"Isn't Young Xia kidding? We sincerely want to invite Miss Dugu Xue back."

"Okay, don't bully, you will definitely not see Duguxue. I said he was picked up by me, so don't think about it. Next time, don't go to other girls' houses and ruin other people's clothes. It's all dirty."

"That's right, the scavengers are like perverts."

Prince Hoopoe would give up this opportunity to sarcasm the Heaven Dou Empire. The Prince Xuepi and Prince Xueyu almost exploded in this remark. The importance of the eyes of ice and fire is too great. Originally, this time it was to find the lone lonely. Xue, then obtained the way to open the eyes of the Ice and Fire. Unexpectedly, they would not only be humiliated by the junior Lin Xuan, but also let the people of the Star Luo Empire please Lin Xuan.

"Old Kong, I think it's OK to go away, lest some people take their own shame."

Prince Dai Sheng said leisurely, Kong Lao smiled and said:

"Then let's stop here, Lin Xuan and Zhang Jinfeng are our Shrek chief torturers, we almost have to collect the information of the Holy Spirit Cultivation Remnant Party now, I hope a few people respect themselves."

Old Kong's words made them all look at Lin Xuan. Zhang Jinfeng is an interrogator. They all know that, until now, they don’t know where Shrek’s dungeon is. But Lin Xuan, who suddenly appeared, brought such a The more information is obviously the credit of Lin Xuan alone.

"Several people, don't fight Duguxue's idea. Not everyone can take possession of things like Ice and Fire Eyes. At that time, Senior Tang San didn't use Ice and Fire Eyes as the back garden to pick them. Instead, let the people of Dugu's family take care of it, obviously not to do things against the sky."

After saying that Lin Xuan tore through the space crack and left, Kong Lao laughed and led the four princes down, and then Lin Xuan tore through the space crack and walked out solemnly. Kong Lao looked at Lin Xuan and asked:

"how about it?"

"The attitude of the Tiandou Empire is a bit abnormal. From the perspective of Emperor Tiandou's physical condition, Emperor Tiandou should be poisoned. This kind of chronic poison can accelerate the aging of his body, but it is strange that this is not a chronic poison. Didn't Emperor Tian Dou discover the chronic poison of 's? Or that Emperor Tian Dou discovered it, but he couldn't avoid taking poison?

"You're right, Emperor Tiandou kept silent about this, and we can't know anything, but the only thing we know is that this poison may be related to Duguxue."

Elder Kong told Lin Xuan about the information he knew, and Lin Xuan frowned. Is it related to Duguxue?It is unlikely that Duguxue can poison the Heaven Dou Empire?And how could it be possible to provide it without interruption for so many years, not to mention that Duguxue had already come to Shrek, which means it was probably the poison of Duguxue's mother.

"Go back and think about it slowly, and don't be sorry for that girl Ling'er."

Old Kong reminded him before Lin Xuan left. Lin Xuan was taken aback and nodded. It is indeed troublesome for him and Duguxue to be unclear, but he has been a little impetuous lately, so many things have not been done. This is his decompression. In this way, he has returned to a state of stress, and this feeling is not bad.

Emperor Tiandou, the mother of Duguxue, the eyes of the ice and fire, and Duguxue, what is the connection between these? If the Emperor Tiandou wants to find the eyes of the ice and fire to make the ultimate Douluo, how does the poison of the Emperor Tiandou return? thing?Is Duguxue's mother still alive?If you are alive, why don't you dare to come to Shrek?Shrek can be said to be the safest place in the world.

Even if you meet Duguxue secretly?Duguxue was very serious and promised Lin Xuan that she would not hide anything from Lin Xuan, even if Duguxue had an ex-boyfriend, she said that there was really nothing to hide.

Lin Xuan walked on the road of Shrek. He walked all over Shrek and finally sat on a chair. It happened that everyone had finished class. Lin Xuan also gave up thinking when he saw the bustling crowd. The boat came straight to the bridge. The truth is It is to explore rather than sit here and think, and it will never be possible to obtain any information without clues.

Lin Xuan disappeared where no one noticed. He returned to Star River City. He went directly to the hotel room. He went directly to Chu Ling'er's room, and Chu Ling'er just took a shower and was about to go to eat at the moment.

"Lin Xuan, why are you here? Don't go to the dungeon?"

"That's not my main business. I have done everything I should do now. I am here specifically to find you."

Lin Xuan said with a smile, Chu Ling'er covered his mouth and smiled. Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan was getting more and more numb now. Lin Xuan touched Chu Ling'er's slightly moist hair and asked:

"After the big game, let's leave Shrek to travel on the mainland, right?"

"What's wrong with Lin Xuan?"

Chu Ling'er noticed something wrong, so Lin Xuan would take the initiative to leave Shrek?In the end what happened?Lin Xuan looked at Chu Ling'er and said seriously:

"There are some things we can't know the truth when we stay in Shrek, so I want to take you around to see if we can find clues, and also accompany you. We are lovers."

"What about Duguxue?"

Chu Ling'er lowered his head and asked. Lin Xuan was taken aback. As expected, Chu Ling'er still cared about Duguxue. Duguxue was really too troublesome, so he wanted to take Chu Ling'er away so that both of them would be bothered. Can get away from Duguxue.

"Don't ask, she will be in Shrek."

"But, you like her too, don't you?"

"Here again, silly girl, as long as the beautiful girls I see will like, but that kind of like is just appreciation. I love you, don't think too much."

Lin Xuan sighed and said, now that the blood of the nine-tailed fox in Chu Ling'er can hardly be felt, and the nine-tailed fox in the sea of ​​spirit has only a little place left, as for Chu Qing'er, he was in the sea of ​​spirit. The seal was in a corner.

"Lin Xuan, is there anything you can't tell me? Keeping it in my heart will only make myself uncomfortable."

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, but he still didn't tell what he knew. Originally it was only one person's troubles, but becoming two people's troubles would make both parties unhappy. He touched Chu Ling'er's head and said:

"Eat, don't think too much."


Chu Ling'er put on clothes weirdly and went downstairs to eat with Lin Xuan. After eating, Li Yi found Lin Xuan alone. Lin Xuan came to Li Yi's room and asked:

"whats the matter?"

"It's not easy to find you. The semi-finals are still four days away. What do you think I am looking for?"

"If it is against Tiandou Academy, I can't help much, but I must be there that day."

"I know you must be there, I just want to ask you, if you have a chance of winning against Tang Qunfeng?"

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