Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 192: I married my apprentice's daughter? 【two】

Chapter 192 I married my apprentice's daughter? 【two】

About 900 million! !

Hiss~ Xiaoye, this is the rhythm to explode in place!

Hearing the voices of the people on the computer side, Su Xian was completely stunned. Although he thought that this auction would definitely make a lot of money, he never thought that he could make so much.

According to the average exchange method of the city category, one gold coin is equal to two thousand yuan, then twenty million.

Five gold coins, one hundred million!



180 million.

That is... 1.8 Beijing! !

[Beijing is a unit, which is billions]

"So much money."

Qian Renxue was also frightened by the number, and she lightly covered Tan's mouth, her face full of incredible, a touch of surprise poured into her heart in an instant, her eyes shining brightly.

"Ahem... From today, you will be the richest woman in mainland China, the rich woman who was raised by me."

Slightly serious, Su Xian announced with meticulous eyes.


The roots of her ears were all red, Qian Renxue gave Su Xian an angry look, and she was shy on the face of Shunyue's shameful country, and that holy and humiliating appearance was not intriguing.

"Ahem...Little girl, give you a kiss and reward you with a million."

With a lewd smile on his face, Su Xian's fingers slightly provoked Qian Renxue's white and smooth chin, boldly.

"Just go and die!"

In an instant, a pillow waved over, and the protagonist...pawn! !

Ahem... just kidding!

When Su Xian and Qian Renxue were fighting here, the auction floor was still silent, and no one spoke to disturb the silence.

The thumping heartbeat leaped in the ordinary seats, and everyone not only did not calm down, but became even more anxious.

That's... a hundred thousand year soul beast!

"Did anyone bid 100 million for the last 100,000-year soul beast?"

Xue Bingning is still doing her own job, but when she heard Su Xian said that the scene was only 70 million gold coins, she also understood that she was just waiting quietly for the closing of the auction.

Time passed slowly, and no one bid.

The one hundred thousand year soul beast that originally attracted everyone was actually so unsuccessful. I have to say that this seems a bit ironic.

Xue Bingning also announced the end of the auction, but allowed the people who had the item to be auctioned to stay.

Su Xian had already given Xue Bingning the miscellaneous items, and the remaining three: Congenital Art, Qiluo Tulip and External Soul Bone, he himself sent them easily again.

Leaving the VIP room invisibly with "Ling Ling Qi", Su Xian then changed into a Taishang appearance and went directly to the VIP room No. 2 through the wall.

"I heard you are looking for something to do with me?"

An old but powerful voice came, and the three Bibi Dongs were shocked. Suddenly, a white voice appeared in the empty VIP room.

The tall and straight posture is like a long sword, rather than bending, Bai Xue's charming hair is scattered behind his head, the quiet and gentle face is deep and seductive, fairy-like, and infinite.


Seeing Taishang, Bibi Dong's chest suddenly jumped, and his eyes suddenly became red.

"You guys go out~"

After swallowing Xiangjin, Bibi Dong slowly spit out four characters, his voice trembling, and his emotions seemed very agitated.

Su Xian:.......

Intuition tells him that something is wrong! !

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo also noticed Bibi Dong's emotions, and took a deep look at Su Xian, who was indifferent in front of them, before retreating.

After taking a deep breath, Bibi Dong's face wafted with a smile that was even more ugly than crying, "After more than ten years, the teacher is still the same as before, but Dong'er has changed."

Feeling, sad, happy, sad... all kinds of emotions were brewing in Bibi Dong's words, and Su Xian couldn't help but feel sad.

Especially when I saw Bibi Dong Lihua with rain, I saw the pity, it was even more difficult to control...


"You just called me teacher?"

Pointing at himself, Su Xian and his voice also became trembling, and asked incredulously.

Isn’t Bibi Dong’s teacher Chihiro Chi?

Could it be... Chihiro Ji also played too?

This is not right. If this were the case, Bibi Dong could not kill himself directly, he wouldn't be so sensational!

"You really don't remember me?"

Hearing Su Xian's words, Bibi Dong's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes dimmed a lot.

But thinking of what Su Xian said many years ago, Bibi Dong nodded involuntarily.

"That's right, the teacher will fall asleep every once in a while, the memory will also be lost, it is normal not to recognize me."

Although he comforted himself so much in his mouth, the words still revealed sadness, like a grieving deep-bowed woman, Su Xian's heart trembled.

Su Xian:.......

This is to arrange me to death!

This matter...he wouldn't be able to admit it to death!

If you really are her teacher, what is Qian Renxue, she married her apprentice's daughter?

I have a big grass!

"Did you admit the wrong person? There seems to have never been a disciple like you in this seat." Su Xian pretended to frown and replied.

"This thing, you gave me at the beginning, it is your thing, do you remember it."

Seeing that Su Xian didn't believe him, Bibi Dong bulged out anxiously, and then took out something from his sleeve.

The silver-white body with a petal icon engraved on it, with a full wide-angle lens, and a fast charge of 4000 mAh battery...

[Attention, this is not an advertisement! 】


With his eyes fixed on Su Xian, Bibi Dong's stubborn appearance seemed to tell Su Xian these four words.

Seeing the Huawei mobile phone in front of him, with Ling Lingqi's networked interactive equipment still remaining on it, Su Xian was confused and fully understood what was going on.

This meow is really his apprentice!

Hiss... shuddering!

I really used Ling Lingqi to cross. If I really became Bibi Dong's teacher, how did Qian Renxue come from?

She had seen her Martial Spirit herself, it was indeed an Angel Martial Spirit, definitely from a thousand families in the Martial Spirit Hall.

But if you are a teacher, you will definitely be a good teacher!

It would be right not to do something like Chihiro Ji, and even stop him, but this way... where did Qian Renxue come from?

and so…

Is it blocking yourself?

Still not stopped?

Or can it be prevented?

Hiss~ Suddenly feel extremely brain-burning! !

"Can I read your memory?" After thinking about it, Su Xian suddenly said.


Hearing this, Bibi Dong's body trembled abruptly, and his face became pale, as if he had lost his soul, and he bit her pink lips tightly.


Seeing Bibi Dong's reaction, Su Xian was taken aback, and then he realized that a moment of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Then tell me, how did I meet you? This is always okay." Su Xian took a step back.

He must figure out this matter, otherwise, in case he passes through afterwards, there is no script to kill, it is easy to destroy the existing plot.

Hmm~ By then, there will be him without him, this is not necessarily true!


Hearing this, Bibi Dong nodded silently, knowing that Su Xian's memory had always been problematic, and then he began to talk about the matter.

It was a dark and windy night, and the night was so dark and dark at this moment, a girl...

 In order to change Bibi Dong’s destiny, his brains have all died...

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(End of this chapter)

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