Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 153: Kendo Chenxin! 【three】

Chapter 153 Kendo Chenxin! 【three】

What a good title Douluo, Su Xian feels bad if he doesn't use it to practice his hands, and it just so happens that he can also test it.

Dragging Sword Douluo to leave Tiandou City, Su Xian led him to a wilderness.


Immediately, a scoop of cold water was poured directly on it, and Sword Douluo's face was showered.


With a faint groan, Jian Douluo finally woke up and noticed everything around him, and the dizzy feeling of dizziness disappeared instantly.


The body was tight as a string suddenly, Sword Douluo suddenly jumped up, and in an instant he had already opened the distance from Su Xian.

"What the monkey is doing, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago."

Seeing Jian Douluo's nervous appearance, Su Xian couldn't help shook his head, comforting.

"Who is your excellency?"

Looking at the white-haired and white-clothed old man in front of him, Jian Douluo's expression was tense, a heart was raised to his throat, and he stared attentively, not daring to move.

Although just now, he was stunned and knocked out.


Being able to evade his detection, and actually being able to take him down easily, this explains the problem.

The strength of the opponent is definitely not something you can contend!

And this is why he stood in front of him and talked freely without changing his face.

Because of his strength, he had already made him confident to this level, just as he ignored other ants.

"Isn't the old man already saying it, why ask again?"

Su Xian said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, his complexion light and calm, and the steady and domineering atmosphere of the sky radiated from the inside out.

Hearing this, Jian Douluo raised his brows, as if thinking of something, and asked in a condensed voice, "Are you the teacher of your Highness?"

As soon as the words came out, Jian Douluo's face suddenly became weird.

Didn't the Great Highness worship Fengzhi as a teacher? Why did a master come out again?

Moreover, the opponent's strength is so powerful!

"It seems that I was not confused just now."

Su Xian walked slowly with his hands on his back, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, as if he were casual and relaxed.

no way!

Pretending to be forced in front of Title Douluo, my heart is very refreshing, I must pretend to be enough!

Glancing at the new moon in the sky, Su Xian changed his mouth and said, "I heard that my disciple also worshipped the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect as a teacher, right?"

Although his voice was neither happy nor angry, Jian Douluo only felt a cold wind blowing on his face, and that unstoppable chill spread all over his body in an instant.

Ning Fengzhi, that kid?

If others dare to say that, the horror has long been chopped into mud!

However, Jian Douluo didn't dare to have the slightest anger on his face, instead he became more respectful.

Breaking through to Title Douluo in strength can extend his life. Who knows how long the old man in front of him has lived, just like the old immortal Qian Daoliu in the Spirit Hall.

The person in front of you is definitely an old monster!

Otherwise, how dare to call Ning Fengzhi, the master of the dignified Qibao Liuli Sect?

"Back to senior, there is indeed such a thing, but the Empress Empress discussed it with Fengzhi. Your Majesty nodded first." Jian Douluo replied honestly.


Seeing Jian Douluo so honest and respectful, Su Xian was also very satisfied.

A person with no strength pretends, that is death!

A capable person pretends to be a god, and that is a true god, you can't believe it!

"You should also be aware of the rules of the soul master world. A disciple can only worship one teacher. I don't know... how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Su Xian's mouth was slightly raised, and suddenly he sneered. The eyes that looked at everything like dirt swept over, and Jian Douluo suddenly felt a sense of suffocation as he was strangling his neck.

"Why don't the seniors follow me to meet Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and discuss this with him and the royal family, what do you think?" Jian Douluo said quickly.


With a chuckle, Su Xian's eyes were full of contemptuous smiles, and he stared at Sword Douluo blankly, "Do you think the old man needs to discuss with you?"

Sword Douluo was also a little angry after being so contemptuously reprimanded by Su Xian, but it was a pity that it was not easy to attack, so he had to bear his temper.

"Senior, you have to say something in everything. His Royal Highness has already applauded the teacher, and the royal family has recognized it. Fengzhi is indeed a teacher, you..."

Su Xianman waved his hand indifferently, his face still confident, "I have asked my apprentice, he didn't follow your practice, since he didn't learn, he can naturally regret it."

"Besides, is it possible that the identity of the old man is not as good as your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

With cold eyes overflowing, a powerful energy suddenly burst out of Su Xian's body.


Jian Douluo's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly released his martial spirit to block him, and this was able to stop the decline.

Unexpectedly, Su Xian was so rascal, and the role of Sword Douluo became gloomy, "Is the senior planning to bully the small with the big?"

The long sword was held horizontally, and the nine spirit rings moved around the sword, an aura of fierce and shock burst out of Jian Douluo.

The body is straight, Jian Douluo's eyes are sharp, and the whole person seems to be integrated with the long sword in his hand, cold and solemn, making people shudder.

"Hehe... Since you are Chenxun's grandson, I will give you some advice."

Su Xian suddenly became interested, holding his palm slightly, and a black long sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword is completely dark, but it emits a sacred and soft gleam, but the gleam is flashing, and it seems to be extinguished at any time.


Realizing that the Seven Kills Sword was trembling unexpectedly, Jian Douluo couldn't help tightening his arms, his face even more solemn as he watched Su Xian.

Chen Xun, this is his grandfather's name, and the other party actually knew him, so he must be a figure of the older generation.

It's just that why I have never heard of it?

Without continuing to bother to think about these things, Jian Douluo focused his attention and concentrated all his attention.

"In that case, please enlighten me from seniors!"

His eyes condensed, it seemed that the surrounding air was pierced, and the fourth spirit ring on Jian Douluo Jian suddenly lit up.


With a wave of the long sword, a fierce sword light swayed out, the sharpness was unacceptable, and the world was eclipsed.

The sword light is not particularly large, on the contrary, it is only two meters small, but only those with strong cultivation base can understand that this sword light represents the super cultivation base of a kendo master.

Being scattered and wide does not mean being strong, gathering and gathering, hiding but not leaking, this is the horror of kendo masters.

Seeing Jianguang flying by, in Su Xian's eyes, the data flickered. Although he could avoid it, he did not choose to avoid it.


Su Xian directly greeted him, without using the energy in his body, but also a black sword light cut down.

Looking at Jian Guang, Jian Douluo's expression suddenly became shocked, and the sixth spirit ring on the sword lit up.

Tens of thousands of long swords emerged, gathered in the white long dragon, and instantly condensed into a huge long sword.


The giant sword chased the white sword light straight away, two attacks directly met the black sword light, and then the three roared and burst apart.

(End of this chapter)

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