Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 251: Pretending to be a crime, so is Su Xian! 【One】

Chapter 251 is pretending to be a criminal, so is Su Xian! 【One】

"Let's go~"

Seeing Qian Renxue stunned, Su Xian held her shoulders and led her out of the Wuhun Hall.

Bibi Dong was able to achieve this level, it was already the best effort, and staying here would only make her feel the pain in her heart.

Alas~ It seems that I really need to travel through, and get rid of this for my mother-in-law.

Shaking his head, Su Xian brought Qian Renxue to the mountain and passed by the Elder Hall. The two did not enter, but went directly to the Douluo Hall.

The Hall of the Elders was where the Titled Douluo alive stayed, and the Hall of Douluo was where the Titled Douluo was dead.

Today's strength vs. past honors, perhaps in this way, it feels easier to understand.

There was no one guarding the Douluo Temple, and there was no one who dared to come here without opening his eyes. Even if it was the worship elder of the Wuhun Temple, he still had to tremble.

Walking into the Douluo Temple, the first thing that caught your eye was an angel **** sculpture, the empty hall, which was in the center.

And the walls around the angel **** sculpture are full of the life of Title Douluo, and even their appearance portraits.

After a long time, it is still brand new, and it seems that there is no trace of decadence.

Su Xian didn't care about this, and the two of them stared blankly at the white-haired old man in front of him, Qian Renxue who was sad in his heart, and there was a gentle smile on his face.

"Grandpa, I'm back~"

The red lips lightly opened, Qian Renxue murmured to remind her, her voice was excited, she trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes were a little red.

Although Bibi Dong is her mother, Qian Daoliu is definitely her dearest from the perspective of relatives.


Suddenly, golden spirit power gushed from Qian Daoliu and rushed towards the two of them.

The long wind blew Qian Daoliu's white robe, coupled with his white hair, made him look extraordinarily celestial.

Qian Renxue was blown aside, and the huge soul power pressure directly fell on Su Xian.

With Ling Lingqi in his body, Su Xian could clearly sense that this spirit power didn't have much killing intent. He thought Qian Daoliu was testing him.

"You want to test, then test!"

Seeing this, Su Xian directly released the spirit of martial arts, and the six spirit rings rhythmically moved on his body, and the surging spirit power poured out of his body, carrying this spirit power down.

Two yellows, one purple and three reds, three red spirit rings gleamed in the Douluo Hall, and the blood-red light looked very crippled.


Qian Daoliu was also shocked by the red light, turned his head and looked at Su Xian incredulously.


Seeing the three red spirit rings on Su Xian's body, Qian Daoliu was stunned, and his eyes were almost glaring, as if there were a thousand grass nima rushing past.

Originally, he wanted to see Su Xian’s potential. If it was too wasteful, even if it was that person’s disciple, he wouldn’t be able to let him abduct his granddaughter...

This test does not matter, the other party directly sent him a wave of Wang Bo!

Soul emperor cultivation base, three red spirit rings, you are going to heaven!

"Grandpa, this is your future grandson-in-law and Xue'er's husband. Xue'er is not married to him in this life."

Knowing that Qian Daoliu wouldn't let it go easily, Qian Renxue quickly spoke, and while speaking, she glanced at Su Xian shyly. His eyes were bright and full of affection.

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu turned his eyes and saw Qian Renxue's stubborn and affectionate appearance. It seemed that the two had already had a substantial relationship, and You Yuzi couldn't help but sigh.

If he kills Su Xian now, I'm afraid Qian Renxue will be frustrated, so let's die together.

"You broke through to the realm of Soul Sage?"

As if perceiving something was wrong, Qian Daoliu suddenly looked at Qian Renxue, his eyes shot brightly, as if the sun had descended.


Biting her lip and nodding, Qian Renxue immediately released her spirit ring, three purple, two black and two red, which looked very even.

Qian Daoliu:! !


Old man, I must be dreaming and have not yet woken up!

Correct! It must be so!

Fortunately, after experiencing too much, Qian Daoliu came back to his senses and gritted his teeth and asked:

"Where did you get these spirit rings?"

The voice was a bit of horror, if it weren't for the consciousness that Qian Renxue's spirit power had the same root as his own, Qian Daoliu would even think that Qian Renxue was pretending to be someone else.

The soul holy cultivation base, if you want to get two hundred thousand year soul rings, unless it is a soul beast sacrifice, there is no possibility at all.

And the first and second spirit rings become thousand-year spirit rings, which is even more impossible, unless...

"The deity assessment you participated in?!"

As if thinking of something, Qiandao lost sound exclaimed.

Only when the deity is assessed, the spirit ring will be upgraded above the age limit.

Just as he was at this moment, the first to fourth spirit rings were all ten thousand years, because he accepted the eighth test of the angel god, and finally passed the eighth test directly rewarded ten thousand years.

"My husband and I went to Poseidon Island and participated in the test of Poseidon."

Qian Renxue replied truthfully, as for Su Xian already carrying her hands, a dark golden trident pattern appeared on her forehead.

That's right, his pattern was not erased, but he used Ling Lingqi to suppress it.

Wouldn't it be a pity that these pretending methods were erased like this!

As for Qian Renxue, because Ling Lingqi was not in his body, Su Xian directly erased it to avoid revenge by the old Seagod.

"You went to Sea God Island!!"

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu was even more shocked. Seeing that Qian Renxue did not have any injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Decades ago, in order to spread the belief in Wuhun Temple, the idiot near Hanhai City attacked Seagod Island and almost didn't breathe blood!


Even if it was him, he couldn't beat Bo Saixi in the sea, so you still dare to send it to the door?


As if perceiving someone pretending to be forced, Qian Daoliu suddenly turned his head and looked over, his eyes fixed on the sign on Su Xian's forehead.

"this is?"

Qian Daoliu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a divine spirit from above.

"Poseidon's nine tests are only, it's just that he passed the seventh test, it's nothing."

Hearing that, Su Xian waved his hand quickly, with a "modest" appearance, and the words "Quickly praise me" were almost written on his face.

Qian Daoliu:.......

Nine Tests of Poseidon! Seven exams passed! Nothing yet? !

I, Nima, believe it or not, the old man will hack you now!

"They didn't embarrass you and asked you to participate in the assessment?" Qian Daoliu asked Qian Renxue, ignoring the pretense to commit suicide.

"Yeah~ It was a bit difficult at first, but after seeing that my husband was the Seagod of the Nine Trials, I added that I was the Seagod of the Eight Trials, so..."

Before Qian Renxue finished speaking, Qian Daoliu interrupted him directly, and saw him staring like a scalper, and exclaimed:

"Wait! You said you are the Sea God's Eight Tests?!"

"My husband is a little bit worse, but my husband said that Seagod won't allow me to inherit the position of God, so it's eight trials." Qian Renxue replied.

Qian Daoliu:.......

Can the word husband be deleted? Old man heartache!

(End of this chapter)

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