Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 131: The fourth spirit ring, one hundred thousand years! 【four】

Chapter 131, the fourth spirit ring, one hundred thousand years! 【four】

Seeing that Daming agreed, Su Xian was overjoyed, but frowned instead, hesitated:

"I think it seems inappropriate. Xiao Wu has already agreed. Otherwise, I will tell her again. After all, I think she seems to care about you. She was crying to sacrifice just now."

From Su Xian's words, a person appeared in front of Daming's eyes, his eyes became moist, and he quickly pleaded:

"No! Don't tell her, just say that I have run away, and I don't want her to worry."

Xiao Wu's temperament knows that if he hears of her sacrifice, she will stop him desperately, and she will definitely sacrifice herself when that happens.

In that case, let him sacrifice!

He had potentially ingested venom in the lake just now, and then he was stabbed in the lake by Bibi Dong's Eighth Spirit Ability Spider King clone.

In his current situation, if there are no herbs to suppress toxins, I am afraid that he will not live long, so he might as well sacrifice him to live in exchange for Xiao Wu.

"That's not good."

Su Xian still didn't want to agree, Daming's voice immediately rang:

"Please agree, don't let her know."


Hearing this, Su Xian couldn't help being a little moved. Sometimes the feelings of soul beasts were more real than human beings. Using the feelings of the two by himself, it seemed that he was a little beastly.

Hmm~ I believe everyone likes to see him inferior to the brute, especially with Qian Renxue~

"I promised. If I become a **** in the future, I will definitely resurrect you." Su Xianyi promised sternly.

Of course, in the future, will he become a god? Who knows?

After all, the wife is too strong, and the soft rice seems to be fragrant.

With that said, Su Xian directly released Daming, the latter's huge body appeared, and the space covered by the vast sea became huge.

"Thanks a lot~"

Looking at Su Xian, Daming didn't mean to attack, he sighed, and Daming closed his eyes.


A red light suddenly appeared between Daming's eyebrows, lighting up the entire Vast Sea Universe Cover, and a red flame burned on it, and the brilliant colors even covered the water blue in the space.

This is not a simple flame, but a blood flame, which burns their lives, blood, and one hundred thousand years of cultivation.

Seeing Daming's sacrifice, Qian Renxue stared curiously, and at the same time paid attention to the surrounding movement, for fear that someone would disturb Su Xian.

The red flame grew stronger and stronger, and Daming's huge body became more transparent, like a red crystal.

Looking down at Xiao Wu in the sealed box, there seemed to be a smile in his eyes.

In an instant, the red light burst and turned into a circle of red spirit rings and put it on Su Xian's body, and then a blood-red spirit bone merged into Su Xian's right arm.

"Human, I hope you can keep your promise~"

The long voice sounded, the huge body of the sky green bull python had disappeared, and a small blue snake remained on the ground, and the light on his body also disappeared.


Feeling the increase in spirit power in his body, Su Xian couldn't help showing a happy smile.


Seeing that something was wrong, Su Xian immediately looked down.

I saw the blood-red sky blue cow python's right arm bone, shining together with the dark golden dark golden terrine claw metacarpal bone.

But what is surprising is that the blood-red sky blue ox python soul bone is actually golden, but the metacarpal bone is still dark golden.

Suddenly, Su Xian's arm began to heat up, and something seemed to stir in the arm.


His face also turned pale, clenching his teeth, seemed to be suffering from great pain, and the muscles on his face twitched.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Su Xian's accident, Qian Renxue was immediately anxious. She didn't know what had happened or what to do, she could only stare and feel anxious.

Fortunately, the pain came and went quickly, Su Xian waved his hand to confirm that he was okay, but his eyes were on his arm.

Slightly golden liquid seeped from the right arm bone of the sky green cow python, and the creeping movement spread up along Su Xian's arm.

Everywhere he went, Su Xian could feel it heating up, but the temperature was not high.

I don't know if Su Xian had eaten three celestial grasses and his body was immune to fire and water.

In order to observe further, Su Xian took off his shirt and revealed a strong body, making Qian Renxue blush.

I saw golden liquid flowing along his arm, and finally reached Su Xian's back. Although he could no longer see it, his ribs were getting hot.

With a flash of eyes, Su Xian released his martial spirit. The originally soft and loose feathers were now neatly arranged one after another, appearing impermeable.

With the appearance of the external soul bone and martial soul, the golden liquid seemed to have found a catharsis, and directly merged into the wings.

Immediately, strips of tiny golden silk threads emerged on the wings, emitting a faint halo.

"How do you feel?" Qian Renxue asked quickly.

"It doesn't feel much, but I think the wings feel very powerful." Su Xian shook his head, telling him intuitively that it should be a good thing.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was relieved a lot, looking at the red spirit ring under Su Xian's feet, she couldn't help feeling a little envious and happy.

"You are already a one hundred thousand year old spirit ring for the fourth spirit ring, and you will have trouble finding a spirit ring in the future." Qian Renxue laughed and teased.

"Isn't there you, you are stronger than me, what are our husband and wife afraid of."

Su Xianman didn't care about replying, 100,000-year soul beasts were not rare, even if he had one more martial soul, it was more than enough.

"You also know that my spirit power is higher than you, and you know to bully me every time." Qian Renxue coldly snorted dissatisfied, his face flushed slightly.

Hearing this, Su Xian smiled without saying a word, rubbed her face, and smiled, "You should also absorb the external spirit bone, I will try the spirit ability I obtained."


Qian Renxue nodded, and then took out the wings of the external soul bone spear falcon, Su Xian left the Vast Sea Universe Cover, but did not withdraw the outside formation.

The four spirit rings on the soles of the feet appeared, one yellow, two purple and one red. There was no black spirit ring in the middle, and it felt strangely weird no matter how you looked at it.

The red spirit ring lit up, and cyan lightning began to emerge from Su Xian's body. A cyan dragon with two wings whizzed out in the lightning, whizzing directly forward.

Lightning directly scorched the surrounding grass, and the mighty energy of the giant dragon was extremely majestic, especially the devastating aura on the body was frightening.

The dragon's attack had not yet arrived, and Su Xian had already stopped his soul abilities, and his face became a little pale.

One hundred thousand years spirit ability is too terrifying, and the spirit power required is also extremely large, which is not something his level 43 spirit power can bear.

Released twice at most, I'm afraid the spirit power in his body will be gone.

 Thank you [Tian Ming] for your reward



(End of this chapter)

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