Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Chapter 391: Porridge, God of Cookery Hotel

"However, perhaps because the food at the God of Cookery Hotel is indeed worth the money, even nobles from distant main cities will come all the way to dine at the God of Cookery Hotel, which is famous for thousands of miles. After the drought, the God of Cookery Hotel was very popular with us. Mercy, you are giving porridge outside the hotel, so that we will not starve to death due to drought." The old man's words were full of reverence. He glanced at Gu Chen and others and said, "It's almost time for dinner now. Since you are curious about the God of Cookery Hotel, why not come with me?"

Gu Chen nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

The old man led the way and led everyone towards the small town.

Along the way, the old man chatted with Gu Chen and others about the God of Cookery Hotel. His words contained only infinite gratitude for the God of Cookery Hotel, without any disrespect.

This also made Gu Chen and others more curious about the God of Cookery Hotel mentioned by the old man.

After entering the town, everyone saw a long queue coming out of the center of the town.

"This is the queue waiting for soup porridge." The old man pointed to the long line of people in front and said.

Gu Yuena asked with some confusion: "Senior, there seems to be many nobles in this team. They should not bother coming here to wait for soup."

The old man followed Gu Yuena's gaze and saw that about one-third of the people in the queue waiting for soup. They all looked bright and shiny, and they didn't look like they were about to starve to death. people.

"We are not the only people who are affected by the disaster and are here waiting for porridge. Many people from the nobles in the city are also here! I heard that the rice in the porridge is not an ordinary thing, it seems to be a spirit on the Tianshan Mountains. Rice. But we ordinary people without soul power can't eat it." The old man seemed to be used to this, he said with a smile.

Luo Chen couldn't help but ask: "But these people obviously don't need disaster relief. Can't the people at the God of Cookery Hotel tell these people apart?"

The old man shook his head and said: "The God of Cookery Hotel uses a lot of rice to serve porridge. According to their own words, the extra nobles are just a few more dishes to wash. Okay, I'm going to line up. If you If you are interested, you can also come and line up to try.”

After the old man finished speaking, he walked towards the queue that was like a long queue.

"Try?" Gu Chen looked at everyone.

Everyone nodded.

So Gu Chen and his party followed the old man and lined up at the back of the team.

Time passed minute by minute, and it took a full quarter of an hour for Gu Chen and others to truly enter the center of the town.

They could already see the end of the line.

At the end of the line, there is a three-story building. The building looks very large. It should be regarded as the largest building in this town.

Above the gate of this building, there is a wooden plaque with the four characters "God of Cookery Hotel" engraved on it.

Five meters away from the door of the God of Cookery Hotel, there is a soup bowl. Under the soup bowl stands a very simple-looking middle-aged man in chef's uniform. The wooden bowls containing the porridge are then distributed to those at the front of the queue.

His movements seemed unhurried, but in fact they were very fast. From making the porridge to delivering the porridge, it only took no more than five seconds.

The number of people in front of Gu Chen and others was decreasing rapidly. Of course, there were also many new people joining the team behind them.

After the old man who led the way for Gu Chen and others received the gruel, it was Gu Chen and others' turn.

The middle-aged man in chef's uniform handed a bowl of gruel to Gu Chen.

"Thank you." Gu Chen took the porridge, thanked him, and quickly walked aside without wasting his time.

The friends also quickly received their portions of porridge, and then gathered around Gu Chen.

"This smells delicious." Gu Chen twitched his nose and couldn't help but praise.

The number of rice grains in this porridge can be counted with two hands, but this porridge exudes a faint aroma all the time, which is refreshing.

The others didn't say anything, but just started drinking porridge.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Gu Chen touched his nose and took a sip of the gruel in his bowl.

The warm porridge entered his mouth along with one or two grains of rice, and slid down his esophagus very softly. A rich aroma burst into his taste buds.

As the gruel entered his belly, Gu Chen was surprised to feel a weak and gentle energy appearing in his body. This energy instantly replenished his physical strength and even promoted his calm soul power. There is a hint of an upward trend.

This really not a mortal thing!

Everyone's eyes, including Gu Chen's, were filled with surprise.

There seemed to be something more in the eyes of everyone looking at the middle-aged man in chef's uniform. As the person who took out this kind of spiritual rice, it is impossible for this middle-aged chef not to know that this rice is a good thing, but he still took it. came out and used it for disaster relief.

Regardless of whether the people in the God of Cookery Hotel are stupid and have too much money, or the God of Cookery Hotel is really kind-hearted, just the perseverance to give this kind of treasure of heaven and earth to ordinary people is admirable.

Suddenly, there was some conflict at the soup kitchen.

A shirtless man drank all the porridge in the bowl in one gulp, and then did not leave. He blocked the front of the team and said to the middle-aged chef: "Give me another bowl!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged chef frowned and replied calmly: "Sorry, our hotel only provides one bowl of free porridge per person per day."

The shirtless man glared, and an ax appeared in his hand. Then, eight soul rings rose up from behind him. This man turned out to be a Contra-level strongman.

This Contra released his aura, forcing the people queuing behind to move backwards. For a moment, the queue became very chaotic.

"Do you know who I am? Since you won't give me another bowl, then I'll get it myself!" Contra said coldly. He looked at the big pot in front of the middle-aged chef with greedy eyes. color.

This porridge is really good. After just drinking a small bowl, the bottleneck of my soul power that had been stagnant for a long time was loosened. If I could get this whole pot of porridge, wouldn't I be able to directly break through and become a high-level expert? A Soul Douluo?

This Contra was thinking so, and his saliva almost flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, this Contra was passing through this town, but after seeing the situation here, he lined up here curiously, but he did not expect that the rice was so good.

This Contra's greed for this spiritual rice porridge was also his impromptu idea.

Contra reached out his right hand, not afraid of being burned, and grabbed it directly for the big pot of spiritual rice porridge in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen and others frowned, and Gu Chen also stood up, planning to rescue them.

But at this moment, the middle-aged chef who seemed to have no soul power took action. He stretched out one hand and let the spoon in his hand sweep across Contra's extended hand.

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