Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 144 Sacred Light

"Holy light purifies everything."

Lin Xuan raised his right arm, and all the blood people who had been irradiated became their original state. They gratefully looked at Lin Xuan. It was Lin Xuan who rescued their souls from the blood people. If it weren't for Lin Xuan, they wouldn't Knowing how long it was going to be used by Zhong Limu, all the souls dissipated contentedly, leaving only the panicked Zhong Limu.

"Zhong Limu, you have done all the bad things, and today you dare to sow discord here in front of the people of the world and die for me!"

A three-meter-long giant sword appeared in Lin Xuan's right hand, a giant sword of 100,000 years of soul bone, soul ability, and light. Zhong Limu directly sat on the ground, he looked at Lin Xuan in a daze. At this moment, Lin Xuan was like a god. Xia Fan is judging him, and the role of the divine light has played out.

Lin Xuan cut it down with a single sword. At the moment when Zhong Limu was about to die, Xu Haoyun stood in front of Zhong Limu and used the martial arts yarn to strangle the sword of light into countless pieces. Lin Xuan smiled and looked at Xu Haoyun. , Xu Haoyun strongly endured the anxiety in his heart and shouted:

"Lin Xuan, you have been wrapped around your neck with my wool, if you don't want to die, take us out of the city, or I will die with you!"

The audience was in an uproar at Xu Haoyun’s words, because Xu Haoyun’s silk threads slowly emerged. These threads turned into a formation that trapped Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan’s vitals were at least stuck in four places. As long as Xu Haoyun moved his fingers and Lin Xuan slightly. The corpse will be separated.

"Xu Haoyun, you are the son of the deputy dean of Yulin College. Just because Wu Haotian, the dean of Yulin College's son, kept pressing you, you colluded with the Holy Spirit and killed your father, including all the living people in the college. Actually, the reason is not Wu Haotian. I, but because of his sister Wu Qingyun, you take Wu Qingyun as your own, and you are forcing Wu Qingyun to treat you like a husband every day."

"How could you know? Could it be?"

Xu Haoyun murmured in disbelief, as he expected, a young girl slowly walked into the arena under the protection of Mr. Long. The girl looked at Xu Haoyun in horror, as if Xu Haoyun was some kind of demon, Mr. Long. He patted the girl on the shoulder and said softly:

"Okay, Qingyun, tell everyone about Xu Haoyun's crime, and we will take the charge for you."

With Long Lao’s support, Wu Qingyun began to talk about how Xu Haoyun colluded with the Holy Spirit to teach the bloodbath of Yulin College, and then how Xu Haoyun killed Wu Haotian, how to scold her father and then kill him, how to take her as her own regardless of her own wishes, She doesn't know how many days and nights thinking about suicide, but she must live to tell the world about Xu Haoyun's sin.

"To shut up!"

Xu Haoyun roared with a ferocious look, Wu Qingyun was yelled to hide behind Old Long. Lin Xuan laughed. He directly released the soul bone skill and escaped Xu Haoyun's killing array. He walked towards Xu Haoyun step by step and said:

"The evil spirit master’s evil is innate, and this evil is very likely to be forced out by us, and the evil of a person like you is more terrible than the evil spirit master’s evil, you sit for your own inner desires Things that are inferior to pigs and dogs, you look like a dog on the surface, but you look like a dog."

"Xu Haoyun, what you do makes me sick. You think Shrek is blind in both eyes. Actually, there is no. Shrek's power is lurking in every corner of the mainland. Maybe we haven't discovered your holy spirit, but we You will see it someday, but you won’t see it!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, the sacred light was released again. Zhong Limu screamed and fainted. Xu Haoyun looked at Lin Xuan with scarlet eyes. The silk thread in his hand shot directly at Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan teleported directly behind Xu Haoyun. Then the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand and hammered Xu Haoyun into the air. Just as Xu Haoyun wanted to struggle, Lin Xuan came to him and put a solid hammer on his head. Although this hit was a hit, Lin Xuan is only the Soul Sect after all, Xu Haoyun struggled to stand up and he laughed:

"Now? How can you run?"

Xu Haoyun’s silk thread once again formed the formation, and this time it was no longer a rough formation, but the time when Lin Xuan was emptied. The only places Lin Xuan can teleport now are Xu Haoyun and Zhong Limu, and Xu Haoyun It just so happened that the formation was set up in his own body and Zhong Limu's body, and Lin Xuan would be strangled by silk threads anyway.

"The dark inside will never see the light!"

Lin Xuan’s long silver hair instantly turned green, and the blood of the Jade Snake Emperor was activated. Lin Xuan grabbed a thread and released the Jade Snake’s poison without reservation. The two princes of the Heaven Dou Empire couldn’t believe it. Stand up, this is the poison of the Jade Snake Emperor?Why can Lin Xuan use it?

The silk thread that Lin Xuan grasped was the generatrix of all silk threads. He was directly controlled by Xu Haoyun. Unsuspecting Xu Haoyun was directly invaded by the green scale snake venom. Wuhun instantly released his possession, and he kept rolling on the ground. The green scale snake venom is destroying its meridians and internal organs, and he is already mortal.

"Your sins cannot be repaid, but no one can repay all your sins after you die."

Xu Haoyun looked at Lin Xuan unwillingly. He didn't expect that his must-kill formation would be cracked so easily by Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan looked at Xu Haoyun and then at Zhong Limu. Zhong Limu and Xu Haoyun are exactly the same, but Zhong Li The pastor recognized the leader of the Holy Spirit Church as a foster father, so he cannot die now.

"Shrek Academy wins! The total score is two to zero!"

At this time, the referee could only announce with an ugly face. Originally, he planned to kill Zhong Limu with his own hands. The evil spirit master's evil made everyone fearful. This kind of fear would give people two choices, one is to escape and the other is. It is the choice to fight, he is the type of person who intends to fight.

There were deafening cheers from the audience. Lin Xuan defeated the two soul emperor’s evil spirit masters. This was extremely rising for them. Lin Xuan returned to the rest area to remove Li Yi and Tang Yumiao from the empty spirit stone. When the inside was released, both of them fainted under the influence of the sea of ​​blood. They were really a little bit worse just now. Fortunately, they found the busbar, otherwise Xu Haoyun would definitely have time to get rid of.

"Lin Xuan, are you okay?"

Chu Ling'er asked worriedly. Just now, Chu Ling'er's heart almost stopped beating. No matter how good Lin Xuan was, she would have no chance of winning against two soul emperors. But Lin Xuan did it, which made her weep with joy. .

Lin Xuan touched Chu Ling'er's head helplessly. If it weren't for Nangongqian's sudden release, he would not have come here. Without Nangongqian's information, he would not know how to deal with Zhong Limu's sudden attack. Shrek is very likely. Being eliminated, I can only say that Nangong Qian did a good job.

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