Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 203: Bibi Dong enters the group! 【One】

Chapter 203 Bibi Dong Jinqu! 【One】

Above the sky, the meteor flashed away, and Jian Douluo took Ning Fengzhi's sword and walked straight to Xiaoyao City.

"Fengzhi, why is it so anxious to go to Xiaoyao City?" Jian Douluo asked puzzledly.

Ning Fengzhi is not a vigorous and resolute master. He always thinks thoroughly before doing things. Now he is going to Xiaoyao City by star and night, which is a bit weird.

"I have a hunch that a new era is about to come."

"If the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School cannot gain a foothold in this era, it is very likely that it will lose its original advantage because it cannot keep up with the needs of the times."

Looking up at the sky and the bright moon, Ning Fengzhi also felt a little complicated in his heart. The sense of crisis that came out of his heart made his hands and feet cold.

Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect can become the upper three sects, except for Title Douluo, that is huge wealth, and now this huge wealth seems to be facing challenges.

Although he didn't know where this challenge came from, he smelled a huge threat from the phone.

Can link bank cards to issue red envelopes, can they also be used for transactions?

At that time, everyone will use mobile phones, and even various transactions will be negotiated directly on the mobile phone. What about the offline industry of Qibao Liulizong?

Xiaoyao City mentioned power transmission, and the nobles must get the mobile phone.

Although the mobile phone is very convenient, the challenges that Qibao Liulizong faces are also greater. In the past, four or five companies were vying for one guest. Now...

A hundred or even a thousand?

The geographical restrictions have been eliminated. This is an opportunity and a huge challenge for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!

If Su Xian knew Ning Fengzhi's thoughts at this moment, he would be surprised.

This guy just touched the phone during the day, and the Internet thinking was born at night?


If you travel to the beginning of the next century, the richest man will definitely be yours!

"Fengzhi, is it possible that the Soul Guidance Device can still be mass-produced?" Jian Douluo asked with a frown.

"You are misunderstood. I mean other things. Even if the Soul Guidance Device has an impact on the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, it will be a long change."

Seeing that Sword Douluo thought it was a Soul Guidance Device, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help shaking his head and replied.

He has already studied the Soul Guidance Device, and the formation and metal inside are extremely complicated.

Especially the one is still inlaid with soul bones. Such craftsmanship has not been studied for thousands of years, and I am afraid it will be impossible to study it.

But the mobile phone is different, because Xiaoyao City has already started, and there is a shadow of too much inside.

Once the power is connected to Qibao City and Tiandou City, the era of mobile phones will begin, and Qibao Liulizong needs to grab its advantage at the cusp of the storm.


When Haoyue was in the sky, not only Ning Fengzhi and Xueye were on the way, but also the hard-working couriers.

Baihe also came to Wuhun City, but unfortunately he was stopped before he entered.

"Baihe, as one of the four masters affiliated with the Clear Sky School, you rushed to Wuhun City at night, do you really think our Wuhun Temple is a vegetarian?"

An old cardinal appeared in front of Bai He, and he seemed to know Bai He, and the surrounding spirit masters immediately surrounded him.

"Ge Rutie, the old man was entrusted by His Highness Tiandou Empire to bring gifts from the last auction."

"If you dare to stop and delay things, don't blame the old man for not reminding you."

Originally he had an antagonism with the Wuhun Hall, Bai He immediately forbeared it, and directly slammed back.

Hearing that it was a gift from the auction, Cardinal Ge Rutie's face suddenly changed.

His Majesty the Pope brought back the Potion of Ageing and Innate Merit from the auction, which has caused an uproar within the Wuhun Hall. Even many elders are faintly agreeing...

"Give me the gift, and I will submit it to His Majesty the Pope."

The gift at the auction is bound to be extraordinary, and he can also show his face in front of His Majesty the Pope, pondering slightly, Ge Rutie said beyond doubt.

"it is good."

Hearing that, Bai He didn't care, and directly gave him the box containing the phone, turned and left Wuhun City directly.

He also needs to go to the Star Luo Empire to send gifts, where can he consume it here.

Seeing Baihe gone, Ge Rutie raised his eyebrows and didn't care. He immediately turned and headed towards the Pope's Palace.

The study of the Pope’s Palace.

Bibi Dong's complexion looked a little worse, frowning and wondering what he was thinking about.

He glanced at the table with the explanation of the innate skills and delivery from the auction, and Bibi Dong frowned even more.

The Potion of Agelessness has greatly strengthened her position in the Papal Palace, and she is also very satisfied with it.


Why is she unable to practice this innate skill alone, but vaguely feel that her strength is declining?

"His Majesty, Cardinal Ge Rutie begged to see him, saying that His Highness Tiandou City had a gift to give."

At this moment, when the sergeant guarding the Pope’s Palace came to report, Bibi Dong’s expression suddenly changed, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Bring the present in immediately!" Bibi Dong shouted.

As for Cardinal Ge Rutie, Bibi Dong directly ignored it.

If being a pope is a trivial matter, you have to thank the people in person, and she doesn't need to be the pope!


A respectful voice sounded outside the door, and then the heavy iron armor slowly disappeared.

"I don't know... what kind of gift is it?"

Looking at the door, Bibi Dong's eyes also flashed with curiosity.

After a while, she finally received the gift.

The moment he saw the phone, Bibi Dong's heart trembled suddenly, feeling sore in his nose, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently raised.

She had this thing once, but in the end it ran out of power. She didn't expect to receive this gift again. Twenty years have passed since the blink of an eye.

After a while, Bibi Dong also joined the group chat.

"Welcome the Pope to join the group!"-[Always convince people with reason]

"Welcome the Pope to join the group!"-[Please call me smart]

"Newcomers enter the group to send red envelopes. This is the tradition of the group, please be aware of it." -【Eternal Emperor】

"Guiqiu red envelope +1!"-[An Tianxia]

"For a red envelope, 嘤嘤嘤~"——【Shui Binger】


"Why didn't you hear that you must send red envelopes to join the group? I don't know who will tell me?

Seeing a large group of people here shouting and sending red envelopes, Bibi Dong sneered inwardly. I really thought that my old lady was playing on mobile phones the first day, and she was actually doing me tricks here!

"Teacher, did you build this group? (smile) @太上"

Seeing that Taishang was the group leader, Bibi Dong immediately @ him and asked.

In an instant, everyone was stunned, and felt like five thunders blasted the sky.

Nima! Just now Bibi Dong called Taishang teacher? ! !

Rubbing his eyes fiercely, everyone can finally be sure that it is true.

Damn it!

Isn't Teacher Bibi Dong the previous pope, when did he become "superior"? !


It's definitely a conspiracy! !

If this were to be considered, the relationship between His Highness and Bibi Dong, wouldn't it be senior sister and younger brother?

 Thank you for the reward of [Momoyu]~



(End of this chapter)

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