Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 136: Night episode [four]

Chapter 136 Night Interlude【4】

The night is long, heartless people often sleep soundly, but those who are thinking about things in their hearts can't fall asleep.

Just like Qian Renxue at this moment.

Seeing Su Xian haunting herself like a koala again, Qian Renxue was helpless, and she didn't know where this guy came from this habit.

Humph! Really annoying!

Lying on the bed, looking at Yuehua falling from the thin paper window, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed coldly and murderously, and then she was afraid of shocking someone, and quickly gathered her emotions.


Suddenly, a slight sound of footsteps rang, and Qian Renxue's brows suddenly frowned.


Qian Renxue frowned slightly, and her mental energy was released in an instant.

Outside the courtyard, two figures walked in, both of them covered their faces, and they didn't look like good people.

Seeing it were two ordinary people, Qian Renxue's face showed contempt, as if waiting to watch juggling, quietly watching what the two wanted to do.

"Remember to wear your clothes."

At this time, Su Xian closed the quilt, and a soft reminder sounded. Qian Renxue knew that Su Xian had deliberately pretended to sleep, which was really horrible.

Seeing Su Xian let go, Qian Renxue glared at him with dissatisfaction and angrily, then he straightened out her skirt without making any sound.

"Let's go and see what they want to do?"

Su Xian took Qian Renxue's little hand, and his figure flashed directly to the sky outside the hut.

A ring-like flying soul guide stepped on under his feet, silently, so that the two Su Xian did not fall.

Below, two figures had already arrived outside the house, and suddenly one of them took out a short tube from his arms.

Just like the scene in the movie and TV series, the bamboo pole is filled with drugs such as powdered white smoke, which can enter the human body through the nose and mouth, and finally achieve the purpose of anesthesia.

"Wait, don't wake them up."

Seeing that his companion was so impatient, the headed man immediately detained him.

The companion had to hold back his restless mind, and when he thought of a lot of gold coins, he swallowed subconsciously, and his eyes flashed with greed and heat.

It's him!

Hearing the man's voice, Su Xian and Qian Renxue looked at each other together and couldn't help laughing, apparently knowing the identity of the visitor.

After a while, the two of them tested the room without movement, and finally walked into the room at ease.

"Come here, catch the thief!"

Suddenly, the whole room was illuminated, and a ridiculous voice rang.


The pupils of the two shrank suddenly, their faces panicked, and they didn't care much, and they rushed out of the room.

Suddenly, the two of them stopped the car abruptly, raised their heads stiffly, and looked at the two figures floating in the air with fear.

"You two, since you are here, you might as well sit here, why bother to leave." Su Xian laughed harmlessly.

"Escape separately!"

He swallowed subconsciously, the man's eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth and gave a violent shout, pulling his leg to escape, as did his companion.

Unfortunately, there is only one destiny waiting for them...

With Su Xian's screaming, everyone in Shenghun Village was awakened.

People in rural areas are not rich and can barely make ends meet. If they are stolen by thieves again, that day will be impossible.

Therefore, the words "thief", "food", and "money" are more powerful than any words here.

In the blink of an eye, a large group of people ran out carrying farm tools such as hoes, and then hurried over here.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

The old village chief Jack also rushed over in a hurry, panic and uneasy in his anger, and he pushed the crowd away directly.

"The village chief, you came just right. These two people sneaked into my yard in the middle of the night, trying to do something wrong." Su Xian said bluntly.

Qin Lao San! Horse dog!

Seeing the two people in a coma on the ground, Old Jack also shrank his pupils. When he noticed the black cloth on their necks and the knife on the ground, his face flushed with anger.

These two messy guys really dare to do such a thing!

As a human being, he still doesn't understand, it must be Su Xian's big hand, and the two of them see the fortune and can't help the temptation of money, and come here at night.

It's really hateful!

Their holy soul village is also a village where the holy soul has been born. The folkway is simple and everyone is kind.

Special! These two guys are really embarrassing to the village!

"Usually I am idle, but now I dare to enter the house and steal things. Fortunately, there is nothing valuable in my house, otherwise I won't suffer."

"Suffers? I think they are all light. I didn't see them all holding knives in their hands."

"Hiss~ Don't be scary, I'm so courageous."

"Our village can't tolerate such a person, or else there will be a livelihood!"

"Ah! These two people are discrediting our village!"


Hearing the people around him, the village head's expression worsened, and he faintly knew what to do.

"Village Chief, I will leave them to you, and watch what the people in your village do with you."

Waved his hand to the village chief, Su Xian then led Qian Renxue into the house, without interfering with the matter.

"The village chief..." As soon as Su Xian left, everyone looked at Old Jack with eager eyes.

"Lock them up first, and hand over to the inspecting army master the day after tomorrow!"

The crutches hammered the hammer, and old Jack flushed with anger and angered.

"it is good!"

What happened at night was just an episode, and every village would have such people.

Su Xian could also understand, and did not take it to heart. He believed that Old Jack would handle it.

In the morning, when the sky had just lighted up, Su Xian had already got up from the bed, preparing for breakfast this morning.

Simple melons, with some gruel, and of course noodles.

These things are common in the village, but the taste depends on the level of the producer.

The old village chief Jack got up quite early. It seemed that the old people woke up early, and brought two young guys to Su Xian's place, still carrying things in his hands.

"My lord, don't worry about what happened last night. It's a little bit from the village. Please accept it."

Old Jack's eye circles were a little dark, and it seemed that he didn't sleep well last night, and he said apologetically, also letting people put things down.

It's not a precious thing, just some vegetables and fruits, and it looks like there are eggs, which means being polite and affectionate.

"I'll accept the stuff, but the money still has to be paid."

It was just enough to give Qian Renxue a taste of the crab, Su Xian did not refuse, but still took out a few gold coins from his arms.

Seeing Su Xian taking out the gold coin, Old Jack waved his hand quickly, and refused to accept it despite Su Xian's persuasion.

Seeing this, Su Xian had no choice but to give up, and when he planned to leave the village, he would give it to the village. After all, he was going to take away the only blacksmith in the village.

 The next chapter, the battle of Vast Sky Douluo, the excitement will continue immediately



(End of this chapter)

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