Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 141 Counterattack!


Xie Wuyue looked around blankly, while Xu Zhixiong was looking at him mockingly in the ring, Xuanming replaced! This miracle has played a miraculous effect on many competition occasions, this kind of defensive single-handed magic skill It's a headache, so any team will choose to bring a flying soul master after knowing that there is a soul master with a mysterious soul tortoise in the participating team, and Shrek is no exception. Liu Yuhang is a soul master who can fly.

"Damn, I stumbled in such a place, go, let this end Shrek!"

Xuan Ye looked at a woman beside her and said, the woman nodded and stood on the ring and looked at Xu Zhixiong coldly. Xu Zhixiong saw that the other party’s eyes were straight, the other party’s clothes were exposed, and Xu Zhixiong’s charming expression made Xu Zhixiong fast. Drooling.

"This guy!"

Mo Xiaochen and the others looked at Xu Zhixiong with a wry smile. This guy was too embarrassed. Everyone despised Xu Zhixiong as if he had never seen a woman. Only his father knew Xu Zhixiong was serious.

"Hey, elder sister, you must be very kind to be so beautiful, can you come to Shrek?"

Xu Zhixiong asked like an idiot. The woman covered her mouth and looked at Xu Zhixiong smiling charmingly. Xu Zhixiong scratched her head in embarrassment. The referee couldn't stand it anymore and roared:


"Shrek Academy, Xu Zhixiong."

"Yulin College, Xuer."

The referee hurriedly announced the start of the game. Xu Er immediately released her martial soul, two yellow, two purple and one black five spirit rings lit up, a pair of black wings spread out behind her, and her forehead grew two pairs of sharp horns, buttocks A love tail also grows above it.


Liu Yuhang recognized this infamous martial soul at once. It is rumored that the succubus is an evil soul beast that collects yang and nourishes the yin. Many years ago, the mainland had encircled and suppressed the succubus, but it was just because the succubus was so beautiful and human The soul beast is the same as Catwoman but different from Catwoman.

Succubus has become scarce because of hunting. Everyone's goal in the future has been changed from the succubus to the owner of the succubus soul. The succubus soul cannot be classified as an evil soul, but it is also the most significant. May become the soul master of the evil soul master.

Xu Zhixiong turned around and ran to prepare to perform the same trick again. Xu'er looked at Xu Zhixiong with a smile like this. Just when Xu Zhixiong was about to jump, he turned his head and threw his Xuanming Tortoise Shield with all his strength. Xu'er, Xu'er was shocked that the fifth spirit ring directly lit up, and a crystal-colored shield directly blocked the shield, but it also made Xu'er back two steps.

Xu'er looked up and saw that Xu Zhixiong had rushed in front of him. The first soul skill Xuan Mingzhen was directly released. Xu'er was dizzy by Xuan Mingzhen. Xu Zhixiong grabbed the shield and smashed it at Xu'er. There was no idea of ​​pitying Xiangxiyu. , But Xuer in front of him turned into red smoke and disappeared in the next moment.

"Hehe, it's really rude, people thought you were a kind man."

Xu Zhixiong looked into the air with an ugly face, where Xuer was looking at him with a sneer on his face. Xu Zhixiong then realized that he was charmed. Everything was an illusion just now. When was the charm of him?He immediately ran to the edge of the ring and turned his back to Xu'er. The charm must look at each other, unless it is an absolute charm like Chu Ling'er.

Xu Zhixiong took a deep breath. Now there is no other way. He looked at Xu'er and released the third soul ability Xuanming shield formation, and then the second soul ability Xuanming shield formation was activated, and Xuer came to the Xuanming shield formation. In the middle, it was directly squeezed by the mysterious shield formation, but this was still an illusion, and Xu Zhixiong fell to the ground with an ugly expression.

No, right? He did feel it just now. The moment Xuan Ming replaced Xu'er himself, the charm could not deceive people's perception. It must be some spirit ability?Or?Xu Zhixiong was shocked, could it become smoke?

"Hey, the sister has launched an attack."

Xu'er's third spirit ring lit up, and a long whip appeared in her hand and drew towards Xu Zhixiong. Xu Zhixiong held up Xuanming tortoise shield to resist. Xu Zhixiong frantically looked for countermeasures while resisting. Suddenly he looked at Xuer, Xuerdi A spirit ring immediately lit up, and a love pattern appeared in Xu Zhixiong's eyes, and the charm was activated.

Xu Zhixiong was immediately relieved of the charm as soon as he bit the tip of his tongue. He laughed and immediately released his fourth spirit ability, Guardian of Water. Xu Zhixiong was wrapped in a shield formed by water tightly. Just when Xuer doubted, Xu Zhixiong once again released his mysterious shield formation.

"I have seen through your tricks, come here!"

The Xuanming replacement was activated, and Xuer entered the guardian of the water. The Xuanming shield array directly smashed into Xuer. Xuer once again became a mass of red smoke and dissipated in the shield array, but Xuer did not appear on the field this time. Inside.

"Your fourth spirit ability, right? It can actually turn people into smoke. I almost thought it was in your phantom formation. If it weren't for your eagerness to release the first spirit ability to charm me, I would really have no confidence. Water contains all things at the same time. By rejecting everything, you can escape from the mysterious shield formation, but you can never escape from the water package, right?"

Xu Zhixiong walked into the guardian of the water and asked with a smile. As expected, Xu Er was looking at him gloomyly in front of him, Xu Zhixiong could see through it, and Xu Er’s close combat was not even as good as Xu Zhixiong’s, Xu Zhixiong directly The first soul skill Xuan Mingzhen was released and then a shield flew to Xu'er.

Xu Zhixiong’s victory can be said to be dramatic. Xu'er, who has always had the upper hand, was suddenly defeated. Everyone was puzzled. Only everyone in the VIP table appreciated Xu Zhixiong. Many people even directly talked to Xu Zhixiong’s father, Daoxi. , After all, Xu Zhixiong will become a great weapon in the future, maybe it is possible to surpass him.

"Shrek Academy won, the current score is five to three."

"Hahaha, puppies from Yulin College, do you still have flying soul masters? Call them out if you have them?"

Xu Zhixiong laughed and said with his hands on his hips. Next, he only needs to release Xuanming replacement one by one. Everyone in Yulin College looks ugly, even if they still have a few soul kings?No one can protect themselves in the face of Xuan Ming replacement. If Shrek really wins with such a shameless method, they have no way at all.

"Damn it, I'll go!"

A strong man stood up and said, Xuan Ye nodded with a gloomy expression. The strong man who got Xuan Ye nodded jumped and stood directly on the ring. Xu Zhixiong looked at the strong man with a serious expression. If he loses this time, Then Shrek would fall into a 6-3 situation, and they couldn't confirm whether Tang Yumiao could win four games in a row.

"Yulin College, Yu Hantian!"

Before the referee could speak Yu Hantian, he declared himself his name. Obviously he wanted to make a quick decision. After Xu Zhixiong also said his name, the referee ordered the man to turn a purple sledgehammer into his hand. Hit Xu Zhixiong hard, Xu Zhixiong's face changed wildly, this is a thunder hammer spirit!

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