Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 219: Su Xian: I'm not welcome! 【One】

Chapter 219 Su Xian: I am not welcome! 【One】

"Sister, you are too timid, just killing someone, look scared you."

"Sister, it's scary that this person can stand up suddenly after death!"

"It's quite scary, I thought it was a corpse if I didn't know it!"


Bringing Qian Renxue to the harem, Su Xian was shocked when he heard the voices of three women inside before entering the hall.

Nima! Gong Dou are developing so fast now?

In this broad daylight, one queen and two noble concubines, the location is still in the queen’s palace, hiss~

"Wait! There seems to be another person outside the door, you are ready, let's come in and kill one by one."

Suddenly, Nangongling's voice sounded, and the palace suddenly became quiet.

Su Xian:.......

So, am I going in or not?

Subconsciously swallowing, Su Xian turned his head and glanced at Qian Renxue, who also had a strange expression on his face.

"Ahem... Empress, I'm back!"

After arranging his clothes, Su Xian knocked on the gate of the palace confinement, trying to put a smile on his face.


The exclamation exploded, followed by the sound of panic footsteps, and the gate of the palace was also pushed open.

Su Xian subconsciously pulled Qian Renxue back two steps to avoid being accidentally injured.

Seeing Su Xian, Nangong Ling was also particularly excited, her face was like a flower in full bloom.

But thinking of Su Xian leaving without saying a word, Nangong Ling's face condensed, and she couldn't help but curse coldly: "You stinky boy, you finally know you're back!"

With that, Nangong Ling was about to pinch Su Xian's ears, and wanted to give Su Xian a little memory, but she immediately put her hands down when she saw Qian Renxue was there.

No way, the son is now married and starting a business, she has to save him some face!

"You are not the eldest brother, Ke'er always talks about you, just come back."

Concubine Yang was also happy, the palace was too boring, and Su Xian was a little bit more fun when he was in Heaven Dou City.

The brothers all left, the avalanche was still small, and the palace became deserted. If they hadn't had a mobile phone, they would be so bored.

"Two aunts."

Seeing Concubine Yang and Concubine Rong, Su Xian also bowed slightly.

Like Concubine Yang, Concubine Rong is also the imperial concubine of Xue Ye the Great. Wearing a white dress, she looks dignified and virtuous. She is quite graceful and graceful with the grace of a Jiangnan woman.

It's just that the bones are too weak, it looks a little weak, and there is a sickness on his pretty face.

Especially under the background of the bright red lowering lip, it is even weaker and pitiful, unable to withstand the toss.

"Manny, you have been overthrown!"

Just as Nangongling was about to speak, suddenly the lady's voice rang, and the three of them were shocked.

"Emperor, you should meet your father first, and come back to my mother for dinner at noon."

After the conversation, Nangongling looked at Su Xian with a bit of dissatisfaction, and then went back to kill in a fierce manner.

Seeing this, Concubine Yang and Concubine Rong couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but seeing that Nangong Ling had both gone back, their two aunts couldn't stand up here, and they quickly turned back.

"Two sisters, don't let me die, I'm just a few minutes away from God of War!"

"Yeah! I've been knocked down too, what kind of person, is there a sense of fairness, what is the matter of throwing a bottle?!"

"It's okay, I will knock him down too, so I will help you up!"


Hearing the voice in the palace, Su Xian looked dumbfounded:...

fake! It must be fake! !


As if a group of crows flew in the sky, a cold and unclear wind swept across his body, and Su Xian's body also trembled.


I'm your son. I just came back. Isn't it important that there isn't a game? !

"Mother, they think it is too boring in the palace, so they will play games to kill time."

Qian Renxue smiled awkwardly, and Su Xian also knew she was comforting herself, but she always felt something was wrong.

The palace is boring, so it's snowy night.

However, this is more important to the son and the game, it has a relationship with him!

"Let's go, go back to the palace first!"

Suddenly feeling very sad, Su Xian took Qian Renxue and left the palace, originally planning to go to Xueye.

However, now that people are mingling with the nobles, endless flattery and flattery, the whole person is about to float.

I don't know, I thought he was a hydrogen balloon!

Therefore, Su Xian thought for a while, but still did not disturb his Yaxing.

Hmm~ I guess I went there, and there is nothing to be seen.

Inside the palace, hearing the two people's footsteps leaving, Concubine Rong, who had just rescued the two, couldn't help but speak:

"Sister, you treat them like this, are you afraid of complaints in their hearts?"

Looking at Concubine Yang and Nangong Ling, Concubine Rong's eyes were full of envy, and even the words were sour and distressed for them.

Because of her weakness, she has no heirs so far. Nangong Ling has four sons. She should be happy when her son is back. She is so envious of others that she doesn't wait to see each other.

"That kid left Tiandou City without saying a word, and now he is back, he must be cured of this stinking problem, or else I will always worry about it."

Even though Su Xian had apologized before, Nangong Ling still couldn't get rid of her anger, her words were stubborn and stubborn.


Seeing Nangongling like this, Princess Rong couldn't help but laugh. She didn't expect the other party to remember her son's hatred.

"Where is my elder sister blaming Qinghe for leaving Tiandou City? I'm afraid I am blaming him for other things, right?"

Concubine Yang, as a person who came by, had eyes like a bright mirror, and couldn't help but argue.

"Other than this, what else can there be?"

Nangongling's expression was a little unnatural, but then she narrowed her expression again, as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, isn't Sister Queen because of this?" Concubine Rong asked in confusion, not knowing her clues.

"If your sister is in a hurry, you might as well call Xueer into the palace to have a heart-to-heart talk. Although the two are not married yet, things like the royal family will not hurt earlier!"

Seeing Nangongling's indifferent appearance, Concubine Yang thought Lan Xin, as if she had seen everything through, she couldn't help but remind her.

"Just you talk a lot!"

Nangong Ling glared at Concubine Yang with an angry look, showing a mature and charming temptation in her embarrassment.

Seeing the two men playing dumb riddles here, Concubine Rong was still a little confused, her eyes confused, and her face dumbfounded.

Seeing Concubine Rong looking at her, Concubine Yang was too embarrassed to explain. After all, these men and women matters, and they are still her own juniors, she is not good at chewing her aunt.

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, unable to explain.

Hearing Concubine Yang's words, Nangong Ling, who was playing the game, was a little absent-minded in her heart, her eyes were dizzy, she didn't know what she was thinking.

I thought that the kid had left Tiandou City for a month and brought Qian Renxue with him. He should satisfy her when he came back.

Unexpectedly, the daughter-in-law is still a virgin, so she is really an improper mother.

(End of this chapter)

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