Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 199 is desperate

"What do you mean is the other six-city defenders and side guards at all?"

Bryme's eyes have been said with a slit, the minister shakes, like epilepsy, everyone does not dare to do, even if the city of other six cities is also low, because they own They all know that their guardeders are only suitable for security patrols, or who dares to cultivate a combatful army, generally not meet the next day, except cloud horizontal.

"Your Majesty, Chen knows, if I am with the people behind, then I will only wait to die, so I have to say all."

The minister suddenly took a deep breath and slowly said that everyone looked up, Bryme was also sitting, he just looked at the feeling of the dead.

"Most people from 50,000 people are all dead, including the commander of the guidelines, and the 100,000 army of other six casss is even more garbage. Only the 100,000 people who have banned the guards are jointly mastered by Your Majesty. This is really a fighting force, and the cloud of clouds is not inferior to the banned army. If you are alone, the foundation of the Just 7th generation of the Yunda will be discounted. "

The minister crying and said, many people have been infected with him to stand together, but they will be cold in the same place, because the old people behind Bryme are directly used by swords into the mouth of the ministers. Bryme said coldly:

"I said the 20,000 troops outside the city, who is you willing to lead?"

"Minister will go to."

"Chen also willing."

The two weeks of the silver armor came out, and Bryme excitedly applauded:

"Then let you take six ordered people to fight."


The two generals left the hall with six faces of the dull, and others looked at the body of the old minister. Their heart has been imagined to fail.

"The cloud is horizontal, there is moving quiet."

Ye Fangzhou picked up into the tent, Guan Shun Yu and Wu Guang and cold arrows first look to the clouds and Wu Guang, Wu Guang touched his own chin asked:

"Is it the army who departure in accordance with the plan?"

"Yes, the six cities with two soul sanctuary, these two people are Ma Yuan'an and Tu Lingyun."

"It's them?"

Yeng horizon, Ye Fang Zhou nodded once again confirmed this news, got the affirmation of the clouds and sigh, he knew that these two people will play, and he is still in the heart, this two old friends One point, but I didn't expect or come.

"Distribute the messenger, I asked the two military to talk before."

"General, the two armies must fight, why do you want to see people?"

Guan Shun Yu asked, there is no feelings on the battlefield to talk about it, even if old friends have to see, the cloud is not afraid of Lin Xuan suspected? Han Bin stalls the boat:

"Don't ask me, my mission is to protect you."

"Thank you."

"I will do it."

Ye Fangzhou just got a breath and ran out. After half an hour, he brought a reply, Ma Yuanan and Tongyun were reluctant to talk, and the clouds clenched the fist.

"The red rebate is behind, the archer is behind, and the archers are taken after a round of shooting, and then withdraw, then withdraw, we will not plan to attack the city."


After you get the order, everyone will prepare, and the other side of Madan and Tong Shuyun have departed from the city of the city from the city. Wu Guang station looked at the brethren behind him to anger:

"You are the most stable shield of Yunwei, no matter what charge you must use the shield of the hand to block the opponent's charge, to remember that you are Yunwei's arrow, they will help you shoot the enemy, must stand."


The anger of 30,000 heavy refinement sounds through the clouds, and everyone has already hosted the arrival of the war, and the other side of Madan looked at the shielded shield angragely:

"Cavalry charge!"


Thousands of cavers rushed to the forefront, and Ma Yuan'an was first rushed to the forefront. Twison thousand people only had thousands of cars. This is to send dead but he didn't choose. Tu Lingyun looked at the sorrows of the body:

"For the Kingdom of Yunda, rush!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The crowd issued a desperate roaring and then rushed over, and clouded in the highest place in Yunzhai. This battle could be avoided. If it is said that the battle of Tienshan City is a million soldiers must play The war, then this charge is just to die.


Cold arrow and frustrate, 40,000 bow archer, one round, arrow, like Wu Yunzhang, generally flooding in the front, cavalry, Ma Yuanan and his cavalry full, one thousand people are all incident. Sieve.

There are 30,000 refiners in the tempo, 40,000 bow, 40,000 cavalhers, and 10,000 heavy cavalhers, and 10,000 cavalry, and 10,000 light cavalry. It is a veteran that can be made to fight. The only thing is that clouds are almost all of the heavy cavaliers, this shows that the cloud is not intended to siege.


Tu Shuyun looked faster in Masan's death, but only the tweezers of the archers were lost after three rounds of shot, and 30,000 people had lost 30,000 people under the rain, but it was the death of these 30,000 people. With the remaining army came to the front of the clouds.


Wu Guanghuo drunk and raised the shield, rushing forward, and the heavy refinement behind him was also sprinting, 30,000 heavy infantry rushed to the 170,000 army like Bowling, once a time, Wu Guang's re-income military will break through the triangle The other fellow pattern.

"Quickly go in!"

Seeing that all the heavy steps rushed through the head of Tu Lingyun, everyone seems to see the dawn, because the army is the border and light sleeve, as long as you rush in, you have the opportunity to win.

However, the tremor of the earth allows Tab to stand in the same place. Because Guan Shun Yu is smiling at the forefront, Guan Shun Yu rides directly grabbed the collar of Tongyun, then throwing it, Tong Lingyun is directly thrown into the cloud. Before the body, Yunheng did not do anything because Taking Yun just saw the heavy cavalry rushed out in his big camp. This is the scene of the massacre. The people brought by Tu Lunyun have been hit by a heavy cavalry. Lightly walk out to catch the captive.

"Old friends, you can avoid the death of these people."

The cloud laded horizontally said that the only thing that the clouds who didn't want to play in this life is like this. The people who have the slaughter and the people are almost, they don't know how many people's parents or who is the son, who is brothers.

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