eight Spider Spears a name, which was simple and clear.

"Thunder Wings!"

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