Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 157: When have I been honest, ah! 【three】

Chapter 157 When did I live honestly, ah! 【three】

Me, Ning Fengzhi!

As the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Sect, the first priority must be to strengthen the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Sect. As for other trivial things, it is not a concern.

Even if he was embarrassed, this matter was irreversible, and no one could resist the temptation to worship an Xtreme Douluo as a teacher.

The royal family can't, Xue Qinghe can't, even if it's Ning Fengzhi!

Therefore, in the case of irreversible circumstances, he must take the most profitable means.

If he can become a Title Douluo, the status of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect will be even more stable.

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi was so careful, Su Xian also felt that there was nothing to say.

Hmm~ Just wait for you to pay.

It was originally planned that Su Xian wanted to auction a fairy grass, the best buyer, that must be Ning Fengzhi!

Now I can just remind him, lest he doesn’t have enough money when the time comes, and his auction is of top specifications...

In a word, no credit, no exceptions!

The person with the soul bone attached had been determined long ago, and Su Xian didn't read the wrong person. The guy Dugu Bo was ruthless enough to make trouble in the Barak Kingdom, and now I am afraid that there are more than 100 million gold coins in his pocket.

One hundred thousand-year-old soul beast, Su Xian rushed to the Wuhun Hall, and his mother-in-law had one hundred thousand-year-old spider-like soul beast more than Dong definitely hoped.

But this time, he is going to collect the money, and it is impossible to give it away if he is killed!

When the time comes, I will auction some other soul bones to ensure that I can take all the money of the major forces into my pocket.

Wow! !

"Ahem...Since Sect Master Ning agreed, the old man will leave."

"Senior, if you have time, you might as well visit my Qibao Glazed Glass Sect as a guest, and you will definitely welcome you afterwards.

Seeing Su Xian about to leave, Ning Fengzhi hurriedly stated his attitude, seeing Su Xian also startled, and then smiled.

"it is good!"

There are really not many people who ask you to go to his house to get money. Su Xian smiled and walked back all the way. His figure disappeared like a flash of lightning.


Seeing Su Xian disappearing, Jian Douluo Muran let out a sigh of relief, and his footsteps fluttered softly.

"Uncle Jian, are you okay?"

Seeing Jian Douluo like this, Ning Fengzhi hurriedly supported him, his expression full of panic.

"It's okay, it's just that the spirit power and physical strength are consumed too much, and some are not enough."

Sword Douluo gritted his teeth and slowly stood up. The weakness and emptiness of his body made him feel like he was falling again.

The consumption of human sword integration is too great, as if the soul has been drawn away from the sword body, if there is no inevitable factor, Sword Douluo would never use this trick.

"Uncle Jian, take a good rest here, and I won't bother you."

Seeing Sword Douluo's strong support to the present, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help feeling a little distressed in his heart, sighed, and then prepared to leave without disturbing Sword Douluo's recuperation.

"Fengzhi, what kind of herb..."

Jian Douluo nodded and didn't hold back, but when he saw Ning Fengzhi was about to step out, he couldn't help but reminded him.

"Uncle Jian, rest assured, I have a sense of measure regarding the herb."

Ning Fengzhi interrupted, and suddenly there was more decisiveness on the face of joy and anger, and his eyes seemed to be excited.

The breath of confidence was indeed the Ning Fengzhi he knew. Jian Douluo couldn't help but nodded, and did not continue.

On the other side, Su Xian got rid of all the stalkers invisibly and returned to the mansion alone.

After releasing his invisibility, Su Xian had just stepped into the bedroom room when a golden long sword suddenly stabbed over.


Su Xian suddenly exploded in foul language, but fortunately, he hasn't released the function transfer now, otherwise he could not bear such a fierce sword!


Su Xian breathed a sigh of relief immediately after **** clamped the long sword abruptly, motionless.

"I said my daughter-in-law, what are you doing, it's okay to murder your husband!"

Looking at Qian Renxue who was facing the enemy, Su Xian sighed helplessly, and shouted out of breath.

"you are…?"

Hearing this familiar tone, Qian Renxue's expression froze, and she looked around Su Xian's appearance at the moment, her face was full of disbelief.

"Do you even recognize me..."

As soon as the words came out, Su Xian realized that he was still in a state of transformation, and quickly restored his original form.

"Changed a little bit, or I'm afraid of being recognized." Su Xian laughed, and then released the long sword with his fingers.

Seeing that it was really Su Xian, Qian Renxue put away her long sword with lingering fear. Just now she noticed that the old man entered the bedroom and thought that a bad guy was coming!

"So, you made the movement just now?" Qian Renxue walked over and said with a smile.


Su Xian nodded, and subconsciously hugged Qian Renxue, facing her face like an envoy, and explained:

"Sword Douluo broke into the mansion just now, and I went to remind some people by the way, so as not to always play these things."

"Then what you were just now?"

Qian Renxue asked after a while, her bright eyes filled with curiosity.

She knew that Su Xian usually wore that silver mecha in battle, and she suddenly changed into such a outfit at this moment, which really made her somewhat unrecognizable.

"It's not about the auction. How can our royal family hold so many treasures, so I pulled a master out and called it a master. Don't show your stuff." Su Xian replied.

Qian Renxue patted Su Xian's chest, and she couldn't help but joking, "I also said that you are really so relieved and you are not afraid of being exposed, so you were prepared a long time ago."

Qian Renxue's smiley face was faintly pink, Su Xian rubbed her forehead, and replied with some contentment:

"If I'm not prepared, how dare I do anything about the auction with confidence, you are too small for me."

"Don't move! Pretend to be a teacher, you are really enough."

"I wonder how it feels to be your own master?"

Qian Renxue straightened Su Xian's turbulent head, her double dimples were ruddy, and she jokingly said.

"Of course it doesn't feel good to be a lady-in-law." Su Xian replied with a smirk.

"You know to make me happy!" Qian Renxue flushed with her ears, and quickly broke free of her embrace.

"Ha ha…"

Su Xian smiled, and then took Qian Renxue's hands to the bedside, and the candlelights all around went out in an instant.


There was a scream, and then a dull creak sounded, and the two figures fell on the bed.

"What are you doing?!" Qian Renxue said angrily.

"You just wanted me to go to bed early, didn't I listen to your wife!"

"Then be honest, don't move."

"I, you don't know, when to be honest...Ah, when to be honest!"


In the bedroom, the chattering voice became smaller and smaller, and the moon on the horizon became brighter.

The white moonlight shines through the hazy window screens and enters the room, quiet and gentle, faintly visible two silhouettes hug and sleep, so uncomfortable.

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(End of this chapter)

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