Things on Duguxue's side came to an end. Lin Xuan also began to make the final preparations. It was time to fight Xu Zhixiong in six days. Lin Xuan, who received Duguxue's information, finally chose to give up the use. The reason for the blood of the Biphos Snake Emperor is very simple.

He looked at the white Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and fell into deep thought. His Clear Sky Hammer had a shell, but it had no weight or momentum. In fact, it was normal. He just watched a title of Clear Sky School from a distance. Douluo's battle was over, he just remembered the image of Clear Sky Hammer titled Douluo.

With the rotation of his spirit power, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand turned into a dagger. The biggest advantage of his third spirit ability space transformation is that he does not consume spirit power. He relies on the power of the surrounding space to make weapons, and the weapon collapse After being broken, it will automatically return to the power of space, if?

Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up. If he made all the power of a place into a weapon, Xu Zhixiong would fail when he used Xuanming to replace it, so he could deceive the enemy.

In all fairness, when I have the ability to replace this, I will definitely run out of the ring and be eliminated inexplicably. No one can prevent this. If I make ten long swords in the first moment, the space of the whole body will be reduced. If all the power is drained, the Xuanming replacement will lose its effect.

Lin Xuan spent the remaining six days thinking about countermeasures. On Xuan Mingzhen’s side, a young man with blue long hair was sitting listlessly on a chair in the hall. In front of him were a white-haired old man and Kong old man. What are you talking about.

"You have to remember our agreement."

"Don't worry, Zhixiong, as the son of Sect Master, if he loses, we will agree to stand aside with Shrek."

"I'm not afraid that you will regret it."

Old Kong smiled, his smile looked like a tricky trick, which made the old man very uncomfortable. The old man looked at Xu Zhixiong who was sitting still and yelled with black lines:

"It's not big or small, sit down."

"Uncle, Kong Lao won't be polite to me, you see where I would be like this except Kong Lao."

Xu Zhixiong rolled his eyes and said in an angry tone. Old Kong laughed. This kid would never be polite to himself every time. He looked at Xu Zhixiong and asked:

"How is it? This time your uncle made a bet with me. Are you confident of winning?"

"Master Kong, you Shrek don't have to find the soul king to pretend to be the soul sect. I am an invincible existence in the same level. No Xue Qingtian and Dugu Xue are my opponents. Don't cheat.

"Don't worry, when did Grandpa Kong deceive you, so if you win, I will give you a ten thousand year soul bone, how about joining Shrek if you lose?"

"Kong Ba!"

The old man next to him yelled in anger, and the old man wanted to dig his corner. Xu Zhixiong looked at Kong Lao with interest and asked:

"The opponent you said is not Lin Xuan, right?"

"Oh, you actually know his name?"

Old Kong looked at Xu Zhixiong in surprise. This kid always had eyes higher than the top. He didn't expect to remember someone who hadn't met him before. Xu Zhixiong nodded seriously.

"Kong Lao, I know Lin Xuan, I heard that he has not failed in Shrek Academy and he is Ling'er's boyfriend."

When he said these words, Old Kong secretly said something was wrong, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked:

"How do you know Chu Ling'er?"

"When Starless Douluo came to Xuan Ming Sect, I met once. Since then, I have regarded Chu Ling'er as my wife. I looked at her for ten thousand years, but I didn't expect Chu Ling'er to join suddenly. Shrek Academy, and then let people get on board first."

Xu Zhixiong said with a little regret, Kong Lao smiled and said:

"Young people, you can fight a fight when the time comes. If you are angry, just hit it casually. If you lose, you can shake hands and make peace."

"Then let's go, uncle? I can't wait."

Xu Zhixiong stood up and looked at the old man and said. The old man touched his beard with relief. It seems that this kid is full of energy. The three of them embarked on the road to Shrek. At the top of the Xuanming Sect, a middle-aged man The person is watching the old three people leave.

"Sect Master, do you think Zhixiong can win this time?"

"I do not know."

The middle-aged man shook his head. He turned around and sat cross-legged, wearing a white robe moving with the wind. The old man in front of him smiled helplessly. The Sect Master paid too much attention to cultivation, which made Xu Zhixiong's character flawed. , There is no doubt that Xu Zhixiong's flaws are due to the rebelliousness of the children, but the fact that the suzerain doesn't ask about it makes their old bones a headache.

"I hope you can take this opportunity to converge."

This was the last thought of the middle-aged man before closing his eyes. Shrek Crouching Tiger and Panlong just gave Xu Zhixiong this brat to polish his arrogance, and on the other side, Lin Xuan had already been waiting in the ring area, except for the players who were currently selected Apart from the reserve team, Wang Lin, Ye Fanxing, Long Lao and even Xiao Lao in a wheelchair came.

Lin Xuan sat cross-legged on the side of the ring to adjust his soul power rhythm and the rhythm of spatial fluctuations. He is not in a hurry. Today he will definitely win Xu Zhixiong. Like Xu Zhixiong, he has come along with leapfrog challenges. Losing to the Soul Sect was unacceptable for both of them.

"Who do you think will win?"

Li Yi tilted his head and asked with a smile. Nangongqian did not comment. Others also agreed that Lin Xuan would win. Although Xu Zhixiong was famous, they had never seen Lin Xuan's horror. Both Kita and Gui Jihao were defeated by Lin Xuan.

"Ask so much what you are doing, just look at it."

Tang Yumiao said with a cold face, Nangongqian stubbornly held Lin Xuan's back, Lin Xuan and the figure in his mind began to slowly overlap, but I don’t know why he always couldn’t be up to each other. During the discussion, a figure fell from the sky.

Just when he was about to land, his figure and Lin Xuan's position suddenly changed. Lin Xuan waved his hand and landed gently without even raising a trace of dust. Xu Zhixiong looked at Lin Xuan and laughed:

"You can shoot within the ring, I didn't expect you to be quite vigilant."

Lin Xuan looked at Xu Zhixiong noncommitantly, and he also released four spirit rings, one yellow, two purple and one black, which made Xu Zhixiong's face a bit dignified. Although he had known that Lin Xuan's spirit ring configuration was the only one in the world, it was still inevitable. Shock.

"Go ahead."

Lin Xuan didn't want to talk nonsense, but Xu Zhixiong obviously didn't want to start the duel so early. Instead, he turned to look at Chu Ling'er and said:

"Ling'er, have we not seen each other in four years?"

Chu Ling'er was stunned for a moment. In her memory, she and Xu Zhixiong didn't even know each other.

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