Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 147: The layout of the city of entertainment! 【Fives】

Chapter 147: Layout of the City of Entertainment! 【Fives】

The tower body is creamy white, the outer patina is made of marble, and the interior is made of solid metal such as refined iron, otherwise it cannot support the two-hundred-meter-high building.

In the middle section of the tower, there are sixteen "spoons" extending from the tower body, eight on the upper and lower sides, which look a little abrupt, as if they are used to hold something.

I have to say that this tower-like building is located in the central area of ​​Tiandou City, which is unique.

"His Royal Highness, I heard that you have not returned to the border, but I am very worried, Lao Niu!"

There was a deep laughter, and Niu Gao ran out of the building immediately, with sweat on his face, looking a little embarrassed.

However, judging from his ruddy complexion, he was more happy and excited, and he didn't even care about it at all.

"I remember that the predecessor promised me that after I came back, I could see that the building had been built." Su Xian joked with a smile, his face was not angry.

"Hey... Your Majesty, don't look at them as they are still busy. In fact, the building has been built a long time ago. It's just adding exterior decorations." Niu Gao replied with some contentment.

"Oh~ Then take me in and have a look." Su Xian nodded with satisfaction.

"His Royal Highness, please!"

There are thick and thin, Niu Gao didn't have arrogance, but let Su Xian go ahead, and Su Xian was not polite.

The building is very wide, covering an area of ​​nearly 100,000 square meters. When you walk in, you can even feel that the temperature is lower than outside.

Seeing the carpet laying on the ground and even the murals and green plants were all done, Su Xian couldn't help believe what Niu Gao said.

Su Xian still had an impression of the drawings he designed. Looking for the memory in his mind, Su Xian walked through a long corridor to the center.

As soon as he walked out of the passage, Su Xian suddenly felt a sense of openness. He saw an extremely open space with a height of fifty meters.

Below, countless seats are neatly arranged and stepped down, and at the very center is a soul fighting platform with a length of 50 meters each.

With a slight step, Su Xian directly released his martial spirit and flew onto the fighting platform.


Without the slightest hesitation, Su Xian released the dark golden terrifying claw metacarpal bones and gently scraped them up.

"The hardness is pretty good."

Although the soul fighting platform was cut open, Su Xian nodded in satisfaction, he could feel how strong this fighting soul platform was.

It's just that his dark gold terrifying claw metacarpal bones are even more abnormal.

Seeing the mark on the fighting platform, Niu Gao was also stunned.

This thing was made by the old Titan, and it was said that the soul emperor might not be able to destroy it.

Now, the mark was directly scratched! !

Taking a deep look at the sharp soul bone in Su Xian's hand, Niu Gao's eyes condensed, and he didn't ask questions, but secretly wrote down the matter.

The second to fourth floors are ordinary floors, not as high as the first floor. They are food items, mainly shops and the like.

But they are all empty houses now, and there is nothing to look at.

After browsing slightly, Su Xian skipped directly and came to the fifth floor.

Noting the tennis racket on the shelf beside him, Su Xian couldn't help taking it up, and directly swiped the ball.


Like a meteorite, the tennis ball burst away, hitting the ground with a bang, and then ejected. A depression on the ground was clearly visible.

Seeing this scene, Su Xian also laughed blankly, this is the real violent murderous tennis!

However, Su Xian didn't let the soul master come to play murderous tennis.

The fifth and sixth floors are mainly used for various recreational activities, including some ball games.

It seems that ordinary people's ball games are not as exciting as fighting spirits, and it seems that it is not enough for people to pay to watch.

But Su Xian was not for selling tickets, but for private entertainment and gatherings, especially those nobles.

Are most of Heaven Dou City's wealth in the hands of soul masters?

It can be said, but it is not accurate.

Tiandou City has a population of several million, but the soul masters are even less than 10,000, and many of them are wealthy merchants and nobles who cannot be trained to become soul masters.

And Su Xian just wanted to pay out their money to let them know that apart from watching the fighting spirit, there are so many fun and elegant things, Jie Jie Jie...

"His Royal Highness, I don't know why this building was built to be hollow?"

Seeing Su Xian's jubilation, Niu Gao hesitated to say something, and finally asked him the question he had just seen the drawing, but Su Xian did not answer at the time.

That's right, the whole tall building starts from the second floor, and the center is hollow, but the area of ​​the hollow is not large.

The bottom is only 20 meters in diameter, and it gets smaller as you go up, so you can't tell that it is hollow at all.

At the beginning, Qian Renxue also asked Su Xian this question.

"Haha... naturally it looks good."

Hearing that, Su Xian smiled and replied casually, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

In the middle, he has to put a tower.

A tower that can beat the gods...

Niu Gao:.......

good looking? Do you think I’m good at bullying? !

The current situation of the entertainment city was already very satisfactory to him, and Su Xian did not continue to watch it. He told Niu Gao to speed up the decoration of his appearance, and left here.


Su Xian Mansion, Soul Fighting Platform.

The same scene, the same two people, the same serious atmosphere, as if yesterday.

The difference is that there is a crowd of snacks in the audience.

"Sister-in-law, did you say that elder brother beat that bad woman?" Xue Ke asked nervously with something in her mouth.

Qian Renxue who was holding her was instantly happy when she heard Xue Ke's name, rubbing her face, "Then who do you hope will win?"

"Of course the big brother wins!" Xue Ke said with a small face, serious.

"Hehehe...I can talk!"

On the stage of the Arena of Souls, hearing the ridicule of the two below, Yu Tianmin's face became more gloomy, and he stared at Su Xian angrily with a fire-breathing gaze.

"Let you shoot first this time, I'm afraid you won't have a chance when I shoot.

Su Xian yawned, with a sloppy look that didn't put Yu Tianmin in his eyes, waved his hand and urged.

"it is good!"

Without hesitation, Yu Tianmin directly agreed. Last time because of Su Xian's tricks, she would never be fooled again this time.


The dazzling blue light illuminates from Yu Tianmin's eyebrows, and then descends all over the body, blue-violet thunder and lightning burst out from her body, swimming around her like a snake.

The sleeves burst open in the raging thunder and lightning, revealing two scaly claws, and blue thunder and lightning surged around the arm.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannical Dragon's martial soul will transform into a dragon after the 30th level, and even become a dragon at the 70th level, erupting extremely terrifying power.

Seeing the changes in Yu Tianmin's body, Su Xian didn't have the slightest fear. One of his soul bones is the most suitable for tearing the dragon!

 There is nothing in this chapter, just some introductions. I am a bit dizzy with a broad mind. I will speed up the rhythm later!

   As for the city of entertainment, it is a profitable entertainment project in itself, so it’s not a very high-spirited one. Please forgive me if it causes discomfort...



(End of this chapter)

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