"Nami, the natural disaster, can change the situation of the battle with her ability to control the weather. I have never seen her true strength in many battles."


Just as the intelligence agent was talking, a pirate ship flying a special flag passed by the sea in the distance.

Break this tranquility.

The hull is painted in bright colors, and a sun pattern is painted on the huge sail, marking its owner - "Shichibukai, Kaixia - Jinbei".

The ship drew an elegant arc on the sea.

"Shichibukai, Kaixia—Jinbei."

He whispered to himself, a hint of surprise and awe in his voice.

Jinbe, this name is well-known in the pirate world. He is not only one of the Shichibukai, but also the hero of Fish-Man Island. He has taken action for the weak and upheld justice many times.

"Looking in this direction, we are also heading to the Shampoo Islands!"

Alvin's companion, the young intelligence agent Lisa, had a curious light in her eyes.

"What was he doing there?"

Alvin frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"I heard that Huo Yuhao has a good relationship with Fishman Island. It seems to be true!"

As the pirate ship gradually approached, Alvin became increasingly nervous.

He knew that the development of things was beyond their control.

At this time, countless possible scenarios flashed through Alvin's mind, and each one made him feel uneasy.

His eyes were fixed on the ship, and he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that everything would be safe.

At this moment, the flag on the ship was buzzing in the sea breeze, like a silent horn, calling everyone's attention.

Alvin's heartbeat accelerated, and he could feel a powerful aura emanating from the ship.

"We must report this situation to headquarters as soon as possible."

Alvin finally broke the silence, his tone firm and decisive.

He knew that as intelligence agents, their responsibility was to deliver information and respond at critical moments.

In this turbulent era, the situation has become increasingly complex. The rampage of pirates and the rise of the revolutionary army are intertwined, as if an inevitable storm is coming.

All of this is particularly troublesome for agents in the center of power.

CP0 and intelligence personnel feel unprecedented pressure in this huge whirlpool.

Their mission is not only to collect intelligence, but also to protect their own interests and security as much as possible in this power game.

One of the agents, named Alder, frowned and thought to himself.

This time the action was beyond their control.

Huo Yuhao, this name echoed like thunder in the ears of the agents.

He is a young man with great potential, burdened with countless expectations and responsibilities.

Alder knew that if they acted rashly, it might trigger a greater conflict, or even completely break up with the navy.

The power of the navy cannot be underestimated, and what Huo Yuhao represents is the future hope of the navy.

"We can't take any more chances."

Alder said to his companions beside him, his voice low and firm.

There was a hint of anxiety in his eyes, and his worries about the future deepened.

The mission of the agents is to protect the interests of the Celestial Dragons, but in this rapidly changing world, their situation becomes increasingly embarrassing.

As the power of the revolutionary army continues to grow, the conflicts and differences between the Shichibukai are also intensifying. It is like time bombs that may cause earth-shattering explosions at any time.

"But if we don't take action, will we allow Huo Yuhao to rise?"

Another agent, named Carl, sounded uneasy.

He also understood in his heart that Huo Yuhao's potential should not be underestimated. If he was allowed to continue to grow, the future situation would be even more difficult to control.

Karl's eyes wandered across Alder's face, trying to find a reason to convince him.

"We must remain calm and assess the situation."

Alder took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He knew that the mood swings would only cloud their judgment.

At this time, he seems to be in an invisible game, and every choice may affect the future direction.

Behind them, the intentions of the Five Old Stars became more and more obvious.

As the representative of the Tianlong people, Wulaoxing's decisions undoubtedly affect the pattern of the entire world.

They did not want to see the rise of Huo Yuhao, let alone a head-on conflict with the navy.

After all, in this game of thrones, any wrong decision could cause them to lose their existing advantage.

"The current situation is beyond our ability to handle and must be reported."

Alder finally spoke, his eyes firm.

In this world full of variables, there are clouds and storms.

Unpredictable dangers lurk around every corner, and everyone is fighting for their own interests.

The navy, the revolutionary army, and the Tianlong people are all looking for their own way out amidst the surging undercurrents.

The game of power is like an invisible chess game. Every chess piece is struggling for survival, and Huo Yuhao is an insignificant but important existence in this game.

In this complex situation, there is a delicate balance between the various forces.

The transactions between the navy, the revolutionary army, and the Tianlong people are like a silent dance, with each other testing and exploiting each other.

Even the relationship between the world town government and the navy, pirates, and revolutionary army is often unpredictable in the intertwining of interests and power.

However, Huo Yuhao's existence is not without value.

And a dead person's value in this exchange will be very low.

This was also one of the reasons why they came to find Huo Yuhao.

The purpose is to quickly get rid of Huo Yuhao.

In this case, even if the navy reacts by then, it will not dare to fall out with the World Town Government over a four-person team.

Soon, the special encrypted phone number connected to Wulaoxing was connected.

After an exchange that no one knew about, the agents waited silently.

Huo Yuhao stood on the shore where the waves were lapping gently, feeling indescribable excitement and anticipation surge in his heart.

He had just successfully harvested the seventh soul ring for Bai Xing. This was Bai Xing's first soul, symbolizing the results of their joint efforts.

The white star's soul light shone before his eyes, like the stars in the morning light, which was intoxicating. Huo Yuhao clenched his fists hard, feeling the connection and tacit understanding from the depths of his soul.

"Little Baixing, congratulations. Now your strength has been exhausted at sea."

Huo Yuhao smiled, his eyes soft, and his heart was filled with relief.

Compared with Bai Xing's huge body, Huo Yuhao is obviously a small person, but his preaching tone seems quite strange.

"Thank you, Huo Yuhao."

Bai Xing nodded slightly, his voice low and firm.

