"Little brother, I see you frowning and looking worried. Is there something wrong with you?"

After hearing this, Kong was shocked, and the bright aura that rushed towards him made him feel like a spring breeze.

Not far in front of him, a handsome "young man" who looked to be in his twenties, with blond hair, was looking at him with a smile on his face.

This young man has a kind face and gives people the feeling that he is easy to get along with.

The young man was dressed in fine clothes, and there was no trace of dandy at all.

Kong was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses. He always felt that the person in front of him was a bit strange, and he couldn't tell what was strange about it.

Shaking his head, Sora said: "I'm just thinking about something. There's nothing difficult about it. Thank you for your concern."

"That's good."

A trace of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes, and then disappeared.

How come there are so many coincidences in the world? The young man worked hard for this chance encounter!

This young man who has just finished eating with Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin should be the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

Seeing that the other party had no intention of leaving, Kong Kong was even more confused. Who was the person in front of him?

"Little brother, you rarely come to Tiandou City, right?"

The young man "looked" at Kong for a moment, and saw that Kong looked dusty, and said.

As soon as Kong came to Tiandou City, he met Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin. They didn't wash up, and they did look like commoners entering the city.

But the way he was dressed did not look like an ordinary person.

"Well, I have been to Tiandou City several times before. Each time I paused for a moment and then left again. I have never experienced the customs and customs of Tiandou City."

Kong nodded and said, he finally understood, the person in front of him was definitely not just a chance encounter!

What's the other party's purpose?

Who is he?

The breath of light, Tiandou City... shouldn't be that "coincident", right?

After hearing this, the smile on the young man's face became even stronger.

Fortunately, he managed his expression very well and said calmly: "Brother Yu is a few years older than you. He is quite familiar with Tiandou City. If you have any difficulties or want to travel around, I can help."

"I don't know my little brother's name yet. Brother Yu's surname is Xue and his first name is Qinghe. If you want, little brother, just call me Brother Xue."


Good guy, it’s really you!

He was a little confused, Xue Qinghe...no, it should be Qian Renxue. When did this eldest sister notice him?

Thinking about it carefully, she knew that her existence was normal. After all, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect were of the same spirit, and both helped the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to raise some spies.

It makes sense to help Wuhun Palace raise some spies.

"It turns out it's His Royal Highness the Prince in person!"

Sora "suddenly realized"!

"Xue Qinghe" has been canonized as the Crown Prince of Tiandou since he became a disciple of Ning Fengzhi. This fact is known to everyone.

The corners of Kong's mouth raised slightly, this big sister wants to act, right? Let's compare whose acting skills are better.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince in Xia Yu Tian Tian!"

Kong cupped his hands and said.

With his status, not only did he not need to salute when he saw the prince, but he also didn't need to salute when he saw Emperor Xue Ye. He only needed to call his majesty, which was considered a sign of respect for Xue Ye.

"Xue Qinghe" quickly waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Little brother, you and I have just met each other. Isn't it too unreasonable to say that a prince is not a prince? If you are willing, brother, just call me big brother." ”

"Are we familiar with each other?"

Hollow complained.

This Qian Renxue is really familiar with her. If she does this, ordinary people will naturally be very moved. The prince of a country calls him brother and sister when they meet for the first time. How can he not be moved?

But is he just an ordinary person?

Regardless of his identity or being a time traveler, he is no ordinary person.

He even knows Qian Renxue better than she knows herself.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders, Brother Xue!"

The "plastic brothers" and "surface brothers" were established on the streets of Tiandou City.

Brothers are supposed to be in a heart-to-heart relationship, both playing tricks on each other.

"Xue Qinghe" didn't expect that Kong would recognize him so directly, which made her a little surprised.

Fortunately, she has been in Tiandou City for many years and has developed a character that is calm and calm in dealing with situations. Otherwise, she might show some strange expressions.

"Brother Sky, since you rarely come to Tiandou City, why don't you let me, Brother Xue, be the host and let's sit down and have a good chat?"

"Xue Qinghe" said without changing his expression.

Judging from Yu Tiantian's information, this is a genius and monster who can compare with her or even surpass her.

At the age of twelve, after only six years of training, he had actually reached the Soul Emperor level.

This kind of cultivation speed can only be surpassed by her!

You know, she is a peerless monster with level 20 innate talent. Even she can't compare to the young man in front of her. You can imagine how terrifying this man's talent is!

There is no evil or dark feeling in his aura, which shows that his method of improving strength is not the kind that benefits himself at the expense of others.

What a wonderful thing it would be if you could take Jade Sky for your own use! Only such a genius and monster is worthy of her, Qian Renxue!

Qian Renxue is an extremely proud person. Regardless of her life experience, talent, talent, appearance, and figure, she is the pinnacle existence in the entire Douluo Continent.

Either he can surpass her in strength or talent, but other than that, no one can catch her eye. As for appearance and life experience, she doesn't care at all.

If he could win her once, Qian Renxue would instantly turn into a love brain.

"It's all up to Brother Xue's arrangement."

Nothing happened, but he wanted to know what Qian Renxue wanted to do with him.

Conquer him? It should be impossible for the time being, unless she reveals her identity, then it will be possible to talk to him about this issue.

But, does Tang San still have a chance to expose her identity now?

Sora scratched his head and thought in confusion.

After hearing this, "Xue Qinghe"'s eyes lit up. This trip was much smoother than expected. Yu Tiantian was so cooperative!

"Has he long wanted to get to know Xue Qinghe? Could it be that Ning Fengzhi said something before?"

"Forget it, let's get to know each other first."

"Xue Qinghe" couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it and walked towards her mansion with Kong.

Kong is not afraid. With the shame of She Long and Zhang Xue, even Qian Renxue cannot keep him. If he is willing, he can ask his wife to come out and let them do this directly. The human plot is over!

Speaking of She Long and Thorn Blood, these two people were sent by Wuhun Palace to assist Qian Renxue and target Dugu Bo. However, Dugu Bo has now joined the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and their relationship with the Tiandou royal family is not as expected. closeness.

Will Wuhun Palace still send these two titled Douluo?

Will there be a substitution?

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