Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 126 Spirit Extraction Technique

"Can you get up?"

"Not today. I just received treatment and I can only lie in bed. You can pull the alchemy furnace over and I will teach you."

Duguxue shook his head and said, Lin Xuan listened to Duguxue's words and pulled the alchemy furnace to the window. The alchemy furnace was a four-ding exquisite workmanship and a spontaneous combustion furnace. There was no need to make a fire, just inject soul power to control the fire.

"What are you going to refine this time?"

"It's all refined, I plan to solve the problems in Ling'er first."

"Wait, let me first tell you that my soul extraction potion is only useful for human souls, so I can't solve the problem of soul beast souls."

Duguxue hurriedly said that she had seen that Chu Linger's problem was indeed the only one in the world. Even Duguxue could only solve the problem of human souls by relying on ancestral methods, and she could do nothing about other spirit beasts.

"Well, this time I mainly want to solve the problem of the human soul in her. The soul of the soul beast is actually unconscious. It just wants to swallow Chu Ling'er. Maybe I can find a way for the two to merge and complement each other."

"You are really bold, but this is your business and I have no right to interfere."

Dugu Xuefu said helplessly, if it wasn't for the soul-extraction potion that he had used in his ancestry, he would not recommend it to Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan threw the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace. Even if he is a layman, he can do it himself, the reason is simple, he only needs to melt the ingredients into juice.

The guard Xu Zhixiong sighed when he saw that there was no movement inside. He couldn't help but think of himself. He was about to start the second awakening of Martial Soul at his age, but he couldn't attack a woman he didn't know. If you continue to procrastinate, you don't know when the Martial Spirit will awaken, and there will be no way in this life.

"Why are you sitting here?"

"Nuo, it's alchemy inside."

Xu Zhixiong tilted his head and said, Chu Linger sighed helplessly, Duguxue is too powerful, she is like a goddess, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, pharmacological knowledge can be said to be superb, and like Lin Daiyu, weak , I'm afraid that he would be tempted by a man, and Chu Linger felt that Lin Xuan would be robbed several times.

"Don't worry, Lin Xuan must be an upright gentleman. Just put a hundred hearts on it. Sometimes you have to know that the more you worry, the easier it is to make Lin Xuan panic."

Xu Zhixiong said bitterly, Chu Linger smiled disdainfully:

"You Xuan Mingzong are veterans in love, I don't believe you."

"Believe it or not, and this young master is clearly a mysterious soul, don't confuse me."


The two were fighting inconspicuously here, and Lin Xuan Linxuan also completed alchemy. He filled the potion in the alchemy furnace in a jade bottle. Lin Xuan looked at Dugu Xue and said:

"You have a good rest. I have already found the medicinal materials. When you get better, I will start to make alchemy."

"Then help me find a virtual god pill, without this pill I can't make it."

"I know."

Lin Xuan nodded. He pushed open the door to see that Xu Zhixiong and Chu Linger were arguing with strange expressions. Xu Zhixiong spread his hands and said:

"Really, I have been scolded by girls for so long in my life."

"You shouldn't scold you? Try out some bad ideas."

"Well, I surrender."

Xu Zhixiong raised his hands. One person can't scold two people. Chu Linger came to Lin Xuan and said:

"Old Kong said it's okay."

"Brother Xu, Duguxue troubles you."

"Do not worry."

Duguxue entered the room and began to help Duguxue nourish the five internal organs, while Lin Xuan took Chu Ling'er to the dormitory. He directly tore through the space crack and came to Chu Ling'er's room. Tang Xiao's bed in the room had long been left. , And Chu Ling'er's quilt is also very ordinary, and it is invisible that this is a girl's room.

"It's not good to enter the girl's room casually."

Chu Ling'er stuck his tongue out and said, Lin Xuan touched Chu Ling'er's head and then began to arrange the barrier. This was a barrier arranged with ethereal stones. Once someone forcibly broke into Lin Xuan, he would be forced to pop out.

"Lin Xuan, you must hurry up, the contents of the egg will hatch."

Lin Xuan frowned when looking at the giant egg in the southern giant tower. There was indeed a rhythm of life beating in it, but now Lin Xuan did not come for this, but for the hidden dangers in Chu Ling'er.

"I'll talk about something later, Master!"

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice, Yang Zhao in the sea of ​​spirit woke up when he called, Lin Xuan took out the soul extraction potion and handed it to Chu Ling'er in a deep voice:

"Swallow it and just have a good sleep. Leave everything to me."


Chu Ling'er opened the lid of the jade bottle and drank it. She would unconditionally believe in Lin Xuan. After swallowing the soul-extracting potion, Chu Linger fell asleep instantly. There is a permanent sleep grass in the soul-extracting potion for this step. Now Chu Ling'er's spirit sea defense is slowly being opened. After half an hour, Lin Xuan's spirit body directly separated from the body and entered Chu Ling'er's spirit sea, while Lin Xuan's originally black eyes became silvery white. , Yang Zhao took control of Lin Xuan's body and began to protect him.

This step was to prevent the Three Demon Gods from taking advantage of the emptiness. Lin Xuan didn't trust them, and even Barbatos remained skeptical, and Yang Zhao directly sat down cross-legged with a cold snort.

"You actually came in?"

As soon as Lin Xuan arrived in Chu Ling'er’s spiritual world, Chu Qing'er discovered Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan looked at Chu Qing'er. Chu Qing'er looked like Chu Ling'er by five points, except that Chu Qing'er was a bit plumper and more Mature, as if Chu Linger grew up.

And Lin Xuan discovered that there is another giant in the sea of ​​spirit. It is a white nine-tailed fox with a length of hundreds of feet. It looks so coquettish. The power in the nine-tailed fox can tear Lin Xuan to pieces by any look. Xing Douluo said that the soul of the nine-tailed fox is unaware. It only invades Chu Ling'er's sea of ​​spirit. This can be seen from the sea water under its feet. The sea in the sea of ​​spirit is a manifestation of a person's spiritual power. .

The larger the sea of ​​spirit, the stronger the person’s mental power, and the less likely to be affected by the negative effects of vertigo. The body of the nine-tailed fox occupies half of the sea of ​​spirit of Chu Linger, and the seawater under his feet is pink. Yes, and Lin Xuan could still find signs of their expansion, and Chu Qing'er was standing at the junction. It seemed that Chu Qing'er was helping Chu Ling'er resist the invasion of the nine-tailed fox.

"Hey, don't look, what are you doing in here? Don't you know that every time Chu Ling'er falls asleep, it is a good time for this guy to expand?"

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