As the reconstruction work of the Shampoo Islands gradually came to an end, Huo Yuhao, Ma Xiaotao and Hancock began to turn their attention to farther places - the outer waters of the islands.

They realized that although significant progress had been made in the reconstruction of the interior, in order to ensure future security and prosperity, a strong naval wall, something like the Gate of Justice, must be built on the outside.

"We need a defense line that can withstand foreign invasion."

Huo Yuhao said thoughtfully, his eyes firm.

"Only in this way can residents live more securely."

Ma Xiaotao nodded in agreement: "Yes, the submarine city wall can not only serve as a defensive barrier, but also become an important hub for our communication with the outside world."

Hancock added: "Moreover, the builders of Fishman Island have unique advantages in underwater construction. They can help us build a stronger foundation on the seabed."

After discussing with several architectural talents, Huo Yuhao quickly mobilized resources to prepare for survey and design in the nearest sea area.

Get ready to start an important task - a detailed survey of the sea area.

The waves on the sea were sparkling and the breeze was blowing, as if blessing their actions.

However, the team members were filled with tension and expectations.

Li Hai, the leader of the technical team, is an experienced marine engineer.

He stood on the bow of the ship with firm eyes, silently thinking about the importance of this survey.

He knew that the success of the site selection would be directly related to the future security and stability of the Gate of Justice.

Li Hai took a deep breath, feeling the freshness of the sea breeze, and secretly encouraged himself and the team.

Their ship slowly sailed into the sea, the waves gently lapping against the ship's hull, making a low roar.

The equipment on the ship is ready, and the advanced sonar detectors are flashing in the sunlight, as if in anticipation of the upcoming adventure.

Li Hai directed the team members to get busy. Everyone divided their work and started working quickly and methodically.

First, they put the sonar detector into the water, and with a crisp "click" sound, the equipment began to operate.

The detector emits high-frequency sound waves that penetrate the water surface and penetrate deep into the seabed.

Li Hai stared closely at the screen. The topographic image of the seafloor gradually appeared on the screen. The undulating outline of the seafloor looked particularly mysterious amid the undulating currents.

So the team began measuring the water flow.

They placed current meters in different bodies of water and recorded the speed and direction of water flow in each location.

As the data continued to accumulate, Li Hai's brows gradually relaxed.

He could feel that the current in this sea area was relatively stable. Although there were occasional fluctuations, it was not dangerous overall.

However, Li Hai still felt a little uneasy.

He knows that the ocean is fickle and storms often come unexpectedly.

He decided to lead the team to conduct more in-depth surveys.

They started diving and went into the sea to experience the deep underwater world.

Putting on the diving equipment, Li Hai took several technicians and dived slowly.

The underwater world is completely different from the one above. The sun casts mottled light and shadow through the water, and the seawater surges gently around them.

Li Hai's heart was filled with awe and excitement, as if he was in a mysterious blue kingdom.

As the depth of the dive increased, Li Hai could clearly see the rocks and sand on the seabed.

They used the detectors in their hands to carefully examine every terrain and record every inch of change.

An idea gradually emerged in Li Hai's mind: This sea area may hide many unknown secrets.

At this moment, Li Hai's eyes were attracted by a strange rock.

It was a uniquely shaped rock covered with strange lines, which seemed to tell the ancient story of the ocean.

He reached out and touched it, feeling the slightly cool temperature on the rock surface, and couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity in his heart.

Does the existence of this rock mean that something happened here? He decided to record this discovery and study it further in the future.

Back on the ship, Li Hai and his team members gathered together to share their findings.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement, and discussions broke out one after another. Li Hai listened carefully, and his heart gradually became clearer.

Their efforts were not in vain. The terrain and current conditions of this sea area were under their control, and the potential challenges were gradually revealed.

"We can build a large underwater city wall here and add breakwaters around it to enhance defense capabilities."

A naval engineer pointed at the map, his tone full of confidence and determination.

