Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 106 Reserved

Kong De was looking at Lin Xuan and waved his hand and said, Lin Xuan nodded and then pulled Chu Ling'er and Kong Dezheng to stand together. Kong Dezheng also had a big breasted woman Lin Xuan did not know, and the others Lin Xuandu They were very affectionate, after all, they helped Chu Ling'er out.


Kong Dezheng shouted angrily, two yellow, two purple and one black five spirit rings lit up. Except for Qian Jun and Kong Dezheng, everyone else was two yellow and two purple. Only Lin Xuan released the terrifying one yellow, two purple and one black. This spirit ring caused everyone to take a breath.

Seeing everyone shocked because of Lin Xuan, Chu Ling'er, who had been holding Lin Xuan's arm, also felt a sense of pride. After all, he was his own man, and such an excellent man couldn't find a second one.

"Well, don't be nympho, fight."

Lin Xuan smiled bitterly and patted Chu Ling'er on the head and took the lead. The remaining people here do not have the Soul King at all. How could they be Kong Dezheng's opponents? When Kong Dezheng is holding his black sword to shoot, he will win. It was divided, and there were seven of them left on the scene.

"It's really boring, Dai Lin and Xue Qingtian actually took their men and ran away."

Kong Dezheng shook his fist and obviously felt uncomfortable. He was originally because Xue Qingtian and Dai Lin would prevent the Shrek Academy from competing for the reserve team position. Who knew it was all gone overnight, and Mr. Long looked at the eliminated people and said :

"Go back, class will be as usual tomorrow."


Everyone bowed their heads and said in dismay, Old Long looked at these people and scolded:

"What does it look like? They still have five years to become official players. You can surpass them in five years to regain the elected players. You will be frustrated at every turn or are you Shrek students?"

Elder Long’s words made everyone realise that they were really stubborn. It stands to reason that Kong Dezheng, Liu Yang, and Qian Jun should all be the inner courtyard academy. They deliberately repeated the grade to compete for the reserve team because they knew the inner courtyard could not compete. They are still young and have time to copy Kong Dezheng or Liu Yang's operations. There is really no need to be discouraged.

"Seven of you, go and rest first. Come here tomorrow morning. It will be the same time as class. As for your courses, you don't have to worry about it. You have officially become members of the Shrek reserve team."

Old Long looked at Kong Dezheng and said with a smile, Kong Dezheng stepped forward and shouted:

"It is my duty to wait for Shrek."

"Don't be greasy, it's the business that you invite you juniors and sisters today."

"Do not worry."

Kong Dezheng smiled, Liu Yang looked at Kong Dezheng's expression and said to Lin Xuan:

"You just came, you are going to be ready tonight, Kong Dezheng is known as the wine fairy, you must be mentally prepared."

"It's so scary."

Lin Xuan hehe smiled and obviously didn't care. It wasn't until the evening that Lin Xuan found out that he was wrong. He was so wrong. He was lying on the table weakly. Chu Linger next to him was already asleep. Only Kong De was standing alone at the table. Singing on the song, everyone around me was almost down, only Lin Meng was still drinking, why did this happen?

Lin Xuan and Chu Ling'er took a shower and came to Wanhe Building in Shrek City. Here everyone introduced themselves. Lin Xuan also knew the woman. Her name was Lin Meng, and Kong De was hugging Lin Meng. Proudly announced:

"He is my girlfriend."


Lin Meng blushed and pushed Kong Dezheng away. After a few people chatted for a while, they started drinking, and slowly the atmosphere began to be wrong. Liu Qiyao was the first to fall, but Lin Xuan always felt that this guy was pretending to be on the table slowly. Only Kong Dezheng, Lin Xuan and Lin Meng were left, and then it became like this.

"Lin Xuan, you are Shrek's future hope. What Qian Jun and I said nicely is to regenerate energy. In fact, I'm scared. I am nineteen and Qian Jun is also nineteen this year. We two will hold the next competition. You can only participate by your age, but there is no doubt that it is the oldest, but you are different. You are only thirteen. There is no problem participating in the two sessions. I am optimistic about you."

Kong De was holding Lin Xuan full of alcohol and said, Lin Xuan smiled helplessly and said after a cup of it:

"Senior, you drink too much, so be it today."

"Don't persuade him, he drinks like this, let me come."

Lin Meng pulled Kong Dezheng away from Lin Xuan, and then pulled Kong Dezheng like a kid. Lin Xuan saw Liu Qiyao and Qian Junzheng lying on the table with a smile. It turned out that the two were not drunk at all. Chu Ling'er, who was drunk beside him, also mourned for her. I am afraid that he was really drunk on the wine table.

"Okay, goodbye, stop making trouble and go to sleep, okay?"

"No, they want to sleep with you."

"No, boys and girls cannot sleep together in school."

"Then let's sleep outside!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

When Kong Dezheng uttered these words, Liu Yang, Qian Jun and Liu Qiyao started to shoot the case and rolled around with laughter. Lin Xuan was crushed by Lei’s morals. Kong Dezheng, who looked extremely majestic, was actually a mother. Baonan?

"Don't you know? Kong Dezheng does this every time he gets drunk, and he can't remember what happened the next day."

"Then you guys still watch me being like this?"

Lin Meng glared at Liu Qiyao and said viciously, Qian Jun approached Lin Xuan and said:

"Lin Meng is usually super shy, but she becomes bold after drinking. This is the so-called contrast cuteness, right? Hahahahaha."

Lin Xuan really doesn’t know how to complain. The two are really wine immortals. Such a strange chemical reaction can happen after drinking. It didn’t take long before everyone broke up. At this reception, everyone just knew each other’s names. There is no deep friendship, and Lin Xuan will make a bold move tomorrow, which he kept from everyone, only Ye Fanxing knew.

"Lin Xuan, you have to be careful when you want to challenge Iquita."

Ye Fanxing said worriedly after coming out of the Poseidon Pavilion. He had just entered the Poseidon Pavilion and Long Lao submitted the formal procedures. Tomorrow Lin Xuan will challenge Iquita. If he wins, he will be selected as a member of Iquita. Losing will last his entire life. Cannot join the Shrek Academy team, and cannot leave Shrek to join another team.

This move was strongly opposed by Kong Lao. Only Long Lao knew that although Lin Xuan did not speak very much and seemed to be kind, but to really initiate a ruthless act would definitely not give up, so he agreed in front of Xiao Lao. This matter.

Lin Xuan got up early the next morning and came to the training ground. He didn't even notify Chu Ling'er. At the moment, Lao Long was also here. It seemed that the two had agreed.

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