"My lord, is there anything else?"

Xuantian laughed more ugly than crying, because Lin Xuan was staring at him at the moment. Of course, this person was not Lin Xuan but Yang Zhao. He discovered Lin Xuan’s troubles, but he didn’t expect that he had given Lin Xuan spiritual knowledge. There is no way to help Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan looked at Chu Ling'er and sighed:

"A woman is like the weather on the sea, unpredictable. Never offend a woman."

Yang Zhao is a person here. He found the ideological work of his second wife and his first wife for too long. If the two did not happen to be in harmony, I am afraid that he is still a wife instead of a harem. what else can we do?He is not the kind of person who loves alone, he believes that Lin Xuan is not that kind of person either.

Only the lower the status, the easier it is to love only one person, because they think that might be their only chance. Of course, they digress. He knows that if there is no way, he will definitely enter the spirit of Chu Ling'er to help, but he still I want Lin Xuan to handle these things alone.

While Lin Xuan, the spiritual sea, looked at the nine-tailed fox, he kept holding a big sword in his hand, and his body was wearing armor. He would not give the nine-tailed fox any chance. Lin Xuandao:

"I can go to your spiritual sea, but you can't kill me completely."

"Okay, there is no defense in the sea of ​​my spirit, why don't you just go in?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, this is what he dreams of. There is also Chu Qing'er in the sea of ​​his own spirit. Nine-tailed fox looked at Lin Xuan with some doubts, and she asked:

"I won't believe you, I need you to leave first."

"Dreaming, if you want to beat me to the end."

"I know we don't trust each other, but there is someone guarding you outside of you, I don't worry."

The nine-tailed fox shook his head and said, Lin Xuan looked at the nine-tailed fox and he did not dare to let Xuantian leave. The nine-tailed fox looked at Lin Xuandao:

"Let me tell you one thing. If I don’t leave, I will definitely die when the old man comes back, and I don’t want to die. Actually, after I reach one hundred thousand years, I intend to become an adult to experience the life of human beings. When I met her parents, they would kill me as soon as they came up. I don't want to die or fight for a dead end."

"You have to know that if I die, my corpse will only make those soul beasts cheaper. Our nine-tailed foxes are proud creatures, and we will not associate with soul beasts, but I don’t want to live like this forever. There is a choice."

The nine-tailed fox looked at Lin Xuan and said. Lin Xuan looked at the nine-tailed fox and he always felt that the nine-tailed fox had some tricks, but he did not grasp any flaws. The nine-tailed fox looked at Lin Xuan and said slowly:

"I need you to find a titled Douluo's corpse, or find a body that I dream of, or you can find a one-hundred-thousand-year incarnation fruit, the next 80,000 years will do."

"You're thinking about ass, 80,000-year-old human beings can run with horns on their own, and even become a strong man with eight-pack abs. I'm going to look for him? Didn't you wake up?"

"I can wait, even I can wait for you to become a god and help me reshape my body."

The nine-tailed fox said slowly, and Lin Xuan unconsciously took a step back. What does this nine-tailed fox mean?Why did you make such a big concession just now?If the nine-tailed fox really gave in like this, she wouldn't die with Chu Ling'er's mother so as to enter Chu Ling'er's body.

If it were not to survive, why would she enter her own spirit sea? Her spirit sea is definitely more dangerous than Chu Linger's, and Nine-Tailed Fox will lose the home court advantage. Nine-Tailed Fox is also a little impatient, and she was so bold just now. But now the mother-in-law is up, she roars:

"If you are a man, hurry up and let that person walk me into your spirit sea. But I made such a big concession. Do you want to do it or not? Once I'm gone, you can check Chu Ling'er's spirit to your heart's content. The sea."

"I believe you, deal."

Lin Xuan knows that there will be continuous breaks, but he is subject to the chaos. Now the nine-tailed fox is in a dominant position. If he is uncertain, he will definitely be killed by the nine-tailed fox pit. He lets Xuantian enter the ethereal stone, and then lets Yang Zhao hide it. The fox snorted. The pink power in the sea of ​​spirit under her feet all returned to her body, and then she left the sea of ​​spirit of Chu Ling'er.

Lin Xuan quickly returned to his body, Chu Qing'er in his spiritual sea was waiting for the nine-tailed fox, and the nine-tailed fox looked at Chu Qing'er and frowned:

"I've seen this nasty woman, and she is here too."

"Lin Xuan, why is the nine-tailed fox here?"

Chu Qing'er asked, Lin Xuan waved his hand to tell Chu Qing'er not to speak. The next moment Yang Zhao appeared in the sea of ​​spirit, and the nine-tailed fox screamed and wanted to escape, but Yang Zhao directly blocked Lin Xuan's spirit. Hai, Lin Xuan looked at the nine-tailed fox and said:

"You never expected my master to have such a relationship with me?"

Nine-tailed fox really didn’t expect that she thought that Lin Xuan would be a great reward for getting divine knowledge, but she didn’t expect that the clone of God’s Mansion would be in Lin Xuan’s spirit sea, just when Yang Zhao wanted to make a move. Lin Xuan stopped Yang Zhao and asked:

"Your life and death are already between my thoughts. I don't think you need to hide it anymore. Tell me all the backhands and how to solve the three bloodlines?"

Although there is nothing left in Chu Ling'er's Spirit Sea, the power of blood still exists. Once it reaches the Soul Sage, the power of the three bloodlines will explode. Although Lin Xuan has absorbed a lot, it will still bring irreversible effects to Chu Ling'er. as a result of.

"I did leave behind. I planted a bomb in Chu Ling'er's Spiritual Sea. It will explode as long as I die. At that time, Chu Ling'er's Spiritual Sea will definitely be particularly exciting."

The nine-tailed fox said with a smile. Lin Xuan looked at Yang Zhao. Yang Zhao nodded and went directly into Chu Linger’s spiritual sea. It didn’t take long before Yang Zhao returned. Yang Zhao looked at Lin Xuan and nodded. The tail fox was right about this one.

"I don't have a way to solve the power of the three bloodlines, but I believe that old man will find it. His martial spirit is very magical and unique in the ages."

Nine-tailed Fox said with a smile, knowing she was safe for the time being, Lin Xuan nodded and stretched out her hand and said:

"I keep my promise and will help you rebuild your body, and when you see my life and the people behind me, I believe you will not go against me. If Chu Ling'er has something, I will slowly become a god. Torture you."

"Of course I know this."

The nine-tailed fox held Lin Xuan's hand. The agreement between the two has been established, and Lin Xuan has also solved a major problem, but what will Chu Linger do when he wakes up?

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