Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 134: Please come out, the grave has been dug! 【two】

Chapter 134, please come out, the grave has been dug! 【two】

On the west side of Shenghun Village, on the hillside of the village head, there are three adobe houses. In the middle of the roof, there is a sign with a simple hammer painted on it, which in this world refers to the identity of the blacksmith.

On the other end, two figures came slowly on the winding road.

I saw an old man sticking his cane and following the young man respectfully, a step or two behind him.

Seeing the appearance of Old Jack, the villagers I knew didn't dare to go up and say hello, but just looked from a distance.

"My lord, although the guy has a bad temper, the things he typed out are very durable. All the ironware in our village is made by him." Old Jack promised.

"It's not easy to use, no matter how it is, it is something that a master craftsman has typed."

Su Xian muttered to himself, and then waved his hand casually, saying:

"What I want to build is just some ordinary things, and ordinary blacksmiths can also create them."


Hearing this, old Jack smiled, and did not continue to praise it.

After all, Su Xian looked like a nobleman. If Tang Hao couldn't do it, it would be embarrassing.

"Tang Hao, the old man has introduced you to your business. Come out and meet your customers."

As soon as he arrived in front of Tang Hao's house, the yard did not go in, and Old Jack's angry roar rang.

In addition to the original anger, the voice seemed to convey a meaning. If this business is sloppy, it will cause trouble to the upper body.


After a while, there seemed to be some movement in the room.

Afterwards, the door was pushed open with a "crunch", and it sounded very lame in disrepair.

A figure of a middle-aged man came out, Su Xian's eyes were also condensed, and he looked at the youngest Title Douluo.

A broken robe, showing a solid arm with a bronze color, his complexion is like wax, and it looks very rough. Holding a hip flask in his hand, the color is slightly reddish under the irrigation of fine wine.

Drunk shaking, sleepy eyes dim, her hair messed up like a bird's nest, but her sharp-edged eyes are muddy and sluggish at the moment.

The smell of alcohol came, with the sour smell of bad wine, not only the old Jack, but even Su Xian couldn't help frowning.

Looking at Tang Hao, Su Xian couldn't help shook his head.

The same father and son had completely different attitudes when facing the sacrifice of their lover. Tang San's final success was not without reason.

Just like a martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer is too strong and easily broken.

The blue silver grass is tenacity, wildfire is endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates.


Perceiving something wrong, Tang Hao seemed to have a flash of light in his eyes. He stared at Su Xian and looked a little familiar.

His brows frowned slightly, the drunkenness on his face disappeared in an instant, and his eyes revealed a cold look.

Seeing Tang Hao not only not entertaining, but also glaring at the guests, Old Jack suddenly became anxious and reprimanded, "Tang Hao, this is a big man from the city, who came to you to make utensils specially."


Cold eyes swept across Old Jack's face, and the latter shuddered suddenly, and huge fear emerged in his heart, and he subconsciously stepped back.

"If you don't pick up customers today, let's go!"

Without paying attention to Jack, Tang Hao stared at Su Xian, his face expressionless, black lingering on his moody, angered face seemed to linger, and he yelled at him unceremoniously.

After the conversation, Tang Hao ignored the two of them, and without looking back, he walked directly into the room with a bang.

"Tang Hao, what's wrong with your kid? You drunkard doesn't eat by yourself, can't you make some money to add some meat to Xiao San to replenish your body?!"

He was startled at first, and now his kindness was stepped on the soles of his feet. Old Jack suddenly became angry and cursed directly.

If it wasn't for your family of blacksmiths in the village, and you still bring your children, the old man can get you business?

by! I am so blind!

"The village chief, I'll talk to him, you go back first."

Seeing old Jack's outrageous appearance, Su Xian waved his hand and said.

"grown ups…"

Let Su Xian stay here, Old Jack was really afraid that Tang Hao's wicked temper would get into trouble, but seeing Su Xian's face beyond doubt, he didn't say much.

"Tang Hao, the old man is gone, watch this business yourself and be careful."

A reminder to the room, Old Jack sighed helplessly, and left with his cane.

In the yard, it became silent in an instant.

Su Xian was not in a hurry, found a clean stone, sat down, and looked at everything around him with interest.

Who could have imagined that the awe-inspiring Haotian Douluo would actually live in seclusion in such a dilapidated small village.

One of the three great master craftsmen actually makes money by hitting shovel farm tools, drinking the cheapest and cheapest wine, and living a life that is not like a man or a ghost.

such a pity!

It’s not destined to go all the way, not to go together, or else...

"Senior now wants to find another place to live in seclusion?" Su Xian couldn't help but said.

"How did you find here?"

There was a cold voice, and Su Xian's heart trembled, and he quickly turned his head and looked over.

I saw Tang Hao appearing behind him for some time, his muddy eyes flashed with cold light at the moment, he was full of domineering aura, and seemed to carry endless loneliness, but it seemed a bit contradictory.

"Something happened at the border. I happened to be here. I heard Senior's name on the road, so I came and took a look." Su Xian replied without blushing.

Hearing the words, Tang Hao stared at Su Xian coldly, completely distrusting what he said.

Notting City is too remote. He is in the village and rarely has contact with other people. Most people will never find it here.

The dignified prince will not find here.

"Young man, I advise you to leave."

Tang Hao shouted coldly, he couldn't help but exude a whitish murderous look, his face was as cold as a piece of ice.

"Senior, don't worry, I won't reveal your whereabouts. Although Clear Sky School supports the Star Luo Empire, everyone now has a common enemy, don't they?" Su Xian replied without changing his face.

Um~ Talking about people when you meet people and talking nonsense when you meet ghosts, this is a necessary foundation for acting protagonist.

Wuhun Hall! !

Tang Hao's eyes condensed, and the past in his heart came to his mind again, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, like a mad lion.

Seeing Tang Hao like this, Su Xian became more and more white. He should kill the guy in front of him, or it would be a big disaster to keep it.

"Senior, I came to you this time to invite you out of the mountain. With your prestige, you will surely be able to stun the Spirit Hall and make them afraid to act recklessly."

Su Xian's face was "sincere and sincere", his righteousness was strict, and his pleadings were earnest. He looked like a righteous Lingran for the people's livelihood of Guotai, but he was wondering **** the other party.

"I have no more questions about the spirit master world. I am just an ordinary blacksmith. You have found the wrong person."

After squeezing his fist, Tang Hao's eyes glowed, as if thinking of those prosperous years, he finally shook his head, his expression lonely.

What about glory, what about tens of thousands of people, but still can't protect her alone!

As old Jack said, he is just a waste now.

(End of this chapter)

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