"Flanders, what do you mean? Do you mean I'm wrong?"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened. He was a little unbelievable that Flanders would actually take responsibility for him, Yu Xiaogang, for a student!

He is a master, but Flanders personally invited him back. How dare he, Flanders!


Flanders sighed. He felt more and more that inviting Yu Xiaogang to Shrek Academy was a mistake.

Even a person with double standards like him felt that Yu Xiaogang had gone too far, let alone others?

If Yu Xiaogang continues like this, he will be counterattacked sooner or later!

"Why are you sighing? Speak clearly! My Yu Xiaogang's teachings cannot be wrong!"

"This Dai Mubai has no respect for his elders and even deliberately hurt his classmates. Tang San believes in him so much. What's the result?"

"In the end, Dai Mubai gave Tang San a big mouth!"

"Do you know how much harm this big mouth will do to Tang San?"

When Yu Xiaogang said this, he was extremely angry. If he had not been able to beat Dai Mubai, he would have beaten Dai Mubai severely at this time.

Flender's mouth twitched and his eyelids twitched wildly. This was the first time he understood Yu Xiaogang's shamelessness!

When Tang San beat Ma Hongjun before, Yu Xiaogang said it was to temper Ma Hongjun.

Now that Tang San was beaten by Dai Mubai, and he said these words again, how much damage did Tang San cause to Ma Hongjun when he beat Ma Hongjun?

"Yu Xiaogang, from today on, no, from now on, Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun will no longer need you to teach. You are only responsible for your disciple Tang San! I hope they should learn how to do it, and you should stop dictating. !”

Flanders said with a dark face.

If it weren't for the twenty-year brotherhood, he would have kicked Yu Xiaogang out of Shrek Academy long ago.

The academy he, Flanders, had worked so hard to build, almost lost another student because of Yu Xiaogang!

If Flanders doesn't step forward to mediate today, it would be strange if Dai Mubai doesn't leave Shrek Academy!

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was shocked all over.

"Flanders, you invited me here in the first place. What do you mean?"

It doesn't matter whether he teaches these three people or not. What Yu Xiaogang wants is face, face!

He had been arranged to teach these three people before, but the order was changed day and night. How could he, Yu Xiaogang, still hang out at Shrek Academy?

"You know what I mean. If you don't accept it, you can leave Shrek Academy!"

Flanders is also stubborn. He really can't bear Yu Xiaogang. The worst, the worst is to treat him as if he doesn't know him from now on.

"What, are you still going to drive me away?"

Yu Xiaogang's whole body was numb. Is this still the good brother Flanders? He was actually planning to drive him away because of a student!

Could it be that Flender also looked down on him, Yu Xiaogang, from the bottom of his heart?

"Flanders, you will regret it!"

After Yu Xiaogang said this, he walked away without looking back.


As if he had awakened some extraordinary bloodline, Flanders didn't know why, but he shouted to Yu Xiaogang's back: "Yu Xiaogang, I am the dean!"

Yu Xiaogang: "..."

In the end, Yu Xiaogang still didn't leave Shrek Academy. Without the help of Flanders and others, Tang San would have had about the same difficulty in obtaining the spirit ring as climbing to the sky. You may not be able to obtain a satisfactory soul ring yet.

Later generations recorded that the feud between the Golden Triangle's "Wisdom Corner" and the "Flying Corner" began today.

That day, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang had a quarrel. The latter didn't want to be shameless, and the two broke up on bad terms.

After Flanders and Yu Xiaogang broke up on bad terms, they found an angry Dai Mubai.

"Dean, can you tell me why?"

Dai Mubai was in a bad mood at this time. It was obviously not his fault, so why should he apologize? He, the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, is shameless?

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were really too inhumane.

Flanders looked at Dai Mubai, patted Dai Mubai's shoulder with his right hand, and said, "Mubai, I am doing this for your own good."

"For my own good?"

Dai Mubai frowned and turned to look at Flanders. He felt numb. Is this Dean Flanders really telling lies?

"Mubai, do you still remember the last time you hunted for souls?"

What Flanders was talking about was naturally when he went to the Star Dou Forest.

That time, they almost failed!

Two hundred thousand year old beast kings!

If Tang Hao hadn't attracted hatred, whether they could come back or not was a question.

Flanders never told Dai Mubai and Oscar what happened that day. The two of them had already fainted under the gravity field of the Titan ape, so naturally they had no idea what happened next.

"Remember, how could I forget."

Just thinking about it, Dai Mubai shuddered. He almost really died that time. If Flanders hadn't brought him back, he would have died!

How could I forget, a hundred thousand year soul beast is so terrifying!

If one day he could break through to the Titled Douluo, he would definitely go to the Star Dou Forest to regain his place. Of course, it was still a question whether he could continue to live, let alone break through to a Titled Douluo.

"Hey, Dean. Is there any connection between what happened today and what happened that day?"

Dai Mubai asked doubtfully.

"Mubai, if I tell you this, you should understand."

Flanders shook his head and said: "Tang San, his surname is Tang! He is the son of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect."

"Yu Xiaogang is the son of Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!"

"That day, if Haotian Douluo hadn't appeared, we wouldn't have been able to come back."

After hearing this, Dai Mubai sat down on the ground, stunned.

Are the identities of Yu Xiaogang and Tang San so terrifying?

He wasn't afraid, just a little shocked.

He didn't know Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, but he had to be a titled Douluo at least! He still knows about the last three sects. Especially Haotian Sect...

"Mubai, you are the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, and I know a little bit about your traditions."

"Just because you want to defeat your brother is difficult, difficult, difficult!"

"But, if you have help, it will be different! Do you understand?"

Flender did not finish his words, he believed that Dai Mubai was not stupid.

After hearing this, Dai Mubai suddenly realized, and a ray of golden light appeared in his eyes!

Whether it was indirect life-saving grace or asking for help, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were not people he could offend!

Apologize, my previous apology was not sincere enough!

As long as we can survive, we will talk about the rest later. When he becomes the Prince of Xingluo and the Great Emperor of Xingluo, it will not be too late to regain his position!

Isn't it just a little aggrieved that a man can bend and stretch?

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai said with great gratitude: "Thank you, Dean, for teaching me!"

Flanders shook his head, the truth was this, but would people like Tang San and Yu Xiaogang really help Dai Mubai?

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