Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 247: Heavenly Ice Silkworm! 【One】

Chapter 247 Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm! 【One】

Sticking to a stick of incense at the bottom of Seven Title Douluo's hands, what is this?

This is nothing at all!

The time is also set in a week, Su Xian has a lot of time to be in love with Qian Renxue...


There is a lot of time to adjust your physical condition!

Three days later, after recovering his body, Su Xian rode Xiaobai out to sea.

I heard that the sea is getting more and more unstable recently, and Godzilla seems to be making big moves. Su Xian needs to go over and take a look.

I knew that this big guy was not a fuel-efficient light bulb, and I knew I wouldn't let him out for a stroll.

Xiaobai took Su Xian to an island. Before getting close to the coast, he could see a huge body lying on the ground, head facing the coast.

Around the coast, there are still some huge soul beasts cruising, looking at this little brother's posture, I am afraid there are hundreds of thousands of year old soul beasts.

Su Xian:.......

The ten evils really lack you a place!


Seeing the soul beast with short eyes approaching unexpectedly, Xiaobai roared, and the energy belonging to the one hundred thousand year soul beast burst out, scaring them all back, and Godzilla on the coast also woke up.

On top of Godzilla's head, there was also a white figure. It was a silkworm baby, which was more than seven meters long.

The whole body is presented in white jade color, crystal clear, and with a pair of small golden eyes. The most peculiar thing is that he still has nine golden auras on his body, and the formation of the tenth aura is faintly visible.

"Brother, there are people who can't open their eyes again. It seems that they are still a hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts. We just lack such a little brother. Take her quickly!"

The calf patted Godzilla's head, Tianmeng Bingcan's face was full of excitement, and his eyes almost burst into laughter.

The little brother who delivered it to the door, wow!

Sure enough, he dreamed of ice silkworms, he was born to be the material of his eldest brother!

"Brother, why don't you move?!"

Slightly regained his senses, seeing Godzilla standing up straight, but staying still, Tian Meng Bingcan was stunned and urged.

Suddenly, a golden light burst from Su Xian's forehead, and all the ten thousand year soul beasts stayed in horror, not daring to move.

Su Xian quickly flew into the sky and came to Godzilla. Godzilla lowered his head with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at Su Xian.

Su Xian ignored him either, staring blankly against the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, with an extremely harmonious smile on his face.

Being stared at by Su Xian, Tianmeng Bingcan's body shrank suddenly, and a chill suddenly emerged.

"Tell you, you'd better not come over, brother is a male, or a natural spirit beast, we don't match it."

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm slightly hid behind Godzilla's bulge, and said vigilantly.

"Million-year soul beast, Tianmeng ice silkworm!"

Staring at the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, Su Xian said every word, the former only felt the coldness in his heart.

My Nima! Brother exposed! !

Looking at Godzilla at his feet, Tianmeng Bingcan also seemed to realize something, and a milky white mental power suddenly rushed towards Su Xian.

Immediately, he jumped from the top of Godzilla's head and began to flee into the sea.

However, just after lying on the ice block for a while, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm realized something was wrong.

Meow! It seems to be floating!

Looking at the floating and rolling water beneath her, Tianmeng Bingcan felt bad in her heart, especially the sound from behind, which made her feel the chrysanthemum tighten.

"You keep swimming, the more you struggle like this, the more interesting I feel."

"Are you okay?"

Seeing that Su Xian suffered from his own mental shock, it was all right, Tian Meng Ice Silkworm was also taken aback, but immediately began to sense.

"Hey, your mental power is so strong!"

Perceiving Su Xian's mental strength, Tianmeng Bingcan was shocked.

Especially in Su Xian's right eye, there seemed to be a mental power no less than his, which even more chilled his heart.

Forget it if he can't beat him, his mental power is still inferior to the opponent, this is absolutely no way for him to survive.

"Boss, do you need a little brother? Let's discuss something!"

After blinking his innocent small eyes, Tianmeng Bingcan's flattering voice suddenly rang, and Su Xian's mouth twitched.


I told Lao Tzu that it was a 100,000-year soul beast, but I didn't believe it!

As for... a million-year soul beast?

That really loses the face of this term!

"In addition to eating, you are sleeping. What else can you do besides picking up the cold marrow with luck?"

Su Xian hummed back, his words full of contempt.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm:...

This is a good question, let me think about it!

"No, how do you know this?" Tianmeng Bingcan asked in amazement.

The smile on Su Xian's mouth grew stronger, "I also know that if you didn't use your own mental power to scare people, you would not even be able to beat a ten thousand year soul beast."

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm:...

People are hard to dismantle! !

"If you want to kill or slash, you give me a good time, I am still a good man after eighteen years!"

Taking a deep breath, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was completely desperate, kicked his calf, and started to turn around like a tortoise.


It doesn’t matter if you were hunted down in the extreme north, and finally drifted from the ocean to the south, and met Godzilla, who was not too strong in spirit, originally thought that the two of them would be able to lay down their territory...

Who knows, the car will overturn in less than seven days! !


Brother won't run away, what do you like! !

"Yo~ you are quite courageous."

Su Xian couldn't help but smile when he saw Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. He couldn't help flashing a smile in his eyes.

However, then, Su Xian's actions made him despair again.

The cold light flashed, and Su Xian pulled out a long sword, "I heard that the ice silkworm is very effective in medicine and is a rare treasure, but I don't know how it tastes."

"Big brother, I was wrong, don't kill me, can I do it, I have old and young, I haven't lived enough in this life, I don't want to die!"

Turning to his feet, Tianmeng Bingcano rubbed Su Xian's leg aggrievedly, begging for mercy.

"It's pretty much the same."

Knowing that Tianmeng Bingcan has such a personality, Su Xian nodded involuntarily.

Putting Godzilla away to prevent him from making trouble again, Su Xian was going to take the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm back.

"It smells so good~"

Seeing Su Xian coming back with a baby silkworm, Xiao Bai couldn't help but swallow. The smell on the other side was really intoxicating!

One hundred thousand years transforming soul beast! !

"Beauty, don't stare at brother like that, he will be shy."

Perceiving the sub-spirit beast aura on Xiao Bai's body, Tian Meng Bingcan's heart suddenly twitched, and his conscience replied.

"Are you a million-year soul beast?"

Xiao Bai also seemed to perceive something wrong, his pupils shrank suddenly, and asked in exclamation.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm:...

I'm fucking! You are all monsters, you can recognize it!

"Ahem...It's still three thousand years away, not yet~"

Tianmeng Bingcan posed his arms proudly while observing Su Xian's reaction. Seeing Gu Jing Wubo in his eyes, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Note: The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is not always in the Star Dou Great Forest, but has only been there for ten thousand years. The dialogue in the original book shows that it was imprisoned in the Xing Dou Great Forest for nearly ten thousand years. Combined with the time point, it was almost this time from the extreme north. It’s not me who came down here~



(End of this chapter)

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