Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 163 Blood Score

"Sleep, then you will rely on you, I may have to disappear a few days, no matter what you have, you can't help you, you can't help you."

Lin Xuan said, Xuan Tian nodded, he knew what Lin Xuan refer to, in the empty stone, the black tower in the southern giant tower has changed to the color of blood, the evil of the inside makes Lin Xuan all the cold However, Yang Zhaohe Barbatos said that it is his chamber, but now it is almost a time.

Lin Xuan and solitary and unique snow told some things to enter the empty stone. The other two demon gods are like often, but the evil among the giant tower in the south is getting more and more rich, and I'm close to him Lin Xuan feels my negative emotions. When he is going to lose control, his heart and his right arm exude golden light, Lin Xuan's body is warm and emotionally smoke, this is the golden heart and soul of Xiao Lao. Bone played a role.

"Lin Xuan, I will tell you the origin of this egg. This is the eggs of the genus, the purgatory dog ​​is nine, and they are born with three heads. These three are very important, you want to let you want Your light power, the power of space, the poisonous property gives a purgatory dog, which has a great advantage for your future. "

"Maybe you don't know, there is a world as a world as you like, but one day has been discovered by human beings, but the humanization is for his nutrients, he began to kill slowly. His people come to strengthen their own strength. After he has grown out of the ninth head, the strong in the world has been weak. "


Lin Xuan's disquestation, Yang Zhao came out from the body and looked at Lin Xuan Road:

"I have been to the world, and I can even say that I have been there and Tang San. Now I have only undead, we have encountered an exemplary creature with a purgatory dog, but the guy took a boy who surnamed Dragon. Like you or, he is different from you, he is a born light, so he can purify the devil, and you are also the same expectations. "

"The master means let me be a hostess of the purgatory dog, let him not do bad things?"

Lin Xuan suddenly understood Yang Zhao's meaning, Yang Zhao nodded:

"The blood of the purgatory dog ​​is even more than that of the guy is a real god, and he can die here is because he is too greedy."

"Hey, do you want to master a purgatory dog? Impossible things, I am waiting for you to play the self-immolation."

The Devo in the Western Jacque smiled and said that even the oriental magic dragon came up with disdainful laughter, Yang Zhaohe Barbabus turned over the two people, they were the most afraid of Lin Xuan Zhenzheng Purgatory Dogs.

"Lin Xuan, remember to stick to the heart, I can affirm that the purgatory dog ​​is not memorable, it is just a reincarnation, but he will ultimately only evil, you will not have a problem, you have a lot of gold. There is no thing, I believe you can. "

Barbabos said, Survey, Lin Xuan just wanted to say what blood egg suddenly changed, and the blood eggs extended out of the bloody hand, Yang Zhao and Barbatos did not do, Yang Zhao knows that the purgatory dog ​​should hatch The Barbabus looks looked at the interior of the blood egg.

"Silva, if this kid really mastered the purgatory dog, I suggest you still stick to it, my old dragon is definitely the time."

Magic Dragon Tiao said with a smile, the devil's face is very ugly, but he can't help, Barbabos said in Silva cold:

"Your master is dead, you will wait for death."

"Barbatos, who laughs to finally don't necessarily."

Silva evil laughter let everyone chills, Yang Zhaowei, one wrinkle him, I always feel that Silva has something conspiracy is being implemented, but now he can affirm that the Schilva is not a bit of strength, and I don't know where he is confidence. .

"Tiago, I need your blood, you know what I use."

Yang Zhao looked at Tiago said that Tiago's face revealed the expression of the illusion, but he also knew that he had to think about what the cost is needed, so he forced a black blood to Yang Zhao, Yang Zhao Summity, the blood test, I am relieved, Lin Xuan's blood is very quicker. He has absorbed the golden sacred dragon veins. If you absorb the blood of the magic dragon, you don't know what ability to produce.

Lin Xuan is critical at the moment. He looked around the blood sea eyes, countless negative emotions, Lin Xuan Zhang's big mouth full of light, the power of the power and space, his body became half gold light half silver light, gradually The blood sea was forced to retreat, and Lin Xuancai saw the "puppy" of the blood sea central volume to shrink into a group. This puppy has three heads.

Lin Xuan's difficult tour arrived in the purgatory dog ​​and then grabbed a head to instil into the power and space. However, Lin Xuan himself did not think that his operation actually pit itself, because he did not instill the head of the middle. Bright power, if Yang Zhao will see you will give Lin Xuan aunt, this three dog is obviously three independent heads, and the first thing is the largest in the middle, but Lin Xuan actually Take the head next to the light, then Lin Xuan only has one choice, that is, the blood of the phosphodie snake emperor to the middle of the head.

Slowly surrounded by blood sea, Lin Xuan, found that he was reduced in the ovulation, while the surrounding bones were obviously incubated with how many people of this egg, and Lin Xuanxin also began to play. The two brains of the purgatory dog ​​becomes golden and silver, and Lin Xuan will release his hands to fall into the thought. Is it a phosphodrogen snake emperor or a nine-tailed fox blood? Or is it a golden dragon? However, the golden holy dragon is a bright attribute. It should not be able to force two attributes. Lin Xuan thinks for a long time to release the phosphorus snake emperor, and it is planned to be in the middle of the head to instil into the illegal power of the phosphorus.

Lin Xuan began to instill the power of the phosphorus snake emperor, the outside world has passed for a long time, the next morning, Xuan Tian felt a bigger pressure, because someone gave a visit, and the people dressed and Xuantian were almost. A pair of books look and feel and breathe, but Xuantian knows this person is the only soul of the city.

This name is indeed, and his smile looks like a sense of intention, but if you think he is very weak, it is wrong, because he launched a jealousy, it is a cloud. Divided, so Xuantian did not dare to pay attention.

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