Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 163: Pope’s order, a brain-burning problem! 【four】

Chapter 163 The Pope's Order, a Brain Burning Problem! 【four】

"Under the title of the Pope, the teacher has traveled around, but he should be back after the auction."

Seeing what was wrong with his mother-in-law, Su Xian became more suspicious, and intuitively told him that there must be something wrong.

Even Bibi Dong seemed to know him too well, and Su Xian immediately rejected his own judgment as soon as the thought came out.

His face of being too arrogant only appeared once three days ago. He had never seen Bibi Dong at all, unless...

Suddenly, Su Xian seemed to have thought of something, his heart trembled suddenly, and his expression became more and more weird.

"Wandering around?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong frowned slightly, and then subconsciously nodded, his tight brows loosened again.


"Why are you back? You didn't come to see me?"

Suddenly, he felt a little sad, Bibi Dong sighed, that noble and glamorous figure seemed a little lonely and lonely.

Seeing Bibi Dong's resentment and anger, Su Xian suddenly felt speechless.

You are the Pope anyway, can you pay attention, and I'm still your daughter's husband-in-law...

Fortunately, Xue'er was not there, otherwise he would not be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River!


He seemed to realize that he was a little gaffe, Bibi Dong returned to his original deserted and noble appearance, and his elegant and moving face was not happy or angry. .

"If he comes back, remember to notify me as soon as possible." Bibi Dong coldly reminded him, staring at Su Xian with his eyes fixed.

The voice is like ice skates, without a trace of emotion, so cold that people can't refuse.


Hearing this, Su Xian nodded immediately, he also wanted to know what was going on in his heart.

But looking at Bibi Dong like this, I guess I wouldn’t say it after asking myself, alas~

After closing the black energy barrier, Bibi Dong was planning to leave, but suddenly stopped.


A black token was thrown out, and Bibi Dong's deserted voice rang again.

"This is the token of the Spirit Hall. If you have anything, you can go to the Spirit Hall for help."

Looking at the Spirit Hall token in his hand, Su Xian was also stunned, looking a little weird.

The token has only five patterns, only one pattern compared to the titled Douluo elder token in the Spirit Hall...

But the difference is that this token is inlaid with gold silk, which looks more noble and luxurious.

Pope Order!

Seeing Bibi Dong actually gave this thing to himself, Su Xian was very surprised and astonished. When he recovered, Bibi Dong had already left.

"No...what the **** is going on?"

Feeling dizzy in his brain, Su Xianman couldn't figure it out.

Obviously, Bibi Dong absolutely knew too well, he didn't believe that Qian Renxue gave himself the Pope Order.

In order to distinguish between the tokens issued by the pope and the bishop, Wuhundian specially set up slightly different pope orders.

Five patterns are the fifth-class papal order!

To a certain extent, this token can even mobilize Title Douluo.

Of course, it's useless under normal circumstances, such as Su Xian's identity. If he uses a token to order Ghost Douluo, the latter will definitely not kill him.

However, this does not mean that the token is useless.

With this pope token, he can even order the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Temple to do things for him, and the other party must obey unconditionally, otherwise it will be regarded as defying the pope's order.

Weird, too weird!

Putting away the token, Su Xian returned to the back garden with a face full of confusion.

Seeing Qian Renxue still playing with her mobile phone, Su Xian walked over quickly and weakly reminded, "Just now, mother-in-law is here."

As soon as the words came out, Qian Renxue's curious and excited expression froze.

"What is she doing here?" Qian Renxue frowned, her tone revealing worries.

"I don't know. She is here to ask about Taishang. I feel that mother-in-law seems to know Taishang. Are you weird?"

Su Xian shook his head and sighed. He still feels incredible now.

Qian Renxue's expression was full of surprise when she heard Su Xian say this, she shook her head and said:

"Basically, I don't know much about her, but in my memory, I have never heard anyone say that there is such a person as the Supreme Being."

"If it did, you probably said it that day." Su Xian nodded involuntarily, Qian Renxue obviously didn't know the existence of this person.


Suddenly, Qian Renxue seemed to think of something, and her eyes lit up.

"I heard from my grandfather that there seems to be a Xeon in the mainland, and he can't even fight with all his might. He may even be a god."

Looking at Su Xian with gentle eyes, Qian Renxue's tone became weaker and weaker, and her expression became more and more weird.

"What he said is not too good, right?"

After a word, Qian Renxue looked at Su Xian in wonder, and after speaking, she felt that the world was spinning, and she was also suddenly dazed.

Taishang, isn't Su Xian just pretending to be a few days ago, is it possible that this person really existed before?

Hiss~ If he knew that this guy faked his identity, then...


Su Xian naturally didn't know what Qian Renxue was thinking, but instead sighed to himself, he seemed to understand.

For those who could not be defeated by Qian Daoliu, besides himself, who else could this world have?

Really a god?


What did a **** hide the head and show his tail and Qian Daoliu fight, people don't want to mix in the gods?

In other words, he feels proud to beat an Extreme Douluo?

As for Tang Chen?

Even more nonsense!

The strength of the two of them is more between the first and second, and Qian Daoliu will not say that they can't beat each other.

After all, you have robbed the same girl, would you admit that you are not as good as your rival?

In summary, Su Xian can basically conclude that that guy is just himself.

Hmm~ Only myself, defeated Qian Daoliu, and wouldn't kill him yet.

Hiss~ Burn your brain! !

Noting that Su Xian looked strange and uncomfortable, Qian Renxue twitched the corners of her mouth and blurted out subconsciously, "Could you, that's the one who is too good?"

Su Xian's face fell sharply:...

The baby does not want to talk, the baby just wants to be quiet!

"Puff... teasing you!"

Seeing that Su Xian was taking it seriously, Qian Renxue was immediately happy, with a flowery smile on her face, she waved her hand quickly:

"I was joking with you just now, it was all over 20 years ago, how old are you this year!"


A smile squeezed from the corner of his mouth, and Su Xian nodded with a smile, as if nothing had happened, but his heart couldn't be more clear.

"Aren't you going to play some game with me, teach me now."

Qian Renxue handed the phone over, and combined with the instructions, she has basically mastered the use of the phone.

She thought it was difficult, but she didn't expect it to be that way!

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Su Xian suddenly showed a knowing smile on his face, and threw the little thing in his heart out of the sky.

It is a blessing, not a curse, or a curse that cannot be avoided. What he does with so much heart will always know in the future.

 If I write games later, will there be a flood of water and you will fight the flood?



(End of this chapter)

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