Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 108: The correct way to open the robbery! 【One】

The correct way to open Chapter 108 Robbery! 【One】

After finalizing the Shrek Academy's affairs, Su Xian did not stay in Shrek Academy. It was too deserted and a bit dull.

Without the Seven Monsters, Su Xian didn't think it was worth seeing, and he didn't come to see Flanders.

Um~ the scenery here is better than him!

"I don't understand why you care about this academy. I don't see what makes him different?"

On the way, Qian Renxue looked at Su Xian curiously, always feeling that the other party's behavior today was a bit weird.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo also glanced back at Su Xian, and he was also quite puzzled.

Although the purpose of Shrek Academy is different, such an academy is nothing more than that, why come in person.

Moreover, it also delayed the old man's robbery time. Isn't this walking the old man? !

"The college is really nothing special, that is, Teacher Qin Ming graduated from here, so I want to come and have a look." Su Xian replied calmly.

"Qin Ming?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue immediately remembered the man the two had met in the Arena of Souls, who seemed to be a teacher from the Royal Academy.

He... actually graduated from here? !

Qian Renxue's brows were clearly frowned, and she felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

Seeing Qian Renxue's frown, Su Xian turned her head and lightly took a sip of her forehead, "Just let a man do some things, don't think too much, otherwise it will be easy to get older."

Facing Su Xian's gleaming eyes, Qian Renxue moved in her heart and nodded in a daze, her hands embracing her feelings tightly.

"Ha ha…"

Seeing Qian Renxue's pouting and adorable appearance, Su Xian rubbed her head, and couldn't help but glance at Shrek Academy.

"Seven monsters, there will be no more~"

Muttered in his heart, Su Xian then looked at Dugu Bo and smiled: "Old poison, let's watch you robbery, and teach you some necessary skills by the way."

Helping others is what he should do!


A look of surprise flashed in Dugubo's eyes, and then proudly said: "Old man, titled Douluo, do you still need to teach me about robbery, what a joke!"

"Dignified Title Douluo, isn't it doing something that can be robbed, what can you be proud of?!"

Su Xian replied with a blank eye, Qian Renxue beside her couldn't help but smile, with a playful smile on her mouth.

She had seen Title Douluo rob treasures, but it was the first time that Title Douluo robbed gold coins.

Poison Douluo is a pioneer!

"What does the old man do that you want to take care of?!"

Thinking of the reason for his gold coins, Dugu Bo suddenly became angry and shouted coldly.


It's not your kid!

Had it not been for the purpose of attaching spirit bones, would he have done such a shameful thing?

However, robbery is really fragrant, he must explain here!

"Don't even want free teaching. You deserve to be unable to make a fortune."

Shaking his head contemptuously, Su Xian took out the dragon carving mask and put it on his face.

Qian Renxue smiled at the corners of her mouth, doing the same, obviously knowing Su Xian's nature.


Half an hour later, the three figures entered the city lord mansion.

"You are the lord of Soto City, Gutong, right?"

Dugu Bo "killed" all the way to the hall, his hair flying, and his body exuding indescribable domineering, his eyes locked on a middle-aged man who was about to escape.

"Gu Tong, meet Senior Poison Douluo."

When his stature became stiff, Gu Tong turned back honestly, his pale face was helpless and panic, his legs and feet felt extremely cold, and he couldn't help shaking.

"I'm here, presumably you know what it is for?" Dugu Bo sat down calmly and said calmly.

"This..." Gu Tong's eyelids twitched, his heart tangled.

The story of Dugu Bo robbing the city has long been spread to Soto City, and he has been living in fear for the past few days.

He finally heard the news that Dugu Bo entered the city and left. He was overjoyed!

Unexpectedly...uuuu~ he still couldn't escape this disaster!

"Guru...Since Senior needs it, I will do my best to satisfy Senior."

Seeing Dugu Bo's cold and oppressive gaze, Gu Tong swallowed in terror, and quickly promised.


Hearing this, Dugu Bo nodded in satisfaction, and then said coldly:

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and replace all the gold coins and treasures in the warehouse with gold cards for Lao Tzu."

"Yes, yes, I'm going now, here's going." Gu Tong trembled in his heart and left the hall in a panic.

"I don't know, do you have any suggestions?"

With a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, Dugu Bo's eyes flashed with triumph, and then he looked at Su Xian, who was there with the old god, his eyes seemed to say:

What's so difficult about robbery, for the old man, it's not a matter of grasping!

"You will continue to look down later."

Seeing the appearance of Dugu Bo's nausea, Su Xian couldn't help but shook his head.


Hearing this, Dugu Bo smiled freely and didn't care at all. He only knew that he was going to pay another huge sum of money.

Ta Ta Ta...

He is here He is here!

He came with money!

After a while, seeing Gu Tong walk into the hall in a panic, Dugu Bo immediately became happy.

"Senior, here are five million gold coins, please accept it." Gu Tong respectfully handed over the gold coin card.


Hearing this, Dugubo's face condensed, suddenly a little gloomy.

"Soto City is one of the main cities, with only five million gold coins in stock?"

The voice was like a thunderstorm, Dugu Bo seemed to be humiliated and deceived, and his words smelled of gunpowder, as if they would explode at any time.

"Don't tell me the predecessor, the inventory was transferred to the front line by Wang Zheng to suppress the rebels a few days ago. There are really only five million left!" Gu Tong cried, tears almost frightened.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo remembered that Soto City was very close to the border and was bound to be affected by the war. He gritted his teeth involuntarily and looked very angry.


Lao Tzu's huge wealth has disappeared like this!

"It's really bad luck!"

Dugubo cursed inwardly, took away five million and left directly, as if he didn't want to stay here for another second.


Seeing Dugu Bo leaving, Gu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, but noticed that Su Xian hadn't left yet, and his face suddenly tightened again.

"I don't know what else is the two of you?" Gu Tong asked cautiously.

"I am also short of money recently. I plan to borrow some money from you. You can decide how much you can borrow."

Su Xian said leisurely, his tone was not lukewarm, but it gave people a gloomy feeling.

call out!

After speaking, Su Xian directly threw a blank diamond gold card to Gu Tong.


Gu Tong was stunned, his face was full of uncomfortable, "You can also see that the treasury of the City Lord's Mansion has been emptied, where can I borrow money!"

"The treasury really doesn't have money, so you just have to have money, right?" Su Xian raised an eyebrow and replied.


I have a saying that Mom doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it!

(End of this chapter)

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