Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 205: Tripartite talks will begin! 【three】

Chapter 205 Tripartite Talks, Will Start! 【three】

Seeing Taishang say this, there is nothing Bibi Dong has to say, so you should keep it in mind.

If the mobile phone becomes popular, the strength of their Spirit Hall will not be affected, and it will be convenient for her to contact each temple and main hall.


"Teacher, this phone doesn't seem to be durable. I used it for three days and still used a power bank. It only lasted a week."

After typing these words, Bibi Dong @太上 again, let him apply through his friends.

"Your junior is already considering power supply, and this problem will be resolved in a while."

After that, Su Xian clicked and opened a new friend list, and passed Bibi Dong's friend application.

In the group, when he heard that there would be power supply, Bibi Dong's eyes brightened and he quickly said:

"Junior Brother, please give priority to the Pope Palace when supplying electricity. If there is anything difficult, I can send someone to assist you."


Seeing Bibi Dong also come to blend in, the other people in the group suddenly exploded, especially now that most of Jiaqun is from Heaven Dou City.

Moreover, they are still mostly royal relatives, they are much more amiable than senior sisters!

"Emperor, don't listen to her, Xiaoyao City is close to Tiandou City, and it is better to give priority to Tiandou City." -【Eternal Emperor】

"On the top floor, +1!"-[An Tianxia]

"+2!"——【Nangong Yunshan】


Under the night sky, Ning Fengzhi stepped on the long sword and looked at the group chat slightly.

Finding that Bibi Dong was actually in the group, his heart suddenly froze, but when he saw Bibi Dong's unreasonable request, he suddenly sneered.

"I think it is better to supply Tiandou City here first, the road is closer, especially the closer to Qibao City, and everyone is here."

"When you go to Wuhun City, you need to cross a province in the middle, which is really inconvenient."

"Since the Pope already knows how to use mobile phones, why bother with us?!"——【Ning Mou】

it is good! !

Seeing Ning Fengzhi's face-to-face hard work Bibi Dong, everyone secretly applauded.

Especially Xue Ye, his laughter turned into a flower. He is his father, if he doesn't give priority to Heaven Dou City, I don't want to beat him out.

The corner of his mouth was slightly picked, and Xue Ye replied triumphantly, "Ahem... Excuse me, I will be in Xiaoyao City later, everyone, please don't worry."

Everyone:? ?

Nangong home.

"This stinky boy is really shameless than anyone else in playing scheming."

Seeing that Xue Ye had already set off, Nangong Yunshan couldn't help but laughed and cursed. He was indeed an emperor, and he saw it clearly.

"Your Majesty is so decisive, it's really rare and wise!"

Silently agreed, Nangong Yunshan did not entangle this matter, and started diving.

The Great Xueye went to Xiaoyao City. If this matter can't be solved, I won't kick him to death!

"Hahaha... the hero really saw the same thing, and this seat is almost in Xiaoyao City."

Unexpectedly, Xue Ye would also come, Ning Fengzhi laughed happily, seeing Jian Douluo's face twitching, if he didn't see him looking at the phone, he thought he was nervous.

"Qibao transfers Liuli, the third said: Speed!"

Planning to rush to Xiaoyao City in Xueye Great Emperor, Ning Fengzhi directly released Wuhun to speed up Jian Douluo.

In the study, seeing that the two of Ning Fengzhi had already set off for Xiaoyao City, Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly narrowed, his eyes gleaming with cold light.

"It seems that I am going to Xiaoyao City too."

Inwardly murmured, Bibi Dong slowly stood up, with a slender figure and a noble and elegant temperament, and left the study.

"His Majesty the Pope!"

Seeing Bibi Dong leaving the study, all the guards around him saluted, even Ghost Douluo.

However, Bibi Dong didn't seem to have any intention to respond. He lowered his head and held the phone in his right hand, and left on his own.

At the moment, she is chatting with "Tai Shang".

"Teacher, are you in Xiaoyao City now?"

Seeing Bibi Dong asking about this, Su Xian's heart trembled.

If he answered that Bibi Dong came to the Wuhun Hall, he would not be able to play two roles alone.

and so…

"I plan to go to other realms, not in Xiaoyao City, so I want you to take care of your younger brother."

"I can use my mobile phone to give pointers on cultivation, but he is the Soul Sect after all, and his strength is too low."

"This world is very big and there are many dangers, Seagod Island, the killing capital, the far north, and even the God Realm..."


Seeing that he was pretending to be enough, Su Xian stopped immediately and did not continue.

"Teacher, have you been to the God Realm?" Bibi Dong was shocked and asked quickly.

"In a boring place, although they have eternal life, they are extremely boring. Otherwise, they will not be able to find successors and seek freedom by themselves."

Bibi Dong was also astonished when he heard that the test of God came in this way, letting others become gods was actually just for his own freedom.

So, isn’t the Rakshasa **** also...

Knowing that Bibi Dong was now designated to be surprised, Su Xian sent another message.

"Seeing that you are now embarking on the path of the Rakshasa godship, you don't know what to say as a teacher. If you have never experienced it, don't persuade others to be kind. You should cherish it~"

"Okay, I'm tired of the teacher, if you have something, go and discuss with your junior brother, and take a look at that girl by the way."

After the conversation, Su Xian did not hesitate to switch directly to his QQ number, and deleted the number that was too high, leaving it offline for a long time.

He is afraid that if he continues like this, he will be schizophrenic!

Outside Wuhun City, Bibi Dong looked at the news on his mobile phone, feeling uncontrollable, and squatted on the ground aggrievedly, choked up like a girl next door.

Alas, the hateful person must be pitiful.

Xiaoyao City, Villa One.

Xue Mingtong panicked when he heard that Emperor Xue Ye came to kill him, and Xue Wuji was even more panicked.

It's okay to be prestigious online, if you really face Emperor Xue Ye, you will definitely be abused by blood.

It seems that he beat himself last time, hiss~

"Brother, you have to save me!"

Looking at Xue Mingtong, Xue Wuji was so frightened that she almost cried, and her trembling voice seemed to be mixed with tears.

save you?

Doesn't it mean burning your body! !

Xue Mingtong refused inwardly, but on the surface he was calm and composed, “Don’t worry, even if the father comes, he won’t do anything to you. Don’t forget that you are now the deputy sales manager, managing major sales issues, and the father may decide to pay. Do you have to do something?"

Have to beg me?

Xue Wuji's pupils shrank abruptly, but he, who was used to being pitted, had a lot of memory at this moment.

"Otherwise... I'll just talk about the mute, you did it with my phone?" Xue Wuji whispered.

"Get out! I don't want to die by myself, this has nothing to do with me." Xue Mingtong burst out and roared.

Xue Wuji:.......

Didn’t you say it’s okay?

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you know what you are really cheating me? !

(End of this chapter)

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