His fingers crossed the dots marking strategic locations on the map, and his eyes flashed with longing for the future, as if he had already seen the majestic sight of the towering Gate of Justice.

"Moreover, we can use the underwater construction technology that the fishmen are good at to build a solid underwater support structure."

The representative of the construction team of Fish-Man Island added, his eyes shining with anticipation.

His voice was like waves gently lapping against the rocks, gentle but firm, seeming to inject more vitality into this great project.

As a member of the fish-men clan, his knowledge of the underwater world is unparalleled and he is filled with pride.

After several days of heated discussions and careful planning, the design plan for the underwater city wall was finally finalized.

On the blueprint of the Gate of Justice, the command center stands tall, the barracks are neatly organized, the warehouses will be well stocked with supplies, and the training ground is where soldiers hone their skills.

The breakwaters built around it are like a solid barrier, protecting this land that will soon become a naval powerhouse.

Every detail has been carefully considered to ensure it can withstand threats from the sea.

"We need to start construction as soon as possible."

Huo Yuhao said firmly, his eyes as bright as a torch, exuding a fearless aura.

A sense of mission burned in his heart. As a commander, he knew that this Gate of Justice was not only a need for military strategy, but also a desire for future peace.

His voice echoed in the conference room, as if calling everyone to contribute to this great cause.

Construction work began quickly, and naval soldiers and the builders of Fish-Man Island worked together to form a flowing landscape.

Underwater construction equipment shines with metallic luster under the sunlight, and workers shuttle through the deep blue water, busy and orderly.

Huo Yuhao, Ma Xiaotao and Hancock were on site to coordinate various work to ensure smooth progress of the construction.

Ma Xiaotao had a smile on her face. Although she had a heavy workload, her heart was full of beautiful longings for the future.

She communicates with the workers around her from time to time, cares about their work and life, and strives to create an atmosphere of unity and friendship.

As time goes by, the outline of the underwater city wall gradually appears.

The solid concrete structure emerges from the sea water, and the busy figures of workers flash in the sun, as if they are fighting for the future of this land.

Every piece of concrete poured is a commitment to the future; every piece of steel bar fixed is a guarantee of safety.

Huo Yuhao stood at the construction site, looking at the Gate of Justice that was gradually taking shape, and felt a sense of pride in his heart.

He knew that this was not just a building, but the fruit of countless people's efforts and dreams.

"We have to make sure every detail is in place."

Huo Yuhao said to Hancock, with a sense of urgency in his tone.

"The ocean is unpredictable and we cannot take it lightly."

Hancock nodded, a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

He knows that as a member of the Navy, responsibility and mission always come first.

During the construction days, Huo Yuhao often thought alone at the beach, staring at the magnificent sea.

His heart is full of contradictions and struggles. As a commander, he must remain calm and rational at all times, but as an ordinary person, he also longs for a peaceful life.

He thought of the days when he sailed alone at sea and the time when he fought side by side with his comrades, and his heart was filled with expectations and uneasiness about the future.

At this time, Ma Xiaotao was silently supporting him.

She knew that Huo Yuhao had many unknown troubles hidden deep in his heart, so she often stayed by his side, giving him warmth and encouragement.

Her smile was as warm as the sun, lighting up the gloom in Huo Yuhao's heart.

With her company, Huo Yuhao gradually let go of the heavy burden in his heart and began to re-examine the meaning of this responsibility.

After weeks of intense construction, the underwater city wall is finally beginning to take shape.

The towering buildings stand on the sea like giant beasts, demonstrating the power and determination of the navy.

"We must take precautions in advance."

Huo Yuhao said to Ma Xiaotao and Hancock.

"We need to strengthen patrols in the sea area to ensure that no enemy takes the opportunity to enter."

"I will contact the escort team to increase the frequency of patrols."

Hancock was immediately supportive.

"And I will work with my friends on Fishman Island to use their underwater detection capabilities to ensure the safety of the surrounding seas."

