Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 229: Poseidon assessment! 【three】

Chapter 229 Poseidon Examination! 【three】

"Are you Qian Daoliu's granddaughter?"

There was a gentle voice in her ears, Qian Renxue turned her head to look at her, and when she saw someone coming, her eyes could not help but show envy.

The visitor was a woman, wearing a red dress, her complexion was beautiful and bright, her dark blue eyes were as crystal clear as gems, and she had a sense of vicissitudes of life on her face.

Noble, elegant, and gentle, Qian Renxue seemed to feel like a spring breeze when she saw her.

In her right hand, she also held a three-meter golden scepter with magic patterns encircled on it, and the tip was inlaid with this golden gem.

"Great worship!"

Seeing the woman coming, Seahorse Douluo bowed slightly and hurriedly saluted.

"The granddaughter of Qian Daoliu, Qian Renxue, have seen seniors!"

Knowing who came, Qian Renxue didn't dare to neglect, after all, this was a top powerhouse like her grandfather.

"After the deceased, you don't need so much courtesy."

Bo Saixi nodded. Although she didn't have a lot of favor with Qian Daoliu, she was a person of the same generation, and the other party had pursued her...

So for Qian Renxue, there is not too much rejection.

As for the previous attack on the Seagod Island by the Spirit Hall, Qian Daoliu didn't even know about it, otherwise he wouldn't let them die.

They know the strengths of the three of them better than anyone else, and they will not do such friction.

After a brief greeting, Bo Saixi turned his gaze to Su Xian, with excitement that could not be concealed in his eyes.

"He is now accepting the Nine Tests of the Sea God, which is the highest test. He brought you here, presumably you should know what it means?"

With that, Bo Saixi looked at Qian Renxue, Xiaobai had already told her everything, knowing that Su Xian had the core of the trident in his hand, this was also what Seagod meant.

After waiting for hundreds of years and finally waiting, she was able to breathe a sigh of relief.


Qian Renxue nodded, her face also filled with uncontrollable excitement.

This is the inheritance of the Sea God, as long as Su Xian passes, he will be able to inherit the position of God!

"Unfortunately, his current cultivation base is lower. This Seagod test is not easy to pass. You'd better be prepared." Bo Saixi reminded.

She could see through Su Xian's cultivation base at a glance, but it was a 45th-level soul sect. With his current age, it was good to have this cultivation base.

However, the Nine Trials of Poseidon will not reduce the difficulty because of the low level. What is it like, it will still go on, or it will not be the Nine Trials of Poseidon!

"We understand."

Qian Renxue smiled and nodded, not too worried about what Bo Saixi said.

There is no way, her husband is so awesome, and the Poseidon appraisal is only a handy one!

After a while, Su Xian slowly opened his eyes, and the golden trident pattern was branded on his forehead, making him look a little more noble.

However, when it comes to the received information, it is basically nothing, more of an understanding of the ocean.

"Junior Su Xian, I have met Senior Bo Saixi!"

Looking directly at Bo Saixi, Su Xian did not salute, but greeted him blankly, which seemed impolite.

As for the name, of course, he used the old name before. Anyway, he had used this "pseudonym" before, so he was not afraid of revealing it.

Xue Qinghe is him, he is Su Xian, it is this simple truth.

"It seems that you know a lot about the rules of Seagod Island."

Seeing that Su Xian hadn't bowed, Bo Saixi was also slightly shocked and surprised.

"The significance of the Seagod's Nine Tests is very clear to the juniors. If you salute, you will be disrespectful to the Seagod!" Su Xian explained plausibly.

Although Bo Saixi is a great worship of Poseidon Island, in the final analysis, he is still a believer of Poseidon.

I was staring at the name of the descendant of the Seagod at any rate now, and in the future, it might be the kind of "Believe in brother and get eternal life", how can I bow down.

When he entered the island, his force was about to burst, and he definitely couldn't admit it at this time!

"Eurasia, you will arrange for the two of them. Except for the Poseidon assessment, other requirements should be satisfied as much as possible."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi stared at Su Xian for a while, then threw a sentence to Seahorse Douluo, and left.

As Bo Saixi left, Su Xian immediately felt the pressure recede, and couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Worthy of being a Limit Douluo, just a slight test, and almost exhausted all his soul power.

"Are you OK?"

Noting the strangeness of Su Xian, Qian Renxue quickly held his arm and asked with some worry.

"It's okay, it's just that the spirit power is consumed too much."

Su Xian shook her head. Bo Saixi had clearly left some room just now, otherwise she could kill herself under normal circumstances with just one look.

"Two distinguished guests, who are going to Seahorse City with me, I will arrange your next affairs on Seagod Island."

Seeing Su Xian's state, Seahorse Douluo also knew what had happened, and said with a small smile.

"No, the two of us can just build a house on the beach by ourselves. Don't bother seniors."

"Since the two of me came from experience and training, naturally we will handle everything by ourselves, otherwise this opportunity was wasted."

Su Xian waved his hand and refused, even Haima repeatedly invited him, but he still didn't change his original intention.

That's right!

They come out to practice, live in someone's house, eat other people's food, what does it mean? !

Ok! He would just get a three-story villa casually, and he would never bother other people.

"Well, but if you have any needs, you can call me anytime."

Seeing that Su Xian was so stubborn and principled, Seahorse Douluo was not insisting either, just because the space in the City Lord's Mansion was limited.

Leaving the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, Su Xian lay on the flying soul guide, and brought Qian Renxue to the beach.

"Aren't you going to live in the city?"

Seeing Su Xian and Su Xian returning to the coast, Xiao Bai's figure reappeared, and seeing the mark between Su Xian and Su Xian's forehead was shocked.

"The two of us are used to living alone so as not to disturb the cleanliness of others, so we still come to the beach and plan to build a house on our own." Su Xian explained.

"That's it~"

Xiaobai nodded his head because he didn't know, and always felt a little silly looking at Su Xian's eyes.


Just when she was about to open her mouth to help build the house, suddenly, a huge floating villa fell from the sky and landed on the shore.

Suddenly, the atmosphere freezes!

Looking at the luxurious villa in front of him, Xiao Bai:.......

I seem to understand why they live alone!

"Xiaobai, go get us some food like king crabs and lobsters." Su Xian couldn't help but start.

On the first day of arrival, it was natural to recharge and recharge. After floating on the sea for so long, both of them were land spirit masters, and they were still a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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