Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 189: Qi Luo Tulip, the flower of God? 【four】

Chapter 189 Qi Luo Tulip, the Flower of God? 【four】

"71 million!"

It seemed that Bibi Dong was getting stronger, but Ning Fengzhi did not compromise at all and directly raised the price.

If this exercise falls into the hands of the Wuhun Hall, it will be too unfavorable for their three major sects!

Especially when the Haotian School returns to hermit, if it really makes the Spirit Hall grow stronger, I'm afraid no one can suppress them.

Under the covering of the nest, there are no eggs, then their Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect will also be in danger!

"73 million!"

"75 million!"


The two sides did not give in the slightest, and the price reached 80 million in a blink of an eye, and Su Xian was also completely confused.

Su Xian:.......

You weren’t so crazy just now with the potion of eternality. Is this a trouble now?

With this breaking technique, you actually bid 80 million?

Damn it!

Xiaoye exchanged it, but it only cost a thousand gold coins, so...

On the basis of the original price, now it has been increased eight times?

Obviously it is a good thing to make money, so why don't you want them to continue the auction?

So, who is going to bid for the 100,000-year soul beast later?

"Forget it, if there is no one, then pass it."

Originally wanted Ning Fengzhi to obtain this technique, Su Xian thought about it and let it go. His mother-in-law Bibi Dong got this technique, and if he had a stronger foundation in the Martial Soul Palace, he would be even more beautiful when he took it.


Let the two continue to scream, the big deal is a hundred thousand year old soul beast, he directly makes Dugu Boxu call 100 million.

Anyway, the money is almost earned. After the currency system reforms, let's get all the gold coins back.

When Ning Fengzhi called for 80 million, Bibi Dong suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, is this a quit in VIP room two?"

"It's impossible to have no money. VIP Room No. 2 is definitely not small. How could it be?"

"This exercise was auctioned for 80 million yuan. I think it's enough. It doesn't make much sense to shoot it again."

"What do you think? You think a shit! What is their origin, what is your origin?"


Seeing Bibi Dong stopped and everyone was talking about it, Xue Bingning also reminded:

"Innate merit, the auction price is 80 million, is there anyone else bidding?"

After ten seconds, seeing that Bibi Dong hadn't bid yet, Xue Bingning planned to start the countdown.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light lit up before his eyes.

90 million!

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Xue Bingning exclaimed:

"Nine million!"

"The guest in VIP room No. 2 bid 90 million, which was equal to the highest price of this auction, and they were also the highest bidder the previous time."


Everyone was a little dumbfounded at once, thinking you were not going to shoot, but you suddenly held back your big move.


What a show!

"What is Bibi Dong doing, really not a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

Unexpectedly, Bibi Dong would bid again, and Ning Fengzhi was also a little confused.

Facing the high price of 90 million yuan, Ning Fengzhi was a little hesitant at this moment. From the overall situation, he should continue to bid.

But from a sensible point of view, the price of 90 million is too high.

Even if this exercise technique can turn ordinary people into soul masters, that's a pile of time.

Maybe most people will not be able to break through to the soul sect in their entire life.

The base and combat power of Soul Masters in the Wuhun Palace may be greatly improved, but who is not after this auction?

Coupled with the current situation of the Heaven Dou Empire imperial family, I am afraid the Wuhun Palace is also deeply jealous and will continue to maintain its balance.

and so…

After thinking about it, Ning Fengzhi still decided to give up. He was struggling with Wuhun Palace here, who would understand his contribution.

Hmm~ This kind of maintenance of world peace should be given to the younger generation who is surprised by the bones. He doesn't have the potion of ageing, so why bother?

If he knew that Su Xian was married to Bibi Dong's daughter, perhaps Ning Fengzhi would not have such thoughts again.

"Congratulations to VIP Room No.2, once again, for the price of 90 million, I took the innate merit."

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi no longer bid, Xue Bingning made a final decision and announced the ownership of the auction item.

At the same time, the models of the last three auction items were also projected.

The first one is a strange fairy grass, with a vine underneath and a golden tulip on top.

The second piece is a pair of claws, the silver claws are like eagle claws, strong and powerful, and full of bite force.

The third one is a closed box, from the perspective of everyone there is nothing unusual.

But when you look from above, you will find a golden centipede lying quietly in the box, densely packed feet with dark golden light, and even seeping a stream of golden liquid.

Of the three items, the first is Qiluo Tulip, which is prepared for Ning Fengzhi.

The second was originally the tailbone of the Jade Snake Emperor, but it was replaced by the left metacarpal bone by Su Xian, and it was still from a silver moon leopard, not a particularly powerful external spirit bone.

As for the third one, it was a 100,000-year soul beast. There was nothing to say about it, and 80% of it was going to pass.

Alas~ I originally wanted to add some poison to Bibi Dong, but she didn't expect her to accept her kindness.

"The first piece, named Qiluo Tulip, can absorb the brilliance of the sun and the moon, the essence of heaven and earth, and can enhance the potential of martial souls, especially gem-type martial souls."

"It is generally taken by a genius soul master, and it is not a problem to break through to Title Douluo. If you participate in the **** test, there is a great possibility that you can become a god!"

"Senior Taishang once said that there are less than ten immortal herbs. This is one of them. Seven people once took immortal herbs, and in the end they all became gods, so this flower is also called the flower of god!"


The scene fell into dead silence for an instant, and no sound was heard.

Many people even felt their minds buzzing, and a violent storm hit them, making them dizzy.


It was the first time they heard of the existence of a god, and the end of the soul master was actually a god!

And this flower...

Seven people take it, seven people become gods?

Doesn't it mean that taking this flower represents the great possibility of becoming a god!

Nima! Title Douluo has been reduced to the past tense, and is now in line with becoming a god?

I have a big grass!

After serving, they are thoroughly knowledgeable this time!

Hearing the word "God", Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and others flickered and were shocked.

Especially for the former, she has already begun to come into contact with the inheritance of the Rakshasa god, and understands the meaning of the **** test better.

This flower can actually improve the spirit of martial arts, which is conducive to becoming a god!

When he thought of this, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed hot, and his body began to agitate.

As for Ning Fengzhi, it was even hotter. Originally, this flower could give him the possibility of entering Title Douluo, but he didn't expect this thing to come from such a big background, which made him feel flattered.

Seeing that everyone was frightened by his own ghosts, Su Xian couldn't help but want to laugh.

What god's flower is just a fairy herb. After all, the seven are monsters themselves, and the fairy is just the icing on the cake.

Of course it helps to become a god, and he didn't talk nonsense, but he has examples.

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(End of this chapter)

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