Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 157 I believe you

"If the pressure is too big, I can fight with Xu Tianze, this is the work of our main team, but it is imposed on your preparatory team."

Li Yili said that Lin Xuan shook his head, he did not say anything but directly returned to the room, his heart is very messy, Chu Linger's things have been lingering, and Chu Linger is calm down. But the two people can finally come together.

Love is always so distressed. Some things will be disrupt in the arrangement. Li Yi is actually not correct. If he is just a preparatory team member, he will not have such a big pressure. After all, it will lose, but He is now the owner of the sea god, and his shoulder is supported by Shrek's hope. If he is there, he still has this patriarch, you must know that the Sea Godge Crash will be a champion.

I think that these Lin Xuan is irritating. Yang Zhao will not manage these things. If he is not too idle, he will not help Lin Xuan so busy, and this unreasonable opposite side will not help, Lin Xuan strokes his right arm, there is a hundred thousand years of soul bones, his hands can be said to be the most hard item in the world, the soul bone has not been crushed since discovered, tomorrow may be true It is desirable.

Lin Xuan returned to the empty stone, and the Schples did not stop comfort, although she didn't want to do it, but she could only do this for Lin Xuan, she looked at Lin Xuan shake his head. She said, she Said, but Chu Linger did not say a word, Lin Xuan got to nod him directly in front of Chu Leung, Chu Linger looked at Lin Xuan at a glance:

"Can you let me leave? I want to go back to Track City quiet."


Lin Xuan nodded. He got up and wanted to hold Chu Linger's hand, but Chu Lingri avoided Lin Xuan's palm of Lin Xuan, obviously didn't want Lin Xuan to hold her. Lin Xuan sighed with Chu Linger to return to the room. Then torn open space cracks, Chu Linger drilled in, Lin Xuan looked at the things in the room and sighed again. He set up a spatial node in the Haishen Course. The place where Chu Linger appeared was in the sea. I believe that the dragon will arrange it, Lin Xuan's annoyance scratched his head, and the Solitary Snow came out of the empty stone to hug Lin Xuan:

"Don't be sad, will there be a game tomorrow?"

"I really don't know what to do."

Lin Xuan said helpless, he was the first time I feel so helpless. He didn't make any mistakes, but he knew that he could not be together after the matter, he used to have a gap but that It is something between two people, but this is ...

Lin Xi wants to think about tears, saying that he is only a fourteentylened child, he is very wronged, and you will come to Lin Xuanqiao before you:

"Yin Xuan, Linger is just thinking about it, and it will wait for a long time."

"How can I?"

"I believe in you, you will not give up, you dare to take it, why do you give up here? She still loves you, she just wants to do it."

Solitary, Shui Xuan slammed his head:

"Can you go back to the Lingshi? I think I am quiet."

"Lin Xuan, do you have a little ok?"

I haven't finished the empty rock, I have received the empty stone, and the nine-tailed foxes in the spirit of the spirit are also a little hesitant. She is thinking not to say, and Chu Qing is decadently sitting on the sea. My own persuasion said that the Chu Linger still didn't hear it.

Lin Xuan sat soated for a night. The next morning, Lin Xuan came to the seating area. He sat in the seat, he looked at the audience, his eyes were completely I don't know what I want, the people of the Xinglo Royal Soul College arrive in advance, Xu Tianze looked at Lin Xuan's brow, he did not expect Lin Xuan actually, this time, Xu Tianze did not take Li Yigoo to be a top opponent, Li Billions are very strong, but his martial art is too much than yours, his Xuanwu Wuhun is unlimited to the limit of the limit of the limit. It is not Li million level flame to restrain.

Lin Xuan did not see Xu Tianze. I can know who will win, and Shilei people are looking for Lin Xuan for a long time. When they arrived at the venue, I don't mention more surprises after I saw Lin Xuan. Kong De is going to find Lin Xuan asked where Chu Linger, but Li Yi stopped them, and now Lin Xuan needs a person who is quiet.

"Li Yixian is long, I will defeat Xu Tianze, at least I will let Xu Tianze are half dead."

Lin Xuan's words were very cold, so that everyone was chilling, the previous Lin Xuan always revealed the good breath, they still saw such Lin Xuan, noon, the host read the speech, in the old A order of the finals officially started, and this referee is Kong Lao himself.

A super Douro came to host the final, which was never had, and the old lounges looked at the seating area of ​​both sides.

"The little guys on both sides come out."

Lin Xuan and Xu Tianze came to the platform to see the other party. I don't know why Xu Tianze saw Lin Xuan's full of death. What kind of eyes? It seems to be a murderer who is about to die.

"The two sides are not named."

"Shrek College, Lin Xuan ..."

"Xu Tianze", Xu Tianze. "

Xu Tianze said directly after the martial arts, the mysterious shield was waiting to look at Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan was unlikely released his martial arts and soul ring, a yellow two purple, black, Lin Xuan's hand condensed A hammer and then hammered hard, Xu Tianze's face changed directly to sway the shield and crushed the hammer and then the third soul skills. The muanwu shield released directly hit the chest of Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan was hit back Two steps to spit blood.

"What is he doing?"

The snow clear sky and Tang Yan in the audience are looking at, Lin Xuan actually hard to resist this trick? Why not avoid it? Even Xu Tianze is covered, let alone other people, Lin Xuan wiped the blood of the mouth:

"Come again."


Xu Tianze felt that he was smashed. His first soul technology is directly released. Lin Xuan's instant released the blood of the golden sacred dragon. He seized the Xu Tianze to collect back. Because he found that his strength is not as good as Lin Xuan, this makes Xu Tianze a while, how is it possible?

He didn't care about the fifth soul, and the blessing of Xuanwu guarded Xu Tianze's power raised a grade to take the shield from Lin Xuan.

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