"By the way, someone is looking for you."

Chu Linger let Lin Xuan stand up in surprise. Behind Chu Linger was Xiao Feng with a smile on his face. Lin Xuan excitedly hugged Xiao Feng and asked:

"Master, when did you come?"

"Passing by Star River City, I just wanted to see you, and then I watched your game. Good job."

Xiao Feng praised Lin Xuan without hesitation. At that moment, Lin Xuan showed what he taught Lin Xuan to the fullest. Lin Xuan could even say that he was better than him. The changes on the scene were even more impressive. Breathtaking.

"I'm leaving now, this is lunch."

Chu Ling'er made a face and left the lunch box. She knew that staying might make Xiao Feng difficult to say. Xiao Feng looked at Chu Ling'er from the back and said:

"A good apprentice of Starless Douluo, it's cheap, you kid, this little girl was really a violent temper when she was young."

"Why it seems that each of you has seen Chu Ling'er."

Lin Xuan asked in a puzzled manner. Almost all the top forces had seen Chu Ling'er. Xiao Feng put the boxed lunch in front of Lin Xuan and said:

"I don't have much time, I will leave after you have eaten."

"So urgent?"

"I said I was passing by."

Xiao Feng stretched out his hands helplessly. Lin Xuan had to eat normally. He knew Xiao Feng's temper. Xiao Feng looked at Lin Xuan and frowned:

"I helped you inquire about a lot of news, one of which is the most critical. That is that Duguxue’s mother is dead. I learned about it from the Holy Spirit Church. You need to know that the relationship between my teacher and your apprentice is kept secret, so They will also give me some news, I am very trustworthy about the information about the Holy Spirit, I will not tell Shrek to live to this day."

"Duguxue's mother died at the hands of the Holy Spirit. The person who told me was related to the great elder. He also reasoned while listening to the great elder's speech."

Lin Xuan's heart sank. As expected, he was right. Duguxue's mother was really dead. Then who was the poison of Emperor Tiandou?Xiao Feng looked at Lin Xuandao:

"You will become an agent in the future. It doesn't matter if I tell you. I was commissioned by Emperor Tiandou to investigate this matter. After knowing the news of Duguxue's mother's death, Emperor Tiandou was very angry, and because I have completed the commission now Go to the coastal areas to help Wuxing Douluo a little bit."

"Coastal area? The master tells you that I will go to the coastal area for more experience after this competition."

Lin Xuan said in surprise, Xiao Feng nodded and said:

"I know, I went there because Starless Douluo and a few old friends went to a secret realm together. I don't know if they can come back alive, but what I know is that there will be a secret realm next to the coastal city Seaside City. , There is something to solve the Chu Linger Three Soul Community, Wuxing Douluo entrusted me to help."

"Why do you ask Master to go? Isn't it good to call Title Douluo?"

"The world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not old. You can't trust them. Although I am inferior to Titled Douluo, there was absolutely no Titled Douluo present when the secret realm broke out. Even with my strength, even Soul Douluo was not present. It must have won me no matter what."

"I will go too when the time comes."

Lin Xuan said, Xiao Feng patted Lin Xuan's head and left a note and disappeared. Lin Xuan knew that the master had released the martial soul and left. Lin Xuan just finished the meal in the lunch box, and he opened the note left by Xiao Feng. , It only says that Lin Xuan will meet in Seaside City in five months, and he will tell Lin Xuan many truths at that time.

It seems that he has to speed up and stop posting. After five months, he will be able to handle all Shrek’s affairs for three or four years. When he comes back to participate in the All-Continent Higher Spirit Master Academy Competition, he must not be at that time. Will be as embarrassed as it is now.

Lin Xuan returned the lunch box to Chu Ling'er and entered the ethereal stone. At this moment, Duguxue and Xuantian were chatting. Lin Xuan saw the sweat on Xuantian's forehead. I am afraid this guy was tortured by Duguxue. , Duguxue saw Lin Xuan come in and asked:

"Can't you go back? It's so boring here."

"It's almost over. Once the contest is over, you can return to Shrek City."

Lin Xuan said with a smile, this is because there is a bit of bitterness in the smile, he is here to report the funeral, but seeing Duguxue like this Lin Xuan really can't say anything, Duguxue looked at Lin Xuan and asked:

"Just say what you have, it doesn't matter what it is."

"Xuantian, go and stay."


Xuan Tian hurried off after receiving Lin Xuan's order. At this moment, there were only Lin Xuan and Duguxue on the island in the sky. Duguxue watched Lin Xuan play with her fingers and asked:

"Did you find my mother's body?"


Lin Xuan said bitterly, although Duguxue's expression did not change much, Lin Xuan could still feel that Duguxue's body temperature dropped rapidly at this moment, and her body was stretched straight, making the rhythm of her fingers become chaotic, Lin Xuan sighed. With a sigh of relief, she squatted down in front of Duguxue and said:

"Why do you lie to me that your mother has only left in recent years? I have seen it from your bloodline power. You have never seen your mother since the awakening of bloodline power or before. You are in the ice and fire. The eyes grow up alone, with snakes as companions and flowers as friends."

"so what?"

Duguxue raised her head and asked with tears in her eyes. Lin Xuan hugged Duguxue and said:

"The same is true for me. I stay with my mother every day. Although we are together, it seems to be separated. I guarded my mother until the age of six. I also came here alone, so I can understand the grief in your heart. Tell me what you want, just cry out loud when you want to cry, there is no shame."


Duguxue cried and cursed, she got into Lin Xuan's arms and wept bitterly. After losing her mother, she really needs to find a place to vent. Lin Xuan and Duguxue's experience is similar, but the difference is that Duguxue's mother is good or bad. Loved her, but his mother did not, but he still loved his mother, he just hated himself for not letting his mother wait until his strong day.

At that time, he would definitely look for his mother and ask him why he left his mother, or he found his mother’s grave and buried him with her mother. He also had too many things weighing on him. Lin Xuan and Duguxue were in the ethereal stone. The internal complaints were heartfelt, but Chu Linger lay lazily on the bed not looking at the movement in the ethereal stone.

"what are you thinking about?"

Nine-tailed fox in the sea of ​​spirit asked with a smile. Chu Ling'er ignored the nine-tailed fox. She didn't tell Lin Xuan about the nine-tailed fox's awakening, because the nine-tailed fox had no malicious intentions, and she didn't want to trouble Lin Xuan.

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