Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 165 Alliance

"Is this little guy ability?"

Solitary and smashed, I asked Xiaoli, it seems to hear the solo Snow, Xiao Jin's look, let's take a short loss of Lin Xuan and solitae in the next moment, this is equivalent to a person's eyes and head Like the flash, it is simply speechless.

"It's enough."

Lin Xuan's eyes helplessly said that there was a bitter smile in bed, and the two were seriously prohibited after the eyes, and Lin Xuan was cheerful. All the seven hundred people in the whole paragrace have a total of all Wanjin Building to help, this is not unexpected on the way to eat, but the accident must let Lin Xuan see their means of Wenzong.

Alliance must not put himself in a very high position. They are only the third largest forces in the city. It is the third big thing because there is no talent on the slums, so the city is now urgently needs Lin Xuan's assistant to steady.

"The city owner, don't you do anything tomorrow?"

"All Tunwi is all in the north. Once you find that the troubler is coming back, it is."

The clouds were faint, and in his opinion, Lin Xuan was nothing, after all, Sun Ziyi was like that, just in the bones, Yunhengcheng did not threaten his forces, no rules The person is enough.

The second day, the bustling crowd seems to be more, the teahouse and the restaurant in the north are crowded with people, Sun Ziyi's face is sitting in the restaurant, listening to the report, except for the region of the east slum, Chengnan The two giant axes and green bodies in the city are sent, and the two helpers have lurked around.

"Let's go, let's go to the banquet, Ling, you don't go out to go back tonight."

Lin Xuan squatted down, Ling Liner nodded, Lin Xuan, relieved and solitary snow and Xuan Tian hike to Wanjinlou, Xuantian God watched four weeks, four weeks, many people have been running It is obviously going back to report the message.

"Xuantian, today, no matter what happens, don't shoot, Yun is waiting for us and then grabbiz us to talk about it. This time he puts you, it means that you belong to Yunheng. "

Lin Xuan looked at Xuan Tian smiled and said, Xuantian is also the old fritter nature knows what Lin Xuan means. Once the clouds are en arrived, the cloud is equivalent to you, and this person said big Don't say small, not small, but the most important thing is a position, no one will believe that a person with a tacit understanding of the city owner.

"What do you eat with Sun?"

Asked alone, even if Lin Xuan intends to provoke Town Mountain Zong, there is no need to hook it with Sun. Lin Xuan doubtfully looked at the snow asked:

"Why do you think I will alliance with Sun?"

"What do you do with you?"


Lin Xuan has turned over white eyes, and the unlike snow face is red. Directly uses a punk in Lin Xuan chest, Lin Xuanhaha smiled:

"Really just eat, how can a Sundei? Remember not alliance but let Sun Deyi become my hand."

Lin Xuan's words are very arrogant, let a soul becoming his hand, even if he is not enough to show the owner of the sea god, after all, Lin Xuan is just a soul, but Xuan Tian knows what Lin Xuan is, Lin Xuan is I want to combine all the soul of the four orientation of the northwest of the southeast. This appetite is too big, using Sun Deyi to make the bait to make other two major power panic, this is the purpose of Lin Xuan.

"Xuanzong Lord!"

Lin Xuan went to Wanjin Building, Sun Deyi, smiled and said, Lin Xuan is also the first time, Sun Deyi is also scared by Sun Deyi, he holds boxing:

"Sun Zonglian and our father are very similar, although Liu Chang said, but I didn't expect to see it."

"Xuanzong is really talking, I am a rough, so I can only dress up."

Sun Deyi said, laughed, and his two elders behind him could only smile, Sun Deyi did a hand gesture and then took the road in front of it, Lin Xuan took the sky and the sun and Xu Xu, and Xuantian left. :

"Two long age may stay with me outside?"

"The seniors said yes."

The two did not dare to say slowly, Lin Xuan and solitary snow came to the hall, the dinner is in the hall is Lin Xuan, he thought it would be in the private room, Sun Deyi let Lin Xuan and solo Saixo After the host:

"Xuanzong's main year, I want you to think that you don't like this kind of dinner, the province's falling mouth is right."

"Sun Gong is understanding me."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, he had to say that this Sun Deyi is really a person, Sun Deyi sits down:

"Xuanzong is the leader of the road, we only have seafood, and I is also a long-distance business. It is also the only fleet that Yunhengcheng can voyage, so my Wenzong will have so many disciples, the benefits of the sea It's not exhausted, inexhaustible. "

"Oh? Which day I and my wife want to see the sea? Can you also be a boat of Sun?"

"This is just a matter of Xuanzong's Lord."

Sun Hao said that Lin Xuanhaha smiled a drink and Sun Deyi, and Lin Xuan put down the wine glass:

"I am not so embarked, Sun Zongwei, let's discuss all the alliances, I want to know what you need to do?"

"Xuanzong knew me, now everyone is watching us, we must join us to get a bigger advantage in the north, we have to occupy the seafood market in Yun Yuncheng, the inland purchase of goods will take the city, but the seafood of the city is Some items in the sea, their offshore fleet fishing capabilities We can't compare, but the far-sea cherished variety they are not as good as us. "

Lin Xuan listened to Sun Deyi's words, this is telling him that although has mastered the best voyage fleet but is not as elsewhere, but now it is not used in two soul. So the best way is only one, that is.

"The rules of Yunhengcheng you know, ban battle, once found, will be caught."

"I naturally understand this truth, but our cloudy city will come to the city every year, and the next urban area is just a month later."

Sun Deyi's words let Lin Xuan brow wrinkled, he went to Haibin City after two months, although the beach is very close to Yun Yuncheng, the distance will arrive, but still want to go in advance, Lin Xuan asked :

"Is there any other way?"

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