Ma Xiaotao also responded positively.

With their joint efforts, the navy's patrol team expanded rapidly, and the fish-men's underwater reconnaissance team also began to operate in the sea to ensure that any potential threats can be discovered and responded to in a timely manner.

A few weeks later, the construction of the undersea city wall was finally completed. Huo Yuhao, Ma Xiaotao and Hancock stood at the height of the Gate of Justice, overlooking the blue sea, and their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment.

"This Gate of Justice will be the guardian of the Chambord Islands."

Huo Yuhao sighed with emotion, his eyes shining with determination.

"Yes, we will protect this land together and ensure its safety and prosperity."

Hancock said firmly.

"The Shampoo Islands in the future will not only be a beautiful home, but also a safe harbor."

Ma Xiaotao responded with a smile, her heart full of hope.

At this moment, the naval commander came over with a satisfied smile on his face: "We have completed the defense system of the Gate of Justice, and more naval soldiers will be stationed here in the future to ensure the security of the archipelago. "

"Very good!"

Huo Yuhao said excitedly, "This will provide us with stronger protection."

With the completion of the Gate of Justice, the defense system of the Chambord Islands has gradually been improved.

Marines train inside the Gates of Justice to be ready to respond to possible threats.

The builders of the fishmen continue to provide support for the operation of the Gate of Justice and ensure the normal operation of the facilities.

It has to be said that when it comes to building homes, these murlocs really worked with 120,000 times more enthusiasm.

Often Huo Yuhao doesn't give any instructions, and the murlocs take the stage consciously, and can even draw inferences from one example.

After the surrounding defensive buildings were built, Huo Yuhao stood on a high place, overlooking the land that had been devastated by war.

The sun shone through the floating clouds, illuminating his resolute face. At this moment, he was filled with complex emotions.

The reconstruction work was finally completed, but this was just a new beginning.

His eyes looked beyond those solid walls and toward the horizon farther away, where the hope and fighting spirit burning in his heart were.

"We can't stop."

Huo Yuhao muttered to himself, his voice low and firm.

The rebuilt Shampoo Land symbolized their unity and courage, and he knew that the real challenge had just begun.

His heart was stirred up, with both longing for the future and anger towards the enemy.

He thought of the Tianlong people who had acted recklessly in the darkness, and the hatred in his heart burned like a raging fire.

Their cruelty and cold-bloodedness cost countless innocent lives a heavy price.

"Next, our action will begin."

Huo Yuhao's eyes became more determined, as if he had silently made up his mind in his heart.

He did not intend to go directly to the holy land of Mary Joa for revenge. Such an action would not only be extremely risky, but also pose almost no threat.

Huo Yuhao's thoughts were running fast. He began to think about a longer-term plan, how to take root and develop in this land, and how to use his influence to gradually weaken the authority of those Tianlong people.

"Developing ourselves is our top priority."

Huo Yuhao muttered in his heart, as if paving the way for the upcoming challenges.

Huo Yuhao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and felt the air around him.

A strong sense of responsibility surged in his heart. He knew that his mission was not only for personal revenge, but also for those who had suffered, for all souls who yearned for freedom and dignity.

His eyes gradually brightened, as if at that moment, he saw hope for the future.

"We will make it difficult for those Tianlong scums!"

Huo Yuhao's voice echoed in the empty space, full of strength and determination.

In his heart, a grand blueprint has been outlined. He wanted to use his influence to gather more like-minded people, form a powerful force, and gradually shake those high-ranking rulers.

He wanted to let them know that the lives that were once trampled by them would no longer remain silent, and the dignity that was once ignored by them would eventually be restored.

As time went by, Huo Yuhao's plan gradually became clear.

He decided to start by building a strong alliance and summon those forces that opposed the Tianlong people.

He wanted to make the rebuilt base in Shampoodi the center of resistance and attract more people to join them. (End of this chapter)

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