Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 253: Bibi Dong vs Cheon Daoliu? 【three】

Chapter 253 Bibi Dong vs Qian Daoliu? 【three】


Pulling Qian Renxue to the side to stand silently, Su Xian and the two did not dare to blend, quietly watching this elders' contest.

In the Douluo Palace, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong stood opposite.

The two of them did not leak a trace of their soul power, but the chilly air that permeated the two of them filled the entire hall.


As if overwhelming, as if the two of them would really start fighting in the next moment.

Su Xian would never have thought that when he and Qian Daoliu were in a stalemate, Bibi Dong would come out to support them both.

Although Bibi Dong was deliberately taking revenge, there was also subconscious care from his mother.

Su Xian had to admire a woman who could still do this kind of thing, especially after encountering that kind of thing.

In the end, she was able to block Tang San's sword for Qian Renxue, and she fell because of Qian Renxue...

This is maternal love. Although I hate it, I love it deeply.

"Hey~ It seems that it is inevitable to travel through the past."

Shaking his head, Su Xian already had a plan in his heart. Some things are not what you want, but what you have to do.

But how can I change all this?

To keep Bibi Dong from being harmed, Qian Renxue could be born without affecting the direction of history, lest he would be lost.

Hiss~ Headache, every time I deal with this kind of brain-burning problem, his brain with an IQ of 180 will sooner or later fail.

"It's okay, there's me."

There was some tingling in his arm, Su Xian regained his senses and patted Qian Renxue, clinging to her hand, and comforted.

Even if Qian Daoliu fights Bibi Dong, there will be no problem. At most, he will join in to see if he can beat Qian Daoliu a few punches.

On the field, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong just stared at each other like this, and neither spoke nor did it.

The clash of eyes, like lightning, collided between the two, sparking sparks.

Although Bibi Dong cannot beat Qian Daoliu now, she is not afraid of anything. She was unable to resist more than a decade ago, and now she wants to try!

Perceiving the meaning in Bibi Dong's eyes, Qian Daoliu sighed softly, and then waved to Su Xian and Qian Renxue.

"Let's go, remember to come back to see me this old man, this place is yours after all, let's watch it for you for the time being."

After that, Qian Daoliu's figure disappeared directly, as if he didn't want to stay here for another second.

"At that time, Senior Sister, I will go."

Bibi Dong looked at the two, and left after leaving a sentence.

In the huge Douluo Palace, Su Xian and Qian Renxue were left here in an instant, seeming a little lonely.

Su Xian:.......

Master tricks, really stop it!

"Ahem...Where shall we go now?"

Holding Qian Renxue's palm, Su Xian asked in confusion.

In this situation, he definitely can't really pat his **** away, or else he would be too unhuman!

Sun Tzu's art of war has the idea that attacking the city is the bottom and the heart is the top. If Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu are not completely balanced, they will not be happy in the future.

Although, it is still in the future, but who knows if there will be any moths involved in the future.

Alas~ they are not fuel-efficient light bulbs. Sure enough, if the wife wants to think well, there are unavoidable difficulties!

"Come with me."

Even though the two of them had no objection, Qian Renxue couldn't be happy anyhow, she only felt that her chest was tight and painful and heavy.

Pulling Su Xian, Qian Renxue left the door on the right side of Douluo Hall and came to the side of the mountain.

There is also a palace here, deep and quiet. Although it looks clean and tidy, the dullness in the air seems to be uninhabited.

"This is where I used to live, let's stay here for a few days."

With that, Qian Renxue pushed open the gate of the palace.

Through the door, Su Xian could see the decoration inside, with a woman's pink hue, which looked a little cute and warm.

Dispersing the restrictions in the palace, Qian Renxue's golden soul power was immediately released, sweeping every corner, and the skylight opened on all sides.

In the blink of an eye, the seemingly dim palace became bright, and the oil lamps on all sides lit up, illuminating the palace completely.

"So you like pink things~"

After Qian Renxue entered the bedroom, Su Xian couldn't help laughing while watching the scene in front of him.

In the bedroom, the soft sleepers with fine pillows are all matched with pink, the goose curtains are romantic and cute, and there are plush toys on the bed, which seems to be a little bear from a distance.

Sure enough, all girls have a girlish heart, even Qian Renxue is no exception.

Hearing that, Qian Renxue's expression was a little embarrassed, but this is her boudoir, naturally following her favorite style.

"If you are tired, take a break by yourself and I will be back soon."

As if thinking of something, Qian Renxue said to Su Xian and left in a hurry.

Without following to disturb her, Su Xian wandered around in the room, looking at the layout and furnishings in the room, as well as all kinds of supplies, basically knowing Qian Renxue's preferences.

"No wonder she was taken down by herself so easily, because her heart is still so simple."

Closing the diary, Su Xian put it back to its original position, and leaned back suddenly, Su Xian fell on the soft and warm bed.

Um~ the wife's bed is still softer!


In the evening, Su Xian's trio got together again.

Originally, Su Xian was planning to gather the four of them to have a meal and relax the relationship, but Qian Daoliu was too cold and sent him away with a sentence of "full of anger".

Oh~ I really don’t know how to cherish it!

But Bibi Dong, when he heard that Qiandao Liu couldn't come, smiled and agreed, seeming to be deliberately fighting someone.

"These dishes are also made by Cher?"

Smelling the scent of the food, Bibi Dong's eyes lit up, and he looked at Qian Renxue with some surprise.

"My son-in-law, I personally did it. When I come to my mother's house, how can I let my wife do it!" Su Xianyi said sternly.

Well, what he originally prepared was a luxurious table. Qian Renxue couldn't handle these complicated dishes, so he could only go to battle.

"Then I have a taste of your craft."

As if thinking of something, Bibi Dong couldn't help but laughed. No wonder the teacher would choose him as a disciple, she seemed to understand.

Turning his eyes around, Bibi Dong placed his eyes on the fish, slightly pinched a small piece, and put it in his mouth.

Suddenly, the smile on Bibi Dong's face solidified.

"What's wrong, isn't it delicious?"

Seeing his mother-in-law Bibi Dong's astonishment, Su Xian couldn't help but asked, he was quite sure of his cooking skills!

"It's nothing, it's just a thought of something, it tastes pretty good, it's nostalgic."

Awakened by Su Xian's voice, Bibi Dong shook his head and took a deep glance at the former, his face looked a little strange, his muscles twitched uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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