Her heart was surging as she recalled every moment she had experienced with Huo Yuhao, from the strangeness when they first met to the perfect understanding now, as if time had frozen at this moment.

A warmth surged in her heart, as if she finally saw a glimmer of light in the dark sea.

After harvesting the soul ring, Huo Yuhao sent Bai Xing back to Fishman Island.

He watched her figure gradually disappearing on the sparkling sea, feeling a sense of reluctance in his heart.

He knew that Bai Xing was about to embark on a new journey, and that he himself would embark on another unknown road.

Huo Yuhao took a deep breath, turned around and walked towards the teleportation array, secretly swearing in his heart that he would reunite with Bai Xing again in the near future.

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and Huo Yuhao felt a strong pulling sensation.

Huo Yuhao stopped next to the teleportation array in Shampoo Islands, and the tension in his heart gradually rose.

He knew that next he would embark on a journey to obtain his seventh soul. This was not only an increase in strength, but also an important step in the growth of his soul.

His goal is to condense a second soul core, which means he must face stronger enemies and more severe challenges.

Just when Huo Yuhao was about to set off, the sun shone through the curtains on his desk, reflecting a warm patch of light.

He was carefully checking his equipment, filled with anticipation and nervousness for the upcoming adventure.

At this moment, Zhang Lexuan pushed in the door, her expression slightly anxious, and her eyes flashed with an unusual light.

"Huo Yuhao, someone is looking for you outside."

Her voice interrupted Huo Yuhao's thoughts and shocked his heart.

Who are the people outside?

He had some doubts in his heart. Could it be that something urgent had happened?

"Who is it?"

Huo Yuhao put down the equipment in his hands and frowned, feeling slightly uneasy in his heart.

"I don't know, but he looks special."

There was a hint of curiosity in Zhang Lexuan's tone, as if she was full of expectations for this visitor.

Huo Yuhao nodded. Although he was confused, he still decided to go and have a look.

He walked out the door, the sun instantly illuminated his face, and the breeze brought a refreshing breath.

The moment he stepped out of the threshold, a burly figure came into view.

He was a fat fish-man with a strong build and light blue skin. He was wearing a loose white shirt, which made him look particularly conspicuous.

He had a friendly smile on his face and a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

Huo Yuhao was shocked and recognized him - this was none other than Jinbei, one of the current Shichibukai.

"Huo Yuhao, I'm here to find you!"

Jinbei's voice surged like waves, carrying a warm breath.

There was a sense of ease and ease in his tone, as if the two of them had been friends for many years.

Although Huo Yuhao had already known about Jinbei's arrival, facing this legendary figure at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

On the one hand, he was pleasantly surprised by Jinbei's arrival, but on the other hand, he felt pressed for time because he was eager to obtain the seventh soul.

"Jinbei, what a surprise."

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly and tried to sound relaxed.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to the Shampoo Islands to find some old friends. I heard you were here by the way, so I came over to have a look."

Jinbei's smile became even brighter, as if a burst of sunshine shone on Huo Yuhao's heart.

Huo Yuhao secretly thought that Jinbei's arrival might be an opportunity, but he could not be distracted.

He knew that his first priority at this time was to find the soul, and time waited for no one.

So, he decided to settle down with Shen Ping and talk to him in detail later.

"I'll take you to where the fish people live."

Huo Yuhao said, with a hint of urgency in his tone.

"Okay, I just want to see the scenery here."

Jinbei responded excitedly, and then followed Huo Yuhao toward the depths of the Shampoo Islands.

Along the way, Huo Yuhao tried to stay calm, but he was always thinking about the upcoming challenge.

The sea breeze blew gently, bringing waves of ocean breath, and Huo Yuhao's thoughts were gradually pulled back to the present.

He and Jinbei passed through patches of tropical plants, and the surrounding scenery unfolded like a scroll, with colorful flowers and lush trees complementing each other, as if telling the mystery and beauty of this island.

"The environment here is really good, it's really a relaxing place."

Jinbei exclaimed, his eyes revealing his love and yearning for the sea.

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly, but thought to himself that the beautiful scenery at the moment could not distract him.

He knew that he had to find the seventh soul as soon as possible to complete his mission.

At this moment, a sense of urgency surged in his heart, and he quickened his pace.

"Huo Yuhao, where are you going?"

Jinbei noticed Huo Yuhao's changes and asked with concern.

"I have some things to deal with, you wait here, I will be back in about half a month."

Huo Yuhao's tone was firm and decisive.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Jinbei nodded, with a smile on his face, without any dissatisfaction.

After settling down, Huo Yuhao took a deep breath and felt the warm atmosphere around him.

His heart was full of expectations. The moment he returned to the Douluo World, it seemed like a long-lost sense of belonging.

Although he had experienced countless challenges and hardships in the two worlds, at this moment, his thoughts were drawn to this familiar environment.

This time, he did not appear in the cold northern land, but returned to Shrek Academy, the place that once gave him countless warmth and hope.

The sun cast mottled light and shadow through the leaves of the academy, the grass was full of colorful flowers, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, as if everything was as usual and full of vitality.

Huo Yuhao walked on the familiar path.

Walking into the gate of the academy, what came into view was a lively scene.

The students were sweating on the playground, and laughter and laughter came one after another, like a vivid picture scroll.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but smile slightly, and the tension in his heart eased a little.

He walked forward, wanting to meet with his long-lost friends and share his experiences during this period.

He walked to the edge of the playground and saw Beibei fighting Xu Sanshi again.

Huo Yuhao was actually a little dazed by this scene.

Everything was just like when he first came to Shrek Academy, as if nothing had changed, but also as if a lot of changes had occurred.

Without alarming Beibei and the others, Huo Yuhao came all the way to the Sea God Island.

Moon had been waiting for him here for a long time. (End of this chapter)

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