Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1072: , The status quo of the devil

Qi Ling couldn't help but nodded and said: "Well, yes, I do have a lot of things I want to know, after all, the Devildom is still a completely unknown world to me."

"The first thing I want to know is, where do the people in the Demon Realm come from? After all, most of the people in the Demon Realm should not have inherited the position of God, right? There should be a big difference from the God Realm."

Alice thought for a while and said, "This question is actually very simple. People in the demon world can be roughly divided into two types: outsiders and locals! If you want to enter the demon world and live here, there is a minimum The standard—strength reaches the realm of a real god!"

"Of course, this is not to say that the people in the Demon Realm are so strong. In fact, there are also a large number of low-powered people in the Demon Realm. They are the most important part of the Demon Realm and the foundation of all existence!"

"It's just that, because everyone in the Demon Realm prefers to be competitive, and the fertility rate is extremely low, so the population problem has become an important issue in the Demon Realm. At this time, we need outsiders to supplement it."

"And because people who can reach this level of strength actually exist in every world, there is no need to worry that such population growth will put too much pressure on the demon world."

Qi Ling thoughtfully said: "So, unlike the God Realm, the Devil Realm is really a more open and tolerant world! Those who can't go to the God Realm should all come to the Devil Realm in the end."

"That's right, and because the power system and environment are completely different from your world, once you live in the demon world, it means that your strength can grow faster." Alice said.

"It's just that, at the same time, it also means that you can no longer return to the original world, and you can't go to other low-level worlds, otherwise, it will cause tremendous pressure and affect those low-level worlds."

"Well, then, here, the speed of cultivation and talent should have a direct relationship? That's why these people who hope to enter the demon world will be so concerned, right?" Qi Ling said.

"That's right, everyone who comes to the Demon Realm will be an important combat power in the future, and is the key to the struggle for each strength. Basically, before they come to the Demon Realm, they will have been drawn into the various forces." Si smiled.

"After all, although we cannot go to those worlds, this does not mean that we have no way to use some special means to intervene in those worlds!"

Qi Ling couldn't help but remember the power borrowed by Qian Xun Ji and others before, that should belong to someone in the demon world! And there was also the second master of the Demon League who appeared in front of him at that time.

"That's it, so after coming to this world, we have become the weakest soul master again. We need constant cultivation, but the things and methods of cultivation have changed." Qi Ling said, "I don't understand. Wrong?"

"Safety is correct, that's what I mean." Alice smiled, "To root out everyone's different aptitudes and potentials, you will eventually encounter your own bottleneck period, and the improvement of strength will become very slow, and at that time, it is yours. When the power is basically set!"

"The gods in the gods, and the demon kings in the devil are the same. After the strength reaches a certain level, the improvement will be very slow. Although it is not impossible to improve, it is likely that it will take tens of thousands of years to make progress. A little bit is almost equal to nothing."

"And in this realm, some people can reach as many as nine rings, almost the highest strength! In the God Realm, a person with a strength level of 9 Rings is called a first-level god, while in the Devil Realm, a strength level of 9 The person in the ring is called the devil!"

After listening to Alice's explanation, Qi Ling couldn't help but continue to ask: "But even so, there should be a big difference between the strengths of the same nine-ring people?"

"That's natural, the difference here is sometimes terrifying!" Alice said, "After all, it's like your world, both of which are Titled Douluo, Level 99 Titled Douluo, and Level 91 Titled. Douluo, the strength is very different!"

"In the realm of the gods, such people are called kings of gods! They are more advanced than the first-level gods. Although there are also only nine **** rings, there is a huge gap in strength."

"In the Demon Realm, such people are called the Demon Emperor! Compared with the Demon Kings, the Demon Emperor also has an absolutely huge power gap. At that time, there was an almost insurmountable gap!"

Qi Ling couldn't help but curiously said: "Huh? In the Demon Realm, there is actually such an existence? Then, Alice, in the Demon Realm, how many Devil Emperors are there now?"

Alice said with a weird expression: "Well, the number of Demon Emperors in the Demon Realm! That is, there are none at all."

"No one? How could it be possible!" Qi Ling said in surprise, "This... how could this happen, hasn't anyone of this level ever appeared in the Demon Realm?"

"Well, of course not. If it hadn't, then there would be no such level." Alice said, "But it's a pity that there has only been one Demon Emperor in the Demon Realm, that is, once ruled the entire Demon Emperor. The Blood Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm!"

"At that time, Lord Blood Demon Emperor's power absolutely surpassed everyone, maybe it has surpassed the scope of Demon Emperor's level! It's just that, because he is too far apart from others, the demon The emperor's realm level seems to be specially prepared for him, so no one is going to go into it, how to define the power level of Lord Gorefiend."

Qi Ling said with a hint of surprise: "So that's it, is that guy such a strong person?"

"That's right, so this competition for the Lord Blood Demon God's throne will attract the attention of the whole Demon Realm, and you, who seem to have inextricably connected with the Blood Demon Lord, will be so popular with everyone. Pay attention!" Alice said.

People in the devil world, at best, they just think that Qi Ling is the heir chosen by the blood demon. If they know that Qi Ling is the reincarnation of the blood demon, they don't know how they will react.

"And in the history of the Demon Realm, many powerful demon kings have fallen, and some of them are even very close to the realm of the Demon Emperor!" Alice said, "It's just that since they are dead, everything will change after all. It became a void."

"And now, in the Demon Realm, there are seven people who have the most hope to reach that realm. They are also known as the Seven Great Demon Kings in the Demon Realm. They are the strongest people in the Demon Realm! Our eldest sister is big and called The superwoman who is the Empress of the Devil Dragon is one of them too!